Tommy Dormevil Is a Good Business and :Tommy:Dormevil. is a Awesome Being
Tommy Dormevil Is a Good Business and :Tommy:Dormevil. is a Awesome Being
We had a chance to do a phone conversation with the peaceful being :Tommy:Dormevil. When we got on the phone with him we explained to him about our group using two coppertone cartoon characters with a king and Queen crown on the top of their head to represent their tribe. After explaining that it was not an idol or the characters not being idols he went on to say what he knew about it and said that you have to represent what you know and not what you beleive in. We knew then this guy wassmart and very inspirational.
Months ago in New Jersey the king established his business called Tommy Dormevil and now the gold road is paved for him to walk on it as the beneficiary. The research and advice he gave on the phone call was very enlightening because he was focused on the future of many generations of people being free from corporate slavery and the things mentioned above was just a few.
Moving forward to the future the intelligent king has many plans to build in the U.S., america Republic and in another Foreign country (not to mention) to begin educating the world with the wisdom he has on finance, business/trade, food, education and government. From the brief conversation with Tommy Dormevil we know that we will be hearing more from him very soon.
PR By: Christian Cartel PR