Crypto Currency Coin by kingQueen in song called Come Through Chris Brown, H.E.R. & king Stevian
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Take Back Our Property Properly – Come Through – Chris Brown, king Stevian & H E R
BEHIND THE SCENES king Stevian promotes the new Token/Coin called the kingQueen on the H.E.R. track titled ” Come Through ” which features Chris Brown. On the song king Stevian tells the Empress that the reason him and her have been having problems is because they been trying to get their assets from the U.S. and once they get all their property back things will turn from bad to good. He goes in by speaking to the empress about spending the night and staying over til the sky turns blue (sundown to sun up) and after making love all night or handling their business (wink wink) he tells her that they will together go to their banks and liquidate all their U.S. Bank accounts (including the F.D.I.C. Insurance) and convert the fiat currency into the coin/token called kingQueen.
He goes on to say that when the private buy their coin it is a representation of him and her the Emperor and Empress becoming the Treasury for that nation of peoples. He mentions that the price or value of their coin which is backed by copper and silver shall go up based off of their high vibrations of love. From their love vibrations he says there will be no inflation making a jab at the U.S. dollar which currently causes inflation which is orchestrated by the Federal make the people of the U.S. live in poverty and keep running to their slave masters for a handout. After mentioning when the people leave the U.S. Dollar alone because they came to the kingQueen Coin/Token they will not have to work 9 to 5′s because they will be back on a barter/trade system trading the kingQueen coin.
The Emperor tells the Empress that messing with the U.S. Dollar was a waste of time and was a distraction to take us away from their inheritance. He mentions that when you bring it up that the Europeans will state that it’s all a conspiracy but shows proof by showing the W2 form being under tax class 5 which is for Estates and if you’re filing Estate Taxes then they are stating you are lost at sea which means you’re dead (dead enough for your assets to be used and stolen).
But the Emperor tells the nation how to come back to life with the live birth certificate being Apostilled and uses the metaphor of Christ being dead and then coming back to life as a new being. The point of the remix song is to tell people to stop fighting with one another, work together in love and become peaceful inhabitants of your own and to be able to own your own money, land, animals, homes and be able to operate in free trade.
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