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Does The Arch Of Titus And A Massive 11.11.18 Military Parade Reveal Who Really Controls Our Nation ?

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Does The Arch Of Titus And A Massive

11.11.18 Military Parade Reveal Who Really

Controls Our Nation ?


President Donald Trump, who revels in pageantry, first floated the idea of putting on a military parade after he witnessed France’s Bastille Day parade last summer. | Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

Trump directs Pentagon to schedule military parade for Veterans Day

By ELIANA JOHNSON      02/23/2018 01:55 PM EST

(Article can be read at:



( above graphic from : )



I think I found an interesting clue .. a finger print that may reveal the true energy/nature behind the Trump/Q op …….it can be found in Chapter 11 (interesting) of a book by Chad J. Schafer, titled  ” The World In The Bondage Of Egypt - Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus “.

I picked up the info from an interview of Chad Schafer in the video below. The nugget that I picked up can be heard @  56:30 – 1:12:30. (the big deal about 11.11.18 Parade / 100th anniversary of 11.11.1918 Armistice Day )  Is Nimrod rising ?

Now I don’t know who is in on this agenda knowingly or operating under the deception that covers this principality’s operation. Obviously there are some who know exactly where this is going and who they serve, then there are those who dutifully follow orders because they believe their leaders are on the right path. Unfortunately if the souce is bad news the course is going to be bad news.  If the research is correct, the souce of the guidance coming to Trump and the Q Team is not going to be very good for any of us. “Who pulls the strings? Q”  If the history of the information Chad Schafer has put together is truth then we are being led by the same spiritual forces / little “g” gods that opposed the Most High God’s people in earlier times. They are now being used to drive our nation and others to build Lucifer’s Empire so it can totally enslave the still scattered 10 Tribes of Israel.

Research this out for yourself and see how it settles in your spirit.

They give themselves away via their symbology (spl?) and numerology.

Out of the Storm rises ………?

This is a hard pill to swallow for Trump supporters.

Baada Boom !!

More Egyptian / Pharaohonic influence and control over our world :






( Chad Schafer’s interview begins about half way into the program )
8:30pm Chad Schaffer : “The World in the Bondage of Egypt – Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus” This is a great book which ties the old world empires and their power to the same power structure whiich is at work today.

The World In The Bondage Of Egypt -

Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus



          The world is full of ancient structures, monuments . . . buildings. Many of them, aesthetically speaking, though appealing to look at, mean little to the average person except in their beauty in terms of artistic appeal or function. For a large majority of architects who have been commissioned today buildings are made for functionality, and purpose of use to perform a task—be it housing for people stacked in cubicles or for constructing commercial buildings, some of which rise to the sky.

         Although many of these structures are tall,they utilize minute outward visual and artistic cues to separate them one from another. The term “Cookie Cutter” is an often and apt description of both warehouse districts and subdivisions. Cost and the economy are always a factor. The thought process in the construction of these buildings has an end-user in view; what are their needs from the building in terms of use and affordability? The building is a means to the goal and its function is more important than its fashion.

         There are types of buildings scattered throughout history that are given to more artistic or aesthetic value and incorporate more fashion in their design. These kinds are more often than not of the “religious” variety. Their function is to provide space for the simple and sole purpose of gathering for religious purposes; and, consequently, scoffed at by other designers bent on functionality. The “artistic” symbolism of these more aesthetic structures are seemingly more important to the “spiritual” purpose than to the functionality of the structure itself. These buildings are today, valued by people the world over, not because of their original religious purpose but for the art and sculptures that adorn them.

         There is another type of structure that exists and is rarely constructed in large scale today. The construction of these “buildings” has but one purpose: To tell a story and exhibit the power and authority of the one who commissioned its construction. Rarely are such structures today built in our modern world. A building that demands such time and expense to build for such “meaningful” purposes are deemed excessive in our modern, utilitarian culture. Building superior “purposed” buildings takes time and money. In the Western mindset anything that goes too far beyond functionality and into the realm of aesthetics is quickly deemed wasteful. Such buildings wholly committed to no other purpose other than to tell a story or commemorate some great fete to serve as a memorial. These edifices are rare and usually small in stature—given the fact that they are excessively ornate. There is one particular structure, however, that has escaped the normal constraints that would inhibit the building of such an ornate structure—it can be found the world over.

         This architectural form defies time. It has resisted cultural conformity. It has surmounted political organization: Monarchism, Democracies, Socialism—along with any other form of governance—this structure finds its way through them all! Its design has been replicated throughout the world—it seemingly knows no boundary. It integrates its timeless form and abides persistently changeless no matter the cultural or political environment. It refuses to confine its original purpose and demands its superlative expression be accorded special status among structures among all peoples advancing civilization. What these monuments have to say is pregnant with meaning. The depth of understanding associated with them, given by the public, are wholly different than what those who had originally commissioned them to be built had in mind. These monuments not only tell of history, but also tell the story of those who originally designed them. To the “simpleton” public these monuments are naught but quaint memorials. No—they are not what they appear to be!

        Those enlightened few who have worked on them throughout the ages knew and know today the profundity of their meaning; for they represent the hopes and aspirations of the future, both theirs and ours. These monuments are built on a national scale and are commissioned by governments on behalf of the “people” . . . so they say and so we are led to believe. Notwithstanding what appears normative, on the surface is in fact the old adage: Things aren’t always what they appear to be. As we trace these monument histories back to their origins we find a much more complicated and intriguing story than what we’ve been told. What is all the more amazing is that an original structure built nearly two thousand years ago was actually constructed whereby its symbolism bears an amazing prophetic alignment— yes, a prophetic alignment which is aligns Scripture to actual “earthly” fulfillment which have taken place among “Gentile World Power.”

       Alas! This particular type of structure has continued to replicate itself throughout the world with little differentiation from the original for over the past two thousand years . . . yet did this peculiar edifice escape our superficial understanding of its repetition! So very few within the West—where the so-called Judeo-Christian World abides (notwithstanding most of the West now lives within a post-Christian arena)—have ever heard of what we are discussing in this text. This fact alone speaks volumes. One would think that a construction erected, as a direct result of the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, commemorating such a fulfillment as great as this would be a fantastic tool in the hands of Christian apologists, right? Yes, these structures exist as a direct result of fulfilled prophecy—this claim is actually resident within the walls of Christendom. We have known of its existence since its pattern was originally constructed. However, you will find, although resident, so very few in the Christian community have ever written about it. Likewise, for that matter, very few today in Western Christianity have even “heard” of it; and, most certainly, have never come to terms with its profound prophetical significance.

       The original monument whereof we speak is none other than Rome’s Triumphal Arch of Titus. Therefore, this text will explore and take a fresh look at this most prophetic monument and its sterling role in fulfilling some of the most ancient prophecies of the Bible. This, and much more, will be explored.  Below is a condensed list of some of the more poignant questions which we must raise in determining this most amazing declaration given to us in artificial stone: 

  • Who built the Arch of Titus and why was it constructed?

  • How does it represent the fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

  • How is this monument connected to Egypt?

  • How is this monument connected to Jerusalem and the Temple?

  • What does the Arch of Titus have to do with “The Gospel?”

  • Does the Arch of Titus hold a key for understanding nearly 2,000 years of history?

  • Does the Arch of Titus hold a key for understanding future fulfillment of prophecy?



Finally, a work that places antiquity’s Triumphal Arches in the context of their origins and why this is not only history past but present. Furthermore, the context of these monuments are anything but naive displays of grandeur–they were erected to demonstrate the triumph of the victor over the conquered. What is most fascinating is the original Roman Arch of Triumph fully developed by General Titus to commemorate the Roman Empire’s victory over Judea and the commencement of the diaspora of the Jews circa 70 AD.





REVEALED: Armistice Day 2018 to ‘unite

all four Home Nations’


A MEMORIAL service to unite people across all four Home Nations is being planned to mark the centenary of Armistice Day next year.

PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sat, Nov 11, 2017 | UPDATED: 20:56, Sat, Nov 11, 2017

Crowds across the UK fall silent to mark Armistice Day




The Scottish Commemorations Panel is the driving force behind plans for the whole of the United Kingdom to mark 100 years since the end of the Second World War.

Chair Norman Drummond, a former Kirk minister to the Black Watch and the Parachute Regiment, has secured Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop’s agreement for the use of Glasgow Cathedral.

As well as increasing national unity, any UK-wide memorial would also deal a blow to the SNP Government’s bid to revive the case for a second independence referendum next autumn.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon shelved her plans after the party’s election hammering in June but pledged to bring them back before Holyrood once the termsa of Brexit deal are known.

According to the minutes from a recent meeting of the panel: “The Chair announced that the Cabinet Secretary had agreed that Glasgow Cathedral would be an appropriate venue for an event on the evening of Sunday 11 November 2018 and hopefully there will be an opportunity for a moment at which all of the UK’s four nations would act simultaneously.”

The plans have been drawn up together with the UK Advisory Group and would bring the commemorations “full circle back to where they had begun in August 2014″.

Further proposals from Brigadier David Allfrey and arts producer Hector Macpherson Brown would see a nationwide event involving young people to mark the landmark occasion.

Inspired by Sir Edward Grey’s famous remark that the ‘lamps are going out all over Europe’, it would be “built around the concept of moving into the light”. 

There have been relatively few UK-wide memorial events over the past three years, with the bulk of the programme north of the Border focusing on Scottish sacrifices.

One exception came on the centenary of the Battle of the Somme in July 2016, when thousands of volunteers dressed as Great War soldiers appeared in towns and cities across the UK.



A memorial service to unite people across all four Home Nations is being planned for next year

The centenary of the outbreak of the war in August 2014 was also nationwide and took place just a few weeks before the independence referendum.

David Cameron, Alex Salmond, Prince Charles and Commonwealth leaders attended a service at Glasgow Cathedral, although SNP backbencher Joan McAlpine criticised the “jingoistic celebrations”.

Last night, Scottish Conservative Glasgow MSP Annie Wells said: “This is a terrific suggestion that people across Glasgow, and indeed the whole UK, will welcome.

“The city of Glasgow more than played its part in both world wars, and is a perfect candidate to host this UK-wide commemoration.

“If elements of the SNP choose to use this as a political agitation tool – as they have done in the past – that will be deeply disappointing.”

Breathtaking colour photos show the moment WW1 ended

Fri, November 10, 2017

Photos depicting the agony and ecstasy of the end of First World War have been brought to life in colour for the first time to coincide with the 99th Armistice Day, as Britain remembers those who lost their lives in the conflict.

Play slideshow
Royston Leonard / mediadrumworld
1 of 10

Jubilant crowds in New York celebrating the allied forces’ victory


Last year, research by the British Future think tank found that most people agreed the centenary had brought people across Britain together.

Director Sunder Katwala said: “The centenary has had a powerful impact across the United Kingdom. People from Edinburgh to Exeter want to find out about the stories of people who went to war from their families, their towns and villages and how this was a war that affected us all.

“Its partly because the centenary has taken place across an era of political controversy – whether that is the debate about Scottish independence or Brexit – that there is a growing appetite to value these solemn moments that bring us all together, whatever our political views, faith or ethnic background, to remember the history we share.”

A spokeswoman for the Scottish Commemorations Panel confirmed the plans and said: “Planning is well underway collectively with the Welsh, Northern Irish and UK Commemorations Panels and further details will be issued when finalised.”

Meanwhile, Armistice Day services and ceremonies were held in towns and cities across Scotland yesterday.



Armistice Day services and ceremonies were held in towns and cities across Scotland yesterday

The firing of the Edinburgh Castle gun signalled the start of a two-minute silence in the capital, before the Rev Dr Karen K Campbell conducted the service in the Garden of Remembrance.

Veterans and serving members of the military attended an event at Glasgow Central station, with wreaths laid at the memorial to the 706 men of the Caledonian Railway who gave their lives in the Great War.

And Poppyscotland’s 10,000-strong team of volunteers across the country were hard at work collecting for the charity. 

Sìne Ward, Poppy Appeal Organiser East for Poppyscotland, said: “It has gone really well. There has been lots of public engagement, chat and stories. It has been sunny and busy, and everyone seems to be having a great time. We cannot thank our wonderful volunteers enough for all of their efforts today.”

Sunday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will join Edinburgh Lord Provost Frank Ross and other dignitaries for a ceremony at the Stone of Remembrance to mark Remembrance Sunday. 

More than 100 wreaths will be laid at the poignant service, organised by Legion Scotland at the City Chambers, to remember those who have fallen in conflicts. Sir Alistair Irwin, the President of Legion Scotland and Poppyscotland, will read Binyon’s Lines after the bugler has played the Last Post.


End of article.



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I may not agree with everything presented in this material , however I have probably found that there is sufficient valuable information to justify bringing it forward for you to sift through in order to expand your awareness and to trigger your desire to dig deeper to learn more about the subject matter presented. 

My posts are not meant to be polished works of art, they are more utilitarian, meant to be a gathering of data/info loosely pulled together to become a starting point for further investigation and research. Consider it more like semi-processed mined dirt, something still requiring further sifting to extract it’s wealth.

I present this material for informational, research and educational purposes only. It is not my intent to maliciously attack nor offend anybody (unless you are a Luciferian Swamp Dweller), so please develop a thicker skin, realize it is not my intent to insult, forgive me, shed it like water off a duck’s back and move on, a better person.   The material is presented for your edification, you filter as you see fit according to your perspective. May God’s blessings and wisdom be upon you.



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    Total 61 comments
    • Anonymous


      When you see all that we have done here it will blow your frickin’ mind.

      • Anonymous

        holy crap, Knarly..

        something BIG dropped.. right into our laps.

        i do believe we are now “nuclear” capable.. Peace through Strength or..

        total destruction..

        We have the power, and Q knows.



    • Anonymous


      Watch closely now. LOOK.

      this is important.

      Vault 7 (Q – R5)

      Det Sjunde Inseglet

      check, mate.

    • Anonymous

      What Is Vault 7 on WikiLeaks?
      Thursday, February 9, 2017 8:49

    • Anonymous

      Det Sjunde Inseglet
      JAN 11, 2018, 8:31 AM
      flip the hourglass.
      JAN 13, 2018, 8:55 PM

    • Anonymous

      How about a little background.. was quite a year. When did news of the problem with Sweden first arise??

      There was a Trump rally.. Florida.. “Last night in Sweden.”. haha.. Remember how Trump got slammed for that?
      maybe not.. but I do.

      I remember BEFORE that day….. and now perhaps others will UNDERSTAND>

      Det Sjunde Inseglet


      FEB 9, 2017, 11:53 AM Like Dislike Report SPAM 0Reply
      Why Swedish? Now you know.

      FEB 22, 2017, 11:31 AM Like Dislike Report SPAM 0Reply

      FEB 22, 2017, 12:02 PM

      So let’s check back to 2016…

      Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful – arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis

      This secret arms deal between Sweden and the Saudis [6] has also been exposed by the organization WikiLeaks. This occasioned the Swedish military react preposterously against the WikiLeaks founder, accusing Mr Assange and WikiLeaks on Swedish TV of “blackmailing Sweden”. [7]

      The secret arms deal was about the Swedes constructing a weapon factory in Saudi Arabia. The armaments would consist of “weapons of point”, which is also the type of weaponry used by ISIS forces against Syrian army’s armoured vehicles. [8] As these vehicles are of Russian fabrication, also gives NATO-prone Sweden an opportunity to test in combat their weaponry technique.

      When the deal was exposed, the Swedish prosecutors had to initiate an investigation, for as I pointed above, it was law-against. However, the prosecutors rapidly closed the investigation and in spite of the evidence the case was shutdown because “there was no reason to prosecute“. [9] Meanwhile, the phony, no-evidence case against the WikiLeaks founder Mr Julian Assange was tightened even more by the Swedish prosecutors; meaning, they ostracised the case to a complete abandonment for years.


      JAN 11, 2018, 8:31 AM
      JAN 11, 2018, 8:31 AM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :!:


        What a coincidence.. “There was a Trump rally.. Florida..”

        GREAT Rally tonight.

        A real “sign of the times”.

        • Knarlydawg

          Sign of the “PRESENT” ?

          • RAINSCRYPT

            Y’already know.

            haha.. the gift that keeps on giving.

            I’m in a Quandary though. I was really just getting started here with Realm 5. I can end it all in a heartbeat.

            To be or not to be…

            For now, I say Let it Be. But I have a few intriguing things to share. see you in the future.

            Knarly.. your article is really interesting. thanks for providing!

            I also want to thank Q.. been extremely worthwhile.. and that 1776 Paine reference…

            frickin’ BRILLIANT I tell you. Q deserves RESPECT for that one. No doubt about it.

            follow Q.. because it’s going to get VERY interesting. “trust” me. :wink:

            • Knarlydawg

              Use of upper case indication of superposition for that word ?

            • Knarlydawg

              Highest “relevant” meaning ?

            • RAINSCRYPT

              Upper case yes but i haven’t been consistent. I found that to be necessary. However, so that there is no con-fusion.

              Yes.. we will from here on out use upper case to indicate the need for a defining of terms.
              Knarly.. we, you and I, are now writing the “book” on Realm 5. A storybook. Fun!

              As I told you before, we have one helluva STORY to tell cuz All the World’s a Stage , you know.

              But that’s not ready for publication. If ever..? I don’t know. I treasure my privacy.

            • Anonymous


            • RAINSCRYPT

              HA HA!!!

              excellent point you make there,[ CAPS ]. Absolutely.

              “Somebody say sumthin’ these mthrfckrs can understand!”

              (Harry Haller, Treatise on the Steppenwolf… Magic theatre. Entrance nor for Everybody. For Madmen Only.)

              Calling all Madmen.

            • RAINSCRYPT

              PARDON me. shoulda said not not nor.


            • RAINSCRYPT

              Highest “relevant” meaning ?

              Think in terms of superposition.. all definitions must be considered. It is the future event/circumstance that may determine the relevant meaning. This is how Q has crafted “predictions”. Coincidence? NOTE: define jesuitism.
              This is also a lower riddle. The word itself in superposition, is a riddle. the future event/circumstance is the solution. This also works backwards in time. A word riddle possibly bears a yet to be discovered solution in the past. Think all directions, All dimensions.
              I must say here also that to keep up to speed with Q you also need to follow the Trump tweets.. Wikileaks.. etc..

              Speaking of which.. those familiar with Q know the pen-chant for numbers.. e.g. Q-17.
              Trump issued the funniest tweet i have ever seen.. today.. :

              Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!

              Ouch! haha..

            • RAINSCRYPT

              One last..

              “Error made” – Q Aug 01 2018 01:55:23

              Pardon that one. We ALL make mistakes.. error on the play..

              dust off.. resume play. So, while Q recalibrates..

              a good term to know: check, mate.

              really, I do mean check.. when time permits, info/event/circumstance… a request for confirmation. could be solid, might be wrong. Usually, it is correct but I like to be sure.
              That’s crucial to pursuing a Pattern. “don’t snap an ankle dodging all the rabbit holes..”
              Disinformation has crawled onto every thread in the Web.

              checkmate / flip the hourglass.. A reset. restart clock.. and the “game”.. something is ended, start again., but it’s still the same “game”. everything connects.

              Stay vigilant. Trust No One. Question Everything. Underestimate Nothing.

              Important: everything connects because everything connects. That’s how the World is structured. We’re witnessing a global attempt to restructure the PATTERN.

              A false pattern.. dubious connections.. it isn’t natural. it isn’t the Way.

              But.. back to Q… follow. Q has something to say. respect Q.

            • RAINSCRYPT

              Oh holy crap.. Q is up and running again. Pay Attention.

            • RAINSCRYPT

              “coordinated attacks”.. continuing. Q

              No doubt about it.

              Total information control is a dark endeavor and launching such a wide-scaled FRONT on Q is alarming.

              This should concern everyone. No matter what anyone’s opinion of Q may be, THIS is not to be ignored. “Somebody say sumthin these mthrfckrs can understand!”

              Shield up. incoming….. They’re targeting EVERYTHING

            • Anonymous


              Aug 01 2018 16:16:22
              What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?
              Threats/scare tactics deployed.
              Fear not.

              Aug 01 2018 15:50:19
              Did you notice the FOX NEWS coverage of ‘Qanon’ last night?
              Why isn’t FOX NEWS part of the MSM coordinated blitz attack?
              Logical thinking.

    • Anonymous

      Time to examine what took place within the alt media world relative to “information” given by Q. Q took everyone through the looking glass and then flipped the mirror.

      Tired of the game? The Deep State is leveling up and taking it’s game even higher now.. based upon.. what?

      tried and true manipulation of the masses through language tech, predictive linguistics, sentiment analysis… by way of Disnformation Ops and AI, IT. THE SWARM.

      JAN 13, 2018, 11:02 AM
      Swarm Intelligence. Social Engineering. Control Operative. equivocation/jesuitry AI IT

      “These entities harvest and collect data for a variety of reasons.”
      – The scope of which, is mind blowing. Anyone reading this would do well to check out Language Technology in all it’s manifestations. Mind blowing.
      Sentiment Analysis – there’s someone in your head but it’s not you. Someone will label you, target you, manipulate you and either further you or destroy you.
      Watch your “language”. Someone else is.

      Julian Assange 01/16/18

      The future of humanity is the struggle between humans that control machines and machines that control humans.

      While the internet has brought about a revolution in our ability to educate each other, the consequent democratic explosion has shaken existing establishments to their core. Burgeoning digital super states such as Google, Facebook and their Chinese equivalents, who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to reestablish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.

      While still in its infancy, the geometric nature of this trend is clear. The phenomenon differs from traditional attempts to shape culture and politics by operating at a scale, speed, and increasingly at a subtlety, that appears highly likely to eclipse human counter-measures.

      Learn to work the Chessboard. This is crucial for understanding:

      The matter of matters:
      Word and context, defined and refined.
      IS all that is thought what is known?
      True apprehension fears nothing.

      Note: Language/Vocabulary/Etymology/ Word Superposition


      Superposition is the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured.
      The quantum supercomputers of tomorrow * will process information as qubits — one, zero or a superposition of the two states.
      A qubit is a quantum bit, the counterpart in quantum computing to the binary digit or bit of classical computing. Just as a bit is the basic unit of information in a classical computer, a qubit is the basic unit of information in a quantum computer.
      Particles that have interacted at some point retain a type of connection and can be entangled with each other in pairs, in a process known as correlation…

      We are witnessing the rise of AI.

      Learn to think in terms of superposition – WORD SUPERPOSITION – multiple simultaneous definitions, meanings.

      Superposition is crucial to understanding.

    • Anonymous

      :arrow: MARCH

      Word and context defined and refined.

      True apprehension fears nothing.

    • Anonymous

      Follow Q… It is necessary to understand Language.

      Define Cast.


        Knarlydawg.. this one’s for you:


        Master of Architecture. Unabridged

        Jul 31 2018 01:13:20

        Jul 31 2018 01:14:44
        Track last.
        JA offline cause.

        Please check actual post. :razz: :wink:

    • Anonymous

      Q was invented to take your mind off of Fukushima which is actually an extinction level event with a total MSM blackout. Quite frankly I was shocked at the articles that I read concerning Fukushima radiation in our California wines. Anyone who can critically think anymore (not many of us, I know) realize that if this is true (which it is) then there is radiation in literally everything we are eating and drinking at this point in time.

      There is nothing on the planet that is as important as Fukushima. Q doesn’t even come close. And when Q is gone there will be something else because Fukyshima will still be spewing 400 tons of irradiated water every day.

      Maybe these Q like diversions serve a purpose for us because if the people of Earth were ever told the truth about Fukushima who the hell knows what would happen. In the meantime radiation is in your beer and in your vegetables. It’s in your scrambled eggs and your bacon too.

      But in the meantime as we are frying, we just may have another obtuse message from Q pop up that we can all sit around and try to figure out. :eek:

    • Anonymous

      Burgeoning digital super states such as Google, Facebook and their Chinese equivalents, who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to reestablish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.

      Julian Assange.

      ..moved to reestablish discourse control. Pay Attention.

      • Knarlydawg

        “Julian Assange.

        ..moved to reestablish discourse control. Pay Attention.” ………………….as in moved (location) ?

        • RAINSCRYPT

          as in leveled up. But yes you might recall what google put together over in China recently. Talk about leveling up. holy crap. I’ve got that thing docked somewhere.. I’ll see if i can locate it.

          What Julian Assange is saying here is that There is now movement to establish total control of all information.

          This puts humanity at great risk. Reality as we know it is changing..and with little notice.. meaning virtually undetected by the people.. and fast.




      Time to Quest.


      “nothing is random”

      Allow me to flesh that out a bit, cuz.. I’m the guy who WROTE THE “BOOK” on 4D chess.. and am now writing the book on REALM 5.
      This be a new stage.

      ok.. so anyway.. this is a guide to 4D patterns:

      1) (random)
      2) “coincidence”
      3) Pattern

      1) An isolated or single event/circumstance is characterized as being (random).. a term of convenience because there actually is No random. All is connected and ordered. No true chaos. Discovery of the order to things is the beginning of a Quest.

      2) When and where a “coincidence” occurs may indicate the rise of a synchronism. that then is notable.. something to consider. It could just very well be NOTHING. then again it might be SOMETHING. Time will tell.

      3) Pattern is established. Three indicates continuity of a synchronism. Past, Present, Future are now demonstrably connected and not necessarily linear. Pattern usually extends in multiple directions, through all dimensions.

      Thanks for the time and space. Welcome to REALM 5.

      JUL 30, 2018, 6:45 AM


      GOT GRAIL?



      Get that, and the light switch flips. :idea:



        • Anonymous


          3) Pattern is established.

          ..and it’s a brilliant one.

          Past, PRESENT, Future.

          Quite a gift. No doubt about it.

          • Knarlydawg

            PAST + PRESENT = FUTURE




            “THEY” are engineering and constructing the “PLAN, WRITTEN PLAN (the Bible), to create “THEIR” interpretation of the WRITTEN PLAN to produce “THEIR” FUTURE under the guidance of their Master of Architecture, their Great Architect …… Lucifer ?

            ……………… the PRESENT is flexible/manipulable ?

          • Knarlydawg

            “THEY” are now using Quantum Physics and Mechanics to construct “THEIR” FUTURE ?

            Written and spoken words (patterned frequencies) + people (“social” media), little “c” creators of spoken word patterned frequencies are building our future via what they speak ?

            Humans are listening to and following the wrong Architect !

            • Knarlydawg

              “Humans are listening to and following the wrong Architect !”

              Correction : Some/most Humans are listening to and following the wrong Architect !

            • RAINSCRYPT

              flip the light SWITCH :idea:


      American Crisis – Thomas Paine – published 1776–1783


      “There are certain circumstances, which, at the time of their happening, are a kind of riddles, and as every riddle is to be followed by its answer, so those kind of circumstances will be followed by their events, and those events are always the true solution…”
      Thomas Paine
      7:22 AM – 19 Feb 2018

      • Anonymous

        THIS from Q, IS BRILLIANT.


        “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
        -John Adams
        Jul 31 2018 19:06:03

        CHECK, mate.. the photo is stellar. The (JA) Quote…


        Thanks for the time and space.

        • RAINSCRYPT

          Eyes on: 300-350mm
          Tracking: 52-58mm
          You didn’t think ‘common sense’ was simply a coincidence did you?
          Think email.
          Think #1776.
          But how did we know an article was going to be dropped later that night?
          Brilliant! wha’d i say… RESPECT. follow Q.

    • Anonymous

      Clarification was necessary.

      “Didn’t you know manuscripts don’t burn?”

      Onward. All things possible.

      Back to the Drive.


      • Anonymous

        Jul 31 2018 16:35:39

        what a coincidence. So close.

      • Anonymous

        JUL 31, 2018, 1:36 PM
        4:36 PM EST

        Jul 31 2018 16:35:39
        4:35:39 PM EST

        Back to the Drive.. Here comes the RAIN.

        True apprehension fears nothing.

    • Anonymous

      Back to the Drive.. Here comes the RAIN.

      True apprehension fears nothing.


      2) When and where a “coincidence” occurs may indicate the rise of a synchronism. that then is notable.. something to consider. It could just very well be NOTHING. then again it might be SOMETHING. Time will tell.

      True apprehension fears nothing.

      my word is golden. PEACE.



      1 1 2 2 0 1 8

      Game Theory.

      Q looks like a locked circle. Q looks like a key.

      The matter of matters:
      Word and context, defined and refined.
      IS all that is thought what is known?
      True apprehension fears nothing.

      Do you follow? That’s the TWIST. or is it True? Follow Q.

      Q has something to say.

      • Anonymous


        bear in mind..

        All of this is an inquiry into the essence of the phenomena. Nothing is off the table.

        The inherent problem: a paradox. This seems inescapable now because it can be shown, “proven” that it’s all a psyop. It can also be shown, “proven” that it is not. it seems to me now that virtually any argument either for or against Q, can easily be countered and proven incorrect with evidence/proof. This presents a larger problem.. If a lie can be proven to be truth yet still be a lie, what does that say about proof? What IS proof?
        Do you see now how insidious it can all become? It can shatter our capacity to discern what is real and what is not. All becomes illusory. Nothing can be trusted then because proof itself has lost its meaning.

        I see a lot of unsettling weirdness taking place.

        It concerns me and causes me to question… everything. “Trust” is losing its meaning. If you claim to trust, what do you mean by that, exactly? Much is fast becoming meaningless.

        Why is this so? This isn’t natural. This was built.

    • Anonymous

      Define Fear.


      No Fear.


    • Anonymous


      What did Rev. FRANKLIN GRAHAM tell The President at the Inauguration?


      No matter.

      here comes the RAIN.

      Follow Q. Q has something to do… don’t we ALL?

    • Anonymous

      Cue the Cat


      everything has meaning.

      level this one UP.

      • Anonymous

        Cued Up. AUG 1, 2018, 2:16 PM (5:16 EST)

        Aug 01 2018 17:29:43 (5:29 PM EST)

        What a coincidence.
        Fishing is fun!


        define Cast :wink:

    • Anonymous

      “The glitter, the glamour

      The way we made it look

      And then we learned to use it like a hook..”

      Back to the Drive. Suzi Q

      All Rise.

    • Anonymous


      “follow Q.. because it’s going to get VERY interesting. “trust” me. :wink:

      We need to talk.

      • Knarlydawg

        By what means ?

        • Anonymous

          Here.. then, There.

          Knarlydawg.. for future consideration: would you be open to carving out a space in the BIN where You and I can meet for discussion?

          Would be nice to have a home for that.

          Not yet.. soon.

          Meanwhile.. here’s a bit of scrypt: Guess where I’ll be 8/17. Think Keystone State of Mind.

          Why? That’s where the Keystone is.

          • Anonymous

            let’s get more specific now. Time is precious.. no need to search.


            nice… and just upstream..

            the Crypt of Fallinwater


            • Anonymous

              pardon.. (g)

              The Crypt of Fallingwater.


              because HERE is just a state of mind.

            • Anonymous


              What a coincidence. for real.

              Must be a realm thing. haha.

          • Knarlydawg

            Lots of green where dem thar bares run, and da mill do run 2 ?

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