Jesus - A Nation gone MAD on Sin
As with Salvation: it has to come before we cast off our physical bodies in death.. So with this correction: it has to come before the war which will be nuclear, before the famine, before the dictatorship of the Antichrist to bring in Satan’s NWO and his One World Religion. Make no mistake about it, the Antichrist is the “man of sin”… He uses the sinful energy that we give to him to raise himself up into a Christ-like authority.
Jesus was tempted by Satan during his 40 days in the wilderness, to accept a high pinnacle in this world, then a high mountain top (Matthew 4:1-11), and he refused.. For no one is high or low in the Spiritual World, the world of our livingness and its everlasting Fountain of Energy or of Peace.. The Source which never runs dry as long as we stay connected to IT.. seeing it within ourselves, within others and within every creature of the creation, whether mineral, vegetable, animal or fellow human. They are ALL FELLOWS to one who has downed the ‘ego’ or separated self. As Jesus said: “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).
Are we individually strong enough, to first have conserved the creative, the outgoing sexual, energy within ourselves, to recognise the need for change, and then battle the demon spirit – the one who upholds the ‘ego’ mind – the mental one (as O.M Aivanhov terms it) to realize our decision?
We rely upon that energy, through prayer, through meditation (without necessarily having the psychic vision), through mindfulness, and through just being the “just”, as Mary so often terms it. Not looking for reward in this world or in the next, but just doing right because it is right to do so. We are surrounded by the energy of God in our wholeness or holiness, but when we are in sin (separation mode) we just don’t see it.
March 2019
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Tragedy comes…who can we blame? We stagger around confused, bewildered. With the sun at our back we grope around in darkness, attempting to make sense of seemingly senseless acts of brutality and violence. We cry for change, demanding answers…who can we blame?
As with Adam…the woman whom YOU gave to me, she gave me from the tree and I ate. so too with Eve…the serpent deceived me, and I ate. (Genesis 3) so too with America. Covering your eyes, groping in the darkness you refuse to see what lies before you. In search of a scapegoat, you cover your ears to drown out the sound of sin and suffering in a nation gone mad. Refusing to acknowledge the rumblings of discontent, unrest, dissatisfaction, refusing to recognize your part in the disaster being played out before you, you stumble through life in rebellion and self-righteousness; pointing fingers, clinching fists, rejecting Truth, and wondering who can I blame? …‘My people have been taken captive, because they know not the LORD; and there has been a multitude of dead bodies because of hunger and of thirst for water. (Isaiah 5:13)’ Who can I blame? Look in the mirror.
The words I speak says the LORD, are life to the hearer and healing to their hearts and minds. None dare come who continue to idolize self and the ways of the world. Come in humility, come with a heart of shame for the sins that separate. Come boldly in repentance and love. I will receive all who come in My Name. Others will be cast aside.
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
O.M. Aivanhov: “What is asked of you, and from now on more and more, is not to saturate your mental with external knowledge but to Vibrate and live, in an Interior way, the Vibrations that you receive on Earth.”
Sept. 25th, 2010
msg: 110
In other words, we integrate that Vibrating energy – receive it, mesh it with what we are – and then we become transmitters of that energy in everything that we do.