Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter - All Lives have Value/Meaning)
Hello gang, I will be referring to 2 upcoming ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast show episodes, but sadly there still seems to be some issues here on BeforeItsNews and only able these days to embed one. I have interviewed both Kevin McGary and Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters organization (who know the History of USA, Leftists murder of Blacks then and still now, Margaret Sanger (creator of THE NEGRO PROJECT to exterminate Blacks and why she founded Planned Parenthood (which still today kills disproportionally more Black Children), etc., and are eager to try AWAKEN THOSE WHO FALL FOR SO MANY MODERN LIES… I will embed BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video of the Recording with Kevin (likely to air on CTP in October 2024 everywhere podcasts are found) and I will then have to just LINK to the one with Neil for you to please also view. And, lastly, as I hate folks that just put a Video here on B4IN which is a written-word platform, I will be cutting/pasting an older related article down thread… IT IS IMPORTANT to watch BOTH VIDEOS (even though, again, I can only embed one to view within this article and the other you’ll have to click on the link to access the Video) as BOTH Kevin and Neil cover VERY DIFFERENT POINTS and FACTS with very little overlap/repeat!
CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video
CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video
please view at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdYTqT-4iVg
ChrisitiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast episode drop date still TBD
Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters
What follows, so I can give this written piece SOME SUBSTANCE (in writing) beyond the Video BTS/SP Videos is from a few years ago…. Images get stripped after 1 year by B4IN as they move pieces to ARCHIVES…. So…. before the actual cut/paste of that past piece I will include some related images…
ChrisitiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast episode drop date still TBD
Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters
My discussion with NEIL MAMMEN is at:
ChrisitiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast episode drop date still TBD
Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters
ChrisitiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast episode drop date still TBD
Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters
CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video
ChrisitiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast episode drop date still TBD
Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters
view that at/via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdYTqT-4iVg
Below is a RELATED PIECE from a few years ago, to help give this piece some SUBSTANCE beyond the Videos references – B4IN stripes images after 1 years so the piece below will be missing the following, and more, images – which will then of course no longer be visible here after 1 year time, stripped for Archive Server space savings…
Is it RACIST for a White Man to Carry a Sign Referring to “Colored People” at a “naaCP” (emphasis “CP”) Event (Made for Him by a Black Woman)?
originally from Monday, November 18, 2019 23:31 here on B4IN
[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
http://terrorstrikes.info / http://terrorstrikes.info/synopsis / http://terrorstrikes.info/about-the-book
Despite the main topic subject-matter: This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign (terror strikes) and domestic(Liberals supporting slaughter of unborn)) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (14th Amendment to Constitution).
PLUS how Christianity is under assault by not just GIJIAS but THE US LEFT also]
Is it RACIST for a White Man to Carry a Sign Referring to “Colored People” at a “NAACP” Event (Made for Him by a Black Woman)?!?!?
Please note: This Article was originally Published on Monday May 06 2019 01:17 (link: /african-american-news/2019/05/is-it-racist-for-a-white-man-to-carry-a-sign-referring-to-colored-people-at-a-naacp-event-made-for-him-by-a-black-woman-2463478.html) in B4IN “African American News” Section but due to a Server Error is no longer accessible (or,, at least at time of this re-release, we are working on getting the original restored back to the B4IN site) and is being recreated here. Also note: B4IN Archives Articles after one-year and images are no longer visible after that time and sadly some very important visual context is lost by their absence.
I hope the Title intrigued you enough to click on this Story. There is so much that needs to be said, but a Title can be only so long to try and sum up the basic topic and point of an Article to try and lure you in to Read. Well, let me waste no time and go NO further without introducing you to the SIGN IN QUESTION…..
[update/notice: This is now an ARCHIVED article, so all related images have been stripped and therefore potentially some much needed context and/or related thoughts that were conveyed by the image(s) missing (something B4IN does to articles after 1 year of age to save space on Archive Server)]
[image above: Sign saying "National Association for the Abortion of Colored People" referring to NAACP's financial support of Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood
also see related: /african-american-news/2021/10/love-thru-actual-deeds-not-virtuesignaling-fakewoke-empty-rhetoric-psychologicalprojection-slogans-2467099.html]
Dec 12, 2020 update - this story was/is discussed against a greater/other concept/context -- twisting of language: WAAM "Moment Of Clarity" (Sat's 2p) Show (AUDIO 45m): https://www.dropbox.com/s/xm3n0zqvz5hllck/WAAM-MOC-LibsTwistLanguageShow-DefinitionOfIsIsAgain-Dec12Show.mp3?dl=0 (MOC, WAAM Sat's 2p, Listen Live: tinyurl.com/WAAM1600Live or MOC Archives: tinyurl.com/MOCArchives)
Is it #RACIST for a #White Man to carry a sign referring to “COLORED PEOPLE” at a “#NAACP” (the Natl Assoc for the Adv of “COLORED PEOPLE,” their name) Event (made for him by a #Black #Woman)?!?!?
Now, let me also go NO FURTHER than to introduce you to the #Black #Woman who created that sign, that I then as a #White #Man was holding….
[image above: Black Woman holding signs saying "National Association for the Abortion of Colored People" and "Planned Parenthood: STOP the War on Black Babies and their Mothers"]
OK, NOW it is important to back up a Bit and explain the Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
The #NAACP (and let us point out that that is NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of COLORED PEOPLE – we did NOT label them COLORED PEOPLE they themselves are the one that Titled their own Group and insisted, therefore, that that is what they be called) was hosting a FREEDOM DINNER at COBO HALL in Downtown Detroit. The #NAACP supports PLANNED PARENTHOOD (#PPFA), helps Fund them, it is THEIR DECLARED POSITION. #PPFA Aborts more #Black Babies than #White, #Hispanic, and #Asian, unborn #Children COMBINED! That is a FACT, not open for Debate.
So, we, about 80 of us strong, Blacks (oh, sorry, COLORED PEOPLE, as the #NAACP who labeled themselves that would therefore obviously prefer we call them), Whites, Hispanics, etc… all gathered to Protest the #NAACP’s position of supporting the SLAUGHTER OF BLACK (opps, there I go again, I mean COLORED PEOPLE) CHILDREN!
Now picture ME (below) with that sign! ME, a WHITE PERSON, who is out Protesting #BlackGenocide. Protesting the SLAUGHTER of BLACK CHILDREN.
[image above: Me (White Man) holding sign saying "National Association for the Abortion of Colored People" in front of Local (Detroit) WDIV News 4 Truck as they and the 3 other News Crews refused to acknowledge the protest even after we spoke with the NEWS4 crew. The Lib #ENEMEdia Stations there had ZERO INTEREST in interviewing us and getting "our Side" of things and instead only peddling the NAACP ProBlackBabySlaughter position.]
Obviously, the BLACK WOMAN that created that sign, that I was holding, and there was another Black Woman who was holding an identical sign (sorry, didn’t get her picture) was out there also. Yet, I’m sure you may have guessed by now by the Title of this piece, ANOTHER BLACK WOMAN PASSING BY IN A CAR ROLLED DOWN HER WINDOW AND CALL ME #RACIST!! If I am practicing #RACISM for holding this Sign, then I wonder if she also insisted in calling the Black Woman holding the exact same sign UNCLE TOM?!?!?
Seriously, let me back track, I am protesting THE KILLING OF BLACKS BY BLACKS but somehow I am RACIST in doing so. Let us use some “#LOGIC” (our Brains and not knee-jerk Liberalism Feelings for a moment). IF I were (a White Supremacist) Racist I would be inside supporting the #NAACP and their position of SLAUGHTERING BLACK CHILDREN – would that NOT make more sense?!?!? Instead, I am trying to PREVENT THE DEATH OF BLACKS!!
FURTHER, yes, it goes further, and bet you could see this coming too…. A WHITE LIBERAL said it is OFFENSIVE for me to call them COLORED PEOPLE!!! She literally said to me: “‘THEY’ don’t like to be called ‘that’” (that, of course, being “Colored People”)! Again, let’s back up for the WHITE LIBERALS (and, we’re not fooling anyone here, no LIBERALS have Read this far) the #NAACP Group LABELED THEMSELVES COLORED PEOPLE. I did NOT call them that, they insisted, by calling/titling their own Group that, insisted that is what they wanted to be referred to as! How is it even remotely DEBATABLE that that is the case. And, again, backtracking, it was a BLACK WOMAN that created this Sign (and, it makes perfect sense to use the NAACP acronym, again that they created, against them to point out their own HYPOCRISY of NOT protecting all Blacks (er…. “Colored People”))! This is the kind of ILL-LOGICAL thinking, and that is being kind because clearly they are acting #EMOTIONALLY and NOT actually using #REASONEDTHOUGHT and/or #LOGIC! White Liberals are SO CONDITIONED to have what is actually THE RACIST NOTION that I cannot have an opinion on either the topic of Blacks killing Blacks (because I’m White) or #ABORTION (correction: KILLING BABIES, because I’m #MALE)!
Bottom line is, those #LIBERALS (regardless of #White, #Black, any shade in between) know they can not engage me, us, on the merits on the topic of KILLING CHILDREN and have to instead go to the usual KneeJerk reaction that because I am a White Man protesting a Black (#NAACP) Event – I MUST BE #RACIST!
Here are a couple more signs, in retrospect, not knowing I was going to do this Article I would have got a lot more images, especially of the 2 dozen Black (oops, I did it again, sorry. COLORED PEOPLE) that were out their with signs protesting the #NAACP’s support of #BlackGenocide (opps, sorry, I guess I should refer to them as UNCLE TOM’s since they are supporting White folks protesting the Killing of Black Children)! It is a SHAME that I should have known that I would have to play the SHOUT #RACIST Liberal Game and, again, should have gotten more pictures of the great, wonderful, like-minded, BLACKS, I am proud to consider kindred-spirits, and so PROUD to be out their Marching (yes, for the CIVIL-RIGHTS of UNBORN BLACK PEOPLE) with!
[image above: Woman holding signs saying "Civilized People do NOT tolerate Slavery or Abortion" and "Every Life Matters"]
[image above: Friend (Bruce Fleury) holding sign saying "Abortion is the #1 Killer of Black Americans" in front of Local (Detroit) WDIV News 4 Truck as they and the 3 other News Crews refused to acknowledge the protest even after we spoke with the NEWS4 crew]
Now, can you believe, I said all that, to finally get to the ACTUAL POINT OF OUR PROTEST. SUPPORTING THE UNBORN (Black, White, every shade of HUMAN in between)….
#Pregnancy is NOT a #Disease! It is therefore NOTHING like removing #Cancer! It is NOT #HealthCare. #Abortion is #Murder!
A #Child in the #Womb is NOT a #Mother’s Body part, it is its own #Life within the Mother (see image below)!
SEE RELATED ARTICLE: The Shaky Ground of RoeVWade (No it did not, and even #RuthBaderGinsberg has stated Publicly) DID NOT establish RIGHT TO ABORTION): /v3/the-law/2018/2457918.html
[image above quoting: "It has its own DNA. Child has its own Genetic Code. Child has its own Blood-type. Child has its own functioning Brain, its own functioning kidneys, its own functioning lungs, its own Dreams. It's NOT the Woman's Body. It's IN the Woman's Body. That's NOT the same." Matt Chandler]
RGB at Chicago Law admitted that RVW Ruling based upon a TWISTING of PRIVACY STATUTES did not establish RIGHT OF ABORTION (and RGB lamented such) but LOWER ACTIVIST COURTS did (but as RGB knew, stated, WOULD BE OVER-TURNED BY SCOTUS EVENTUALLY – hence the Dobbs decision).
THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY. THANK YOU FOR READING. IF YOU “GET IT” (and if you got this far down the Article, betting “YOU DO”) PLEASE SHARE this Article with anyone/everyone you know!
I sent out the following #TWEET to promote this Article (if you’re on #Twitter, maybe you could too?)!
Is it #RACIST for #White Man to carry a sign referring to “COLORED PEOPLE” at a “#NAACP” Event (made for him by a #Black #Woman)?!?!? /v3/african-american-news/2019/2463478.html
with apologies in advance, if you prefer term #AfricanAmerican
#Race #Racism #RaceBaiting #NameCalling #Abortion #ProLife
Alot of really stupid people don’t get it, even when #Hillary (& so many other #Commiecrats, incl #Biden) PRAISE #MargaretSanger (call her #Mentor)!
Recommended Reading:
see: https://www.amazon.com/Negro-Project-Diabolical-Duplicitous-Disastrous/dp/1480918628
#BlackTwitter #BlackGenocide #BlackHistory
*Bruce is the other guy with a sign by the NEWS4 truck like my picture was/is
(note: #B4IN Archives Articles after 1 year and images get stripped to save space on their Archive Servers, so depending on when you view this that image may be gone)
TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
[I now have 5 Internationally available books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN]
Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —
I have joined the American Hartford IRA Gold group, you should too,
and I even am now an official spokesperson – why?
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:
SEE RELATED ARTICLE: The very Deep Roots of Liberal/Democrat RACISM…. /v3/republican/2018/2444921.html
Again, Thank you for viewing this far!!!
I Pledge Allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America (and Oath to it’s Constitution) and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. One Nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL (BORN AND UNBORN)!
TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —
Another related article from over on TheLibertyBeacon (since the RVW farce was determined on PRIVACY and even RBG at Chicago Law admitted DID NOT CREATE RIGHT OF ABORTION (RBG wanted the Ruling to go further knowing full well then that ABORTION would be over-turned eventually by SCOTUS if/when actually Ruled on merits of KILLING A CHILD) that was through lower Liberal Activists Courts, until fully/really heard by SCOTUS again which yielded the DOBBS DECISION under the 10th Amendment as The US Constitution IS SILENT on the issue (though, the 14th Amendment is not, they ignored that) and returned it to States!
Also related as Bible original text is THOU SHALT NOT MURDER INNOCENTS (you know, like Black (or White, or polka-dotted) Babies in the Womb)..
I could post related images all day long (like Ida who did on a Train what Rosa gets so much credit for DECADES later, refusing to give up seat to Racist demoKKKrats, where are Ida’s Statues?) but sadly all the ones I posted above will DISAPPEAR in 1 year as B4IN will move this piece to ARCHIVES and strips images to save space
Indeed, AGAIN, I keep getting ISSUES when doing updates even though this has only one video embed — each time I try to add an update MORE ORIGINAL TEXT or IMAGES disappear so sadly there will not be able to be any more updates!
(2019 flashback) LMFAO… #Democrats now OUTRAGED by delay of putting #HarrietTubman on $20Bill (removing horrible #Democrat #POTUS #AndrewJackson, #SlaveOwner, perpetrator of #TrailOfTears) for #GOP (Party that ended #Slavery) hero #Tubman….
For all the #Dems whining about this the discussion began way back around 2000!
Please, these DUMBoKKKrats (lacking any Historical knowledge) are NOT defending #Republican (#GOP, #Abolitionist Party) #Hero #Tubman on a Bill for any reason other than #TrumpDerangementSyndrome convenience!
And once #HarrietTubman is on the $20, they’ll all try and pretend she was a #DEMOCRAT! Just as (and you see this rewriting of #History in Dinesh’s #HillarysAmerica docudrama) they try to peddle the notion #AbrahamLincoln (1st #Republican #POTUS) was a #DUMBocrat!
You can bet that Harriet won’t be recognized in Hillary’s new Book: GUTSY WOMEN (coming soon, no – not a joke)!
The Left is DESPERATE to rewrite their #RACIST (and actually still ongoing) #HISTORY!
Oh, meant to put the following in the article but forgot
but, again, cannot make updates w/o fear other parts may VANISH
so will have to suffice to put here in the comments
also includes discussion of HARRIET (Republican, helped Slaves escape South via Underground Railroad, Abolitionist, AMREICAN HERO, Black Woman) movie (that was GREAT)
Other recent items here on B4IN by ME (author of this piece) Every Black Life Matters
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Micro vs Macro
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Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!?
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Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination….
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Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
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Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too…
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SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution….
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Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now…
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Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner…
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Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be..
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These interviews were originally going to wait until OCT and the other JAN, but I felt too important to not release the BTS/SP Videos NOW!
SNEAK PEEK at upcoming/planned CTP Regular episodes…. SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from September 7th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
CTP S2EOctSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Tue Oct 8 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/ )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EOctSpecial2) All Life Matters w/ Kevin McGary
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
CTP adheres to ALL LIVES MATTER and Every Life Has Value/Meaning (whether we see it now or not, will matter in some way at times (Life has Ups and Downs))… Joining today is Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters organization which is NOT a replacement for or diminishment of AllLivesMatter but a (matter too/also) statement but indeed a definite rebuke of #BlackLyingMarxists / #BurnLootMurder (that engaged/engages in Anti-Americanism, Marxism, and Theft/Fraud (alleged, but sure IMO) of Donations/Funds entrusted to them to Help others but seemingly (having funneled funds to buying Mansions for themselves or “The BLM” which Helps only the Leaders not those in need and IMO out-for and) only interested the Leaders at top of such. Kevin, Neil, others, of/in/at EBLM are ProUSA, ProLife (ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER, including Unborn that Planned Slaughterhood was formed by Margaret Sanger to Murder), etc (Recorded in Sept. 2024, also Recorded in Sept.2024 will be another follow-up episode slated for Jan. 2025) … Please look for a related S2EOctSpecial3 episode (planned to Record Tue. Oct. 8th, barring unforeseen circumstances and therefore will be) dropping Thu. Oct. 10th w/ Koshy of EBLM about his run-in…