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A Comics Life - Need To Keep A Sense-Of-Humor

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A Comics Life – Need To Keep A Sense-Of-Humor…

Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi B4IN CHEAT (JLenardDetroit) article, taking a bit of a short-cut. Show dropping officially tomorrow AM (Wed. Jun. 26, 2024) that I spoke with Sadia Carone (Professional Vegas Comedian) - therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use a FREE online Transcription Service (you get what you pay for, right?) therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good, I know well as a former IT guy that I am, but not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…

CTP (S1EJunSpecial4, 20240626) Sadia Carone (Professional Comedian) “Need For Humor” BTS/SP Video Recorded Feb. 2024 (32m 56s)


CTP S1EJunSpecial4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Jun 26 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJunSpecial4) “A Comic’s Life (need to keep a sense-of-humor in these serious times)” with Sadia Carone     
Recorded February 2024: “A Comic’s Life (need to keep a sense-of-humor in these serious times)” with Sadia Carone
Transcript Bonus: Need To Keep A Sense-Of-Humor ( piece)    

Episode related pieces…  
- No related corresponding TLB piece this Sat. Jun 29th for this Show/episode (will be corresponding Jun 29 “Speculations and What Ifs” piece for CTP S1E54 Show) 
- Sadia’s album:  
- Sadia on IG:  
- This Show BTS/SP Video:  
- Chantal Landreville’s book: –  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:  
- CTP Official Coffee: (promocode: JOSEL20)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  
( /  
(S1EJunSpecial4 Audio: 32m 37s, Wed Jun 26 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch  
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs 
July 6 – S2E55: In The News  
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts  
July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future  
July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?  

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…   
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon  

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 

IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP connect via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example):

Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.


Transcription Services below from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):  hello everybody constitutionalist politics another still experimental phase special show drop where I have discussions with friends and sometimes complete strangers here’s a friend I wish she was a stranger or I guess people would just say she is strange those of you who know I’m wearing my shirt if you see the video behind the scenes for my terror strikes coming soon to a city near you book there is a comic relief chapter to make the very point no matter how serious things in life yet we need to keep us sent to humor so I thought I’d have a professional comedian come on I couldn’t get one soul we got Sadia of course that’s just a fun loving jab at my friend she is a professional comedian that’s why we’re having her on today to talk about the need to keep a sense of humor and first let me give you her name and I’m going to again lovingly jab and call her I call her Sadia car one because that’s that’s how her name is spelled C A R O N E so please address what your last name is really pronounceated as to our audience

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   yes so when I spell it for people you’re absolutely right I say C A R like a car and then O N E like the number one but we pronounce it Corona the beer Corona virus

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   Corona virus yes I didn’t go there I didn’t want to go there - you went there

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   listen for some reason the sound wasn’t coming through my headphones so I’m in a quiet place I hope that let me sit here and just you know talk to you I had to get off the street because it was too noisy so my headphones weren’t working we’re gonna pick up all the background noise okay

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   well let’s explain for those listening on audio only or reading in the transcript people seeing you in the video see you moving around we’re kind of doing this we scheduled but Sadia has a gig to go to now so we’re kind of doing this while she’s in transit to her gig where’s your gig tonight well okay the big news is

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   that I got booked again at Jimmy Kimmel’s that’s later this month I was supposed to be there this weekend but something happened with the Super Bowl so like the whole club got rented out and my show got canceled well the show I was booked on so I’m going to be just messing with the video here I’m going to be at wise guys tonight I got booked they do like this invited mic thing and I got invited so I just put an headphones away from server useless and I’ll have time to get there I just didn’t know where to be exactly like try to find a quiet place where I can talk to you and still get to the gig on time blah blah blah blah blah you know Pacific Coast problems it’s 4pm yeah right right did you have dinner yet no I barely had lunch

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   all right yeah we’ve talked about this before I personally am not a big Jimmy Kimmel fan but that has nothing to do with his buildings his his showcase cinemas right certainly wouldn’t want to stop anyone from going to a Saudi a coron show at Jimmy Kimmel’s what what is it called me club it’s on the

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   strip so we have this ferris wheel thing called the link L.I.N.Q. and the club is amazing the people are great I’m really really excited it will be my second time on the 11 30 at night show and my big news is I’m gonna be in one of the 7 30 p.m. shows so more of my responsible friends can come see me yeah and to let

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   people know you’ve hinted at it you’re in Vegas oh yes sorry about that yes I

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   made a joke about Pacific Coast and its Pacific time and it is freezing out here I wore my special Hello Kitty shirt for you but it’s like I’m literally outside

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   and it’s cool yeah hey I’ve been to Vegas in the winter and yeah people don’t understand if they’ve never been there the desert can get pretty darn cold especially at night I mean it’s still nice usually during the day like we had 15 days of clouds here I was threatening to come visit you to get some Sun if just for a day you know 60 degrees in Sun and Vegas is still better than 30 degrees in cloudy in Detroit right some vitamin D go eat

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   some salmon if you can eat fish you need vitamin D when you’re not getting any

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   Sun I have a Sun lamp in my living room so that helps to some degree but yeah I still get that sad seasonal affective disorder you know but you mentioned COVID yeah post Wuhan I mean with people just giving out people are grumpy and aggravated and earnery and if we needed humor you know but anytime like we do now I don’t know when there’s the time when you concur right well laughter is

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   the best medicine I mean the inflation is insane I remember in 2020 stocking up because I thought you know we would run out of food and toilet paper and stuff and the cliff bars that I bought were 99 cents so 10 for 10 bucks basically now they’re two dollars each that is a 100% increase in four years and you know that’s just one example that comes combined so people are on edge I do not want a Biden Trump rematch in 2024 I’m like over the love of God like just something different I would vote for a rock probably over to them again I’m like come on America we can do better you know we’ve got border issues we’ve got Ukraine issues we’ve got Midista like the whole world is just upside down so if you can laugh about it you might not get you know self-harming or or homicidal or you know whatever acting out people tend to do yeah I’m gonna do

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   the dreaded what no comedian ever wants to hear okay funny person tell us a joke but I’m gonna give you time to think of you know dig up something from maybe an old routine a couple a short bit but while you’re thinking of that I’ll give one of my jokes from my terror strikes book Shakespeare Shakespeare joke you’ve heard this before to be or not to be is truly the question because if it’s to be I got Bingo oh thank you for still laughing at that even though you knew the joke so no it’s late okay okay funny lady now you’re on give us something well I do have a

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   joke in my back pocket it’s a dad joke that I actually heard at work so whenever anybody’s like hey funny lady make me laugh here’s what I say what’s

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   brown and sticky I don’t know what a stick oh right yeah there’s definitely a dad joke right but it’s not it’s like what’s black and white and red all over the news and to just also to let people know this is a Christian show but Sadiya works I wouldn’t say blue she’s not a vulgar swear but one of her she does some comedy songs one of hers is called Dick’s Dick’s Dick’s and you know don’t be uptight don’t be upset I mean we need to be able to laugh about sex and things like that her Dick’s Dick’s Dick’s song if you want to look it up after the show it is really funny I give you a lot of credit it’s a lot of fun you know it’s a great tongue-in-cheek kind of thing so it’s you know it yeah it’s you know it’s not as they would say blue or dark or it’s certainly not filthy

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   it’s 21 plus though I want to make it clear I wouldn’t want kids listening to this now what makes the song so funny is I explain to people it’s not only fans the lyrics are literally Dick’s Dick’s there’s lots of different dicks some are short some are thick some are teeny tiny don’t get whiny and it ends with no matter what Dick God gave to you listen up men you have hands in the mouth just

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   use them too so it’s huge right it’s meant to be fun you’re a comedian right it’s like my heart it right exactly exactly and again seriously the need for humor and not taking ourselves especially seriously like I was in February I talked with Chantal Londerville about a Valentine special her book I’m forgetting the title now but sorry Chantal I’ll put it in the show notes of this episode too though but yeah I mean we joked back and forth through that whole episode too because again no matter how serious things are we we’ve got to keep a sense of humor now when we spoke months and months ago I know you’ve got my books yes I especially want to bring up how to write a book and get it published hence tips and techniques because I gave you a title I want to see a Saudi car one book called a comics life have you put any other additional serious thought into doing a book you know I did start at one point

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   writing a book about my life because people have said to me Saudi stuff happens to you that just doesn’t happen to other people like the comedy kind of chose me right and so I started keeping a journal slash book and it got to be 1200 pages and I was like holy crap Don Quixote isn’t even isn’t this big I don’t think so I tried to quit and then I got back to it so I guess I’m still writing it and I didn’t call it a comics life but I like that title a lot better

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   yeah an unofficial somewhat fictional memoir or something right right because you’re not a Kardashian so you can’t write a memoir per se there wouldn’t be enough people interested in it yeah you’re not famous enough yet right that way yeah but I have faith that you will be a one day you know one day you’ll maybe Kimmel will bring you up to his show even though nobody watches it and you know you’ll get some value of that maybe you can make I would love for Craig Ferguson to come back and do a late night show you know what maybe you could get on gut film then you would be the big name hit we know you all could be you know Jamie Lissau and and Joe DeVito and Tom Shaloo and all them are on there all the time that would be great exposure for me yeah and again here another joke with a serious point since this is Christitutional politics and I have Christitutional politics to going to come out I am expecting June 1st 2024 in there I’m gonna have a chapter of quotes so I’m actually gonna quote myself because I came up with the other day this kind of tongue-in-cheek quote line but in all seriousness with some of this pathetic idiotic leadership we have these days it goes a real leader has read the art of war by Sun Tzu right which is not just about war unfractionally most our leaders have read the art of stupid by Sunburn

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   Sunburn you like that one I like that a lot you can laugh you change your perspective you know laughter kind of lifts us up to another dimension where we can just breathe and then we come back down and the problems never seem so bad if you can laugh at them no matter how stupid or how big they are I tell people just keep your corner clean I can’t go down to the border and fix that problem I can’t go to the mitties to fix that problem what I can do is try to be a good sane sober moral person try to help put a smile on the face of the people I come across good morning good afternoon if a girl has a cute pair of shoes I tell her you know I can’t really say stuff to the guys they tend to think I’m hitting on them but there’s a million ways that I can take the little corner that I’m in and try to make it better and that’s all I can do exactly right

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   take our corner of the planet and try to make it a better place and you know like in terror strikes I again go back to comedy with no matter how serious and I’ve said my philosophy in life for decades has been so I had my character say things could always be better but they could often be worse but you with just a smile or a joke even a lame pun like I am a lame pun specialist like let me give my other joke from the book right guy walks into a bar and says to the bartender I need a coke with a viagra in it the bartender looks at him kind of sideways and he says I need a really stiff drink I mean it’s an obvious joke once you’ve heard it but I write that in 2006 I’ve heard an occasional comedian do a Viagra joke now but nobody did it when I came up with that one back when so there’s you know sexual innuendo and that and there too but again it’s still fairly clean but yeah 21 and up still I guess we’re we’re talking but I don’t know where I want to go with this next I have an on my note to talk about the weather but we kind of already did that and I see you put your put your hood up because I could see the wind blowing your hair you’ve got a

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   windshield there going it’s a little chilly now yesterday we had what for us was a torrential rain I was disappointed to see it was only a third of an inch but it was a third of an inch over a very wide area so we did have some flooding as always it’s always the same hotel that floods the link the parking lot just floods because the ground is so dry it doesn’t absorb the water we get a lot of flash floods and things so it rained a little bit kind of like a Seattle rain just a slow annoying rain for hours and hours I thought we got like three feet of rain that’s what it felt like nope one third of an inch

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   yeah no that’s I mean and you have had drought out there I mean what I’ve seen of the pictures still of Lake Mead and Hoover Dam that water level is still way way down you’ve got a long way to go to recover and people would think well it’s dry out there it’s sand you’d think it want to absorb it all but no really it’s packed it’s like raining on cement it doesn’t go in yeah there are

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   YouTube videos and science videos that show slightly damp ground I guess it expands or there it’s more aerated or there’s more air or something can hold more water whereas the desert land the water just like straight on the surface and that’s how you get the flash floods because the water has nowhere to

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   go and so it just piles up but again I mean with as dry as it’s been it’s good

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   that you got some rain any rain is good rain I prefer it would rain once I’m already inside for the day I haven’t quite figured out how to communicate that to mother nature I don’t like getting caught in the rain I don’t think any of us do but yes the rain is a good thing we get Sun here about 362 days out of 365 which begs the question why aren’t there solar panels on every square inch of this town I thought some signs that said there’s like a small patch of New Mexico that could power the entire country if we put solar panels there like some of the answers to things are so obvious but we’re not doing it well I

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   disagree with I agree with the issue of solo solar panels on the micro level I think it’s intelligent anyone who wants to put them on their garage in their house the casino roofs indeed should be lined with them to help generate power and the problem is the battery space that it takes to store it when it isn’t signing and or to keep the electrical flow smooth but yeah solar is great on the micro level I dumb on the macro level has these batteries I mean they’re

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   about the size of a vacuum cleaner and one or two of them in your house and you’ll have guaranteed power for 72 maybe 48 hours so I don’t know what batteries you’re talking about but for home use they’re really not that big you just slap it up on the wall in the garage and it doesn’t take up that much space and one of them will be enough to power you through the night until the

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   sun comes back up yeah well that’s again technology is finally giving to where although you shouldn’t go but I know someone I was talking to who does have solar panels and you know battery technology is still somewhat if iffy they have fire hazard so they want he couldn’t charge his batteries above 75 percent just to be safe until he got them replaced and then even still they don’t recommend charging above 90 just to be safe because lithium ions of course have ex I’ve got a battery right sitting over here on the table that I had to pull out of my home phone because indeed it was expanding you know you can’t batteries when you like your laptop it’s not good and I’m a former IT guy and I never really knew this never thought about it but again it’s the more modern technology batteries that we have because I’ve had several phone batteries go bad and they say don’t keep it on your charger all the time try it to 95% and stop you could go you could go to a hundred on occasion but don’t plug it in and leave it sit there overnight right right very bad that’s like with my laptop that I’m talking to you with on now I don’t even have a battery in it anymore I just keep it plugged in and if the power goes out oh well I lose power there’s no battery in it right it’s not really a laptop anymore

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   is it it’s become a desktop non-mobile computer yeah yeah I could I do have a

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   battery I could put it back in but yeah I had the same thing with the the keyboard was Boeing because I was keeping it plugged into often and again being a former IT guy I should have known that but I did without due respect back when

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   you were doing your cobalt and Fortran they didn’t have that she ain’t lying

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   that’s not a joke really hard to feed in the first computer the first IT job I had working with the mainframe indeed was a very uniVac 6040 with the punch cards yeah so yeah I remember all that very well so not only are we providing comedy we’re providing great public service announcement don’t overcharge your equipment you their fire hazards now I have a couple more public service

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   announcements if you don’t mind I recently had a health situation and had two surgeries and I just want the public to be aware look at how much sugar is in the food that you’re eating I was eating my organic apple cinnamon oatmeal and then I would have a vanilla soy yogurt then I would have a healthy soda and I would have an organic peanut butter cup holy crap that’s 75 grams of sugar healthy and quotes you thought right to look at the sugar and now I’m doing plain oatmeal and I make it savory you can put garlic on oatmeal as long as it’s it’s plain right in Scotland I think oatmeal is kind of like rice like you can use it it doesn’t have to be sweet you can make it with garlic and ginger and stuff I look at every label now and if it has more than 10 grams of sugar I’m not gonna touch it my body feels so much better but I got deluded into thinking oh this is a healthy brand they’re not gonna let me down like even without the 27 grams of sugar in the soda that’s still 50 grams of sugar on stuff that I thought was healthy like they just add the sugar in there’s no reason it literally says added sugar like fruit has sugar you know rice breaks down into sugar but they just keep throwing sugar everywhere everywhere so I know to look out for the sodium I know to look out for the fat I know to look out for the trans fat but please for one or two days look at the sugar in everything you eat so you can make better informed choices yeah no that’s a

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   good public service announcement indeed I’ve heard that from several health care provider type people indeed a lot of these things just because it says organic or healthy though they’re advertising slogan things right right

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   which is also very good but they can still put a crap ton of sugar in it okay but you’re super unhealthy like there’s no reason to put 16 grams of sugar in my yogurt now I got to buy the plain yogurt and I’ll put fruit in it or maybe some jam but that probably has a ton of added sugar so I’ve really made a big change in my life and I feel better you know I didn’t really gain weight from all that sugar but it’s not healthy it we’re not meant to process that much stuff so my health scare has passed the doctor said I was borderline pre-diabetic I was like what are you talking about I’m healthy and she was like I the blood sugar doesn’t lie and then the sugar in my food didn’t lie either so I’ve made pretty much a 180 where I might have had 75 grams of sugar in one day now it’s probably closer to 20 and that’s a big difference yeah

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   if you really want organic you need to be running your own farm yeah yeah but

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   sugar makes stuff taste good sugar sells that’s exactly yes people are like hmm so just consumers beware read the labels look at the sugars there’s no reason to have 27 grams of sugar in a freaking soda it’s not a coke I’m like oh I’m drinking this mata tea I’m so healthy no no it’s not so there are some very low sugar there’s I think it’s called Ollie pop with two grams of sugar some of them at five grams of sugar but two grams I mean you shouldn’t drink a hundred of them but you know two grams is pretty okay yeah I can live with it yeah

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   exactly I mean they they load up the sugars because again for the taste value they load up the salts also to keep the sugar and the salt for the taste and do

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   keep you eating and buying yeah or of it yeah yeah so big big left turn for me or right turn or 180 degree turn for me I can’t be an autopilot anymore when it comes to my food and I’m just looking at the added sugars you know I’m not diabetic I’m not pretty diabetic I know that there’s issues with like oh but the rice breaks down to sugar I don’t care about that right now I’m just talking about added white sugar in my food that I didn’t know was there and it

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   was starting to almost give me some problems yep yep oh well who would expect though now the funny ladies turned out to be a bummer hey you’re dragging us down here now what what with this serious shit lady

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   all right I love that to be close

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   comics are human sorry to inform you what you mean anyway these specials are usually short I this I’m still in my first season so if I do hour hour and a half heaven for big three hour shows I don’t expect a whole lot of people are gonna surf in to a new show you know they’ve never heard but you know 20 30 minutes a new show I can give that a shot it’s only 30 minutes right you’re interesting oh thank you I preach I checked in the mail yeah but your first season you gotta keep them kind of short and concise to be a teaser to get people to be willing to listen to those first few shows and then as you grow they’re interested in an hour long show or whatever yeah exactly break a leg my friend I’ll talk to you later take care God bless awesome thank you for working

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):   with me and being patient you know the headphones not working I wish you every success you’re very interesting person it was delightful to be here

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   bye 

SADIA CARONE (Comedian):  bye bye 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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Transcription Services above from:


BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: “The Need To Keep A Sense Of Humor” TheLibertyBeacon site piece  [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

The Need to Keep a Sense-Of-Humor…

December 24, 2022 This article was posted by TLB Staff Analysis, COMMENTARY, Humor/Satire, MEDIA, Spotlight 2
The Need to Keep a Sense-Of-Humor…

    INTRO: This is going to be an odd piece from me, all about that while sh** it so serious these days – we need to still maintain a sense-of-humor… By way of my sharing my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You book’s “Comic Relief” chapter. Yes, that’s right, even in my book about Terrorism, I take the time for a “Comic Relief” (9th) chapter to make such a point. As well as many other important sub-theme messages there-in. Like I say, despite the title and main-theme: it is NOT about Death, but of Life and Living!!





By: Joseph M. Lenard

Marten wondered just how much comic relief would be the right balance to contain within his book as people needed some humor in their lives regardless of how serious all the things going on around them were. Would any humor be appropriate at all? What else might be right or wrong for inclusion?

Terse language proved to be a useful tool in weeding out some of the intolerant. Cursing tended to bring out the intolerance of the supposed religious types who claim to be most loving and by extension claim to be tolerant; Judging biblically as we are called to do but not condemning – when properly applying Matthew 7 “judge not lest ye be judged” does not end there but goes on to read: “for with what judgement you judge, you will be judged,” as well as the other dozen or more “Judge” scriptures that adding additional clarification and context. We are called to judge biblically, and with compassion, and by same standards; not be a hypocrite – and to Vote biblically.

Mind you, using Christ’s name in vain is far different than just using some four-letter words that over time had become defined as profane but are far from an affront to God that Christian biblical tenets refer. Many who have no problem with four-letter words that cause no physical harm often approve of truly hate-filled commentaries meant to wound. It’s strange how those who tolerate loose verbal jabs tend to be the ones who hold in disdain those who’s thoughts and actions betray bigotry and hate. In contrast the supposed enlightened thinking of a clean talking, deemed as “higher class,” individuals who wouldn’t think of using a “foul” word, based on their narrow-minded definitions, are the ones who allow themselves to be immediately defensive and incapable of conducting an argument because they become so hung up and flustered over so-called objectionable terms.

Marten certainly used foul language from time to time, albeit rarely and usually when stubbing his toe. The verbal ranting and curse words seemed to help distract from the pain signals. Maybe it didn’t really help, but it certainly didn’t hurt anything. He tried to avoid what he discerned as a complete breakdown in the English language and turn to course words merely to shock. Certainly, he knew a few kids back in his school days whose every other word was a curse. They clearly sought attention, but it had the opposite effect. They often were the most isolated and missed out on many potential friendships.

Course utterances, in Marten’s mind, at times, were just another way to emphasize certain things. He wondered what the prudes shouted out when stubbing their toe in the privacy of their own home. The language of many modern musical groups, and individuals, is a source of division between the youthful audience and their elders who tried to maintain what they viewed as a sense of decency. Sex sells, as the saying goes, but so too can foul language when it comes to both comedy and music. The “Explicit Lyrics” label on many musical releases attract a rebellious youth.

Today, foul language, in Marten’s mind, is just a minor concern among the many troubles of modern-day society, a very low priority on the list of things to be upset about. Yet so many people still get so enraged over loose language that does no real physical harm and turn a blind eye to much more egregious offenses so prevalent in modern day life. Marten knew as long as people would allow themselves to get bent out of shape over slang terms and crude talk, there would always be another group of people willing to use that fact as a tool of dissention, pitting youth against elders and classes against each other – a complete warped sense of priorities of minor annoyances versus things that actually matter to peoples’ lives and livelihoods.

More important, Marten had come to incorporate into his life another widely accepted psychological phenomena: the use of humor as a tool to regulate pain and manage depression, perceived or real negative events in one’s life, and the like. “Funny,” rather than “foul.” Science had indeed proven true the adage that laughter is one of the best medicines. Feeling good, being happy is closely coupled with the brain’s chemical composition. Happiness is a self-perpetuating notion. Laughter releases certain chemical reactions that allow us to feel good. Induced laughter through joking releases these chemicals.

American comedian physician Hunter “Patch” Adams discovered that laughter helped the sick heal faster. Whether it be solely the chemical releases or temporarily distracting oneself from the illness or both was hardly relevant, it just was clear that laughter worked. A scientific study could never really fully quantify the theorem, but it is now widely accepted as true. It is not a case of Schrödinger Cat (the hypothetical cat that may be considered both alive and dead at the same time as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur). You cannot treat the same patient just with medicine and just with humor at the same time. You cannot clone a patient, at least not yet, to conduct such a true legitimate comparison on the same subject under both conditions.

Laughter, conversely, could just as easily hide uncontrollable suffering from others. Thus was the case of a friend from Marten’s high school years. While attending Cass Tech in Detroit, a fellow classmate and friend had hung himself in his home. He had been the class clown, and everyone had missed the intolerable pain and misery he had been experiencing.

It was from this life lesson that Marten learned that it was equally important to be able to cry. While laughter performs its function in the healing of pains of the human condition, the ability to relieve some stresses can only be overcome through tears. The tear ducts allow for the release of far more than just salty water droplets.

The comedian Robin Williams once said: “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” They use humor to make others feel good and at the same time help the depressed clown feel a bit better too, if only for a moment.

Statistics show that almost once an hour every day a veteran commits suicide. Far more than veterans, of course, suffer suicidal thoughts though. Depression and suicide know no politics, and it may be far closer to home than anyone may want to believe for one’s own personal positive mental state.

Marten wrote on that too. He remembered in December 2018 a local Detroit meteorologist took her own life following a battle with pain and depression of complications after Lasik-eye surgery. He jumped back to the Internet browser and printed out his article on that. Some aspects of that article might benefit the survivors of terrorist attacks who were feeling the pain, anguish, and guilt from having lived.

He gathered the printout from the printer and again with yellow highlighter in hand set to begin another mark-up session. He began analyzing the piece:

    Depression and Suicide KNOW NO POLITICS and it may be far Closer to Home than you Think/Know (Originally published June 2018, updated Dec 2018 following the suicide of local celeb, Fox 2 News Detroit Meteorologist Jessica Starr. Transferred to Before It’s News in 2019).

    Wow! Two high profile suicides (Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain) in just a couple days’ time, but 22 veterans commit suicide daily (google: “Project 22”).

    My thoughts and prayers go out to their families. Obviously, each person dealing with anxiety and/or depression and those with suicidal thoughts will obviously be different, especially our veterans who are suffering from PTSD. What may seem minor events to you are major catastrophes in their mind and may lead to such a dark place that suicide is the only option. IT IS NOT!

    Someone I know told of a failed suicide attempt: “It was almost surreal, like I wasn’t even in control of myself as I took one pill (the regular nightly dose) and then, just took another, then several, then a handful. I have no idea how much time passed before I awoke in the hospital. And, still, 12 years on, I struggle daily with those thoughts.” He tries to now use his pain for good, to share with others, let them know they are not alone and that they should reach out for help.

    This is something that can afflict male or female, young or old, rich or poor. I hope that Spade and Bourdain rest in peace and their families can find peace in some way going forward. Hope you will join me in sending them your thoughts and prayers, and, if you don’t mind, please include my friend that they all can find God’s comfort and strength. I’d appreciate it.

    Now would be a good time to reach out to all your family and friends and remind them how much you love them and how much you appreciate them being around! You are not likely to know that someone in your circle is feeling this way. Again, let me share a quote from my friend: “I can’t speak statistically but only from my own circumstances/ feelings. Those who are depressed are likely to also feel that they cannot reach out to you as though you will not understand or may be dismissive or think less of them. They MAY reach out to a stranger/ professional, which is why it is important for Suicide Prevention Hotline to advertise on TV and radio.”

    It is important to note and understand that even the most outgoing person may have these thoughts. Some are very good at hiding it most of the time. Look at how many comedians have committed suicide.

Marten paused, thought for a moment, and then grabbed his pen. He scribbled in the margin: add Robin Williams to that list since the original writing of this article, and the self-destructive lifestyle, as evidenced by so many other comedians that passed at a young age, of the others who attempt to shorten their lives without actually going through with direct suicide. He picked the highlighter back up and … read on:

    Often people use humor to either deflect from their pain or in a desperate attempt to make themselves feel happy by making others laugh, at least to stave off some of the dark thoughts for some time. Again, this was something my friend has conveyed: “I know first-hand as I use humor as a coping mechanism and the times, I can make others laugh I can be Happy in that moment.”

    My friend also confided: “I do not know if sharing this will do any good, but something deep inside me felt it important to do so in the hopes that it could/ may potentially help even one person! I was, still am, ashamed and therefore uncertain about talking to people about it, but I feel it important. If there is even the chance I can help even one other person, then it is the right thing to do.” Which is then why I share this with you!

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    Call 1-800-273-8255

    What you must recognize or need to impart on someone else that may be feeling suicidal – EVERY LIFE HAS VALUE. If it is YOU having suicidal thoughts, or you know someone having them, share all this with them. Don’t let them DISMISS YOU, as they are likely to do, with the EXCUSE that you can’t know what it is like and what they are going through. Don’t let them believe the LIES and DARK THOUGHTS that nobody cares and nobody loves them. It is not true.

NOTE: Skipping ahead in the chapter, further down the blog read…

    Again, every life has meaning and value, and the influence and impact each person has may not be easily recognized or easily measured. They are important and have cumulative effects – DRAMATIC NONE-THE-

    LESS AND FACTUAL! Do NOT let the negative thoughts ROB YOU OF THAT UNDERSTANDING and the positive impacts you cumulatively have on society! I don’t wish to over-dramatize, but at the same time DO NOT UNDERPLAY the impact that small thoughts shared with others may play. That is simple words shared with another and then another may lead to a dramatic impact for someone else, that might SAVE PEOPLES LIVES (without going into any speculative conjecture on what they may do/accomplish in Life – that you indirectly played an important role/part in – that would NOT occur without you/them)!

    It does not matter if the PAIN is physical, emotional, or both, you must try to be as understanding as possible and offer whatever help you can even if it is to ADMIT you may not heal them, but that you will be a sympathetic ear anytime they wish to have a chat and more importantly that you’ll be willing to try and help them find others to aid in the healing they need.

    It is one thing to lose someone at a young age to a slowly consuming disease. We can fight that, though we may ultimately lose that battle, but at least we may buy some time (even if brief moments) to help deal with that inevitableness. However, the sudden loss of someone without warning is something you likely are NEVER be able to process and get over. Constantly having to LIVE with the questions: Why didn’t we notice? Is there anything we could have or should have done? YOU are NOT doing those around you a favor – just like those demons in your Head may be trying to convince you!

    Back to Veterans again, reach out: 24/7 VA line 855-948-2311

Marten swapped writing instruments again and began comparing his previous notes with what he just read. He made more notes onto the backs of the pages.

Pressures that build up within the fragile human psyche can only be glossed over by humor to a certain degree. Trying to hide from one’s feelings can exacerbate a host of already existing physical ailments and can result in a host of stress related disorders of its own. Eventually the lamenting must be dealt with on its own terms, and true healing can only occur when the hurting is alleviated through the shedding of tears and the release of other therapeutic chemicals of the neurological system.

Shock, denial, anger, and in time, eventual acceptance, is defined as the traditional stages in the path of recovery following the death of a loved one. However, these phases are the natural order for more than the loss of life; they hold true, to a lesser degree, in the loss of material possessions as well or the dissolution of a relationship (especially a marriage even when the relationship is not one’s own but the separation of parents. That wreaks havoc on anyone’s sensibilities). Also, people go through shock, denial, anger, and eventual acceptance when experiencing massive destruction (a fire, flood, or other disaster) or when victims of crime or so many other trials in life that people just do not expect. These sudden events for which people are unprepared are hard to process and put within context of life, living, and dying; the natural order of everyday life; especially the stressors and tension of modern-living.

NOTE: Skipping ahead in the chapter…

The distance between a laugh and a good cry, is not a great expanse. Have you ever laughed so hard you began to cry? Conversely, tears can lead to giddiness. It can become present when acceptance is achieved, and we finally adapt. The merriment can often only come if we realize how overly self-important we allowed ourselves to be fooled into.

Humor, for Marten, became a double-edged sword. Indeed, he used it as a deflection at times he feels down. If we don’t laugh, we’d be crying as the saying goes. Sometimes we just react; other times we choose how we respond to any given situation.

Marten recalled a visit to his favorite local pizza place near his home, to pick up a pizza on the way home for that night’s dinner; giving the family’s traditional cook, Hope, a night off. Three young ladies wandered in, two of the three had wild-colored hair and the third was a traditional seemingly natural brunette. Marten’s lame sense-of-humor, and desire to never let a “bad-pun” opportunity to pass, immediately took over him. Marten strolled over to their table, and hoping they had good sense of humor; or can appreciate a dose of levity with all the seriousness going on around us all; proceeded to tease them. He complimented the two with the bright red locs and then turned to the third and proclaimed, “you must be the boring one!” Thankfully, they chuckled. He let them know he was very happy that they took his comments in the spirit they were intended, all in good fun. His name was called, and as he left, he imparted them with one last thought: “remember, things could always be better, but they could often be worse!”

He smiled the entire way home. He felt he had indeed made these young ladies’ day a bit brighter; without a clue whether they needed the uplifting or not.

NOTE: Again skipping ahead in the chapter, this time to the end…

So, yes, humor is important. Faithful words of encouragement too. His book would be a multiple-front mission. He was called to write this book and would give glory to God in it. He would be a Christian messenger but not an overbearing one so-as to not have someone tune-out from the message having been too aggressive.

… Next up is “Madrid Spain” chapter, part of the historical aspects of my “Historical Fiction” (as I call it: FACTion) book.

And, yes, to also continue the point about needing to keep a sense-of-humor there are a couple of other #JoeOriginal Jokes (as I call them) in another chapter. Hope you’ll consider buying a copy for yourself or for those last-minute gifts you need for others following Christmas.

VIDEO (4m 50s): The politics of Comedy these days (as told by the folks at The Babylon Bee) …

The “Comic Relief” chapter was potentially targeted for elimination and just some of its points relocated to other chapters. However, it did not land up being cut or trimmed, it appears in full in the final publication, including tribute to Jessica Star, Robin Williams, and others (RIP).

See also:

Every day 22 Veterans take their own Lives (but far more than Vets suffer Suicidal thoughts)

WAAM-MOC-Suicide and WAAM-MOC-TeenSuicide (audio presentations)

Also, in the serious end to the chapter, we are called to act, not to just speak out: For #USA #Christian faithful – 2Chronicles7:14 more important than ever in/for #Election2020

And (part 2) Q: Are we doomed? NO, 2Chronicles714 says to Pray, but we have FREE WILL and must also take actions as a Citizen under Romans…

Want even more sneak-peek? Check out the Terror Strikes site Quotes page.

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: “The Need To Keep A Sense Of Humor” TheLibertyBeacon site piece  [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]


Transcription Services above from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)




LOOK BACK and SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (planned going forward from May 11th – July 27th) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…

  • May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence 
  • May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring 
  • May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were) 
  • June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State 
  • June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropped]
  • June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats 
  • June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
  • June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs 
  • July 6 – S2E55: In The News  
  • July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts  
  • July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future  
  • July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?  [previously shared on BeforeItsNews]



JLD B4IN pieces:   
JLD TLB pieces:   
Joseph M Lenard books:   

How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html

Going further back….

A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…

Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).


Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]











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