Life, Kids, Animation, Cartoons, Books, Sports, with Devon Taylor....
Originally posted under B4IN SPORTS Category…. cross-posted here for the Primary FAMILY and CHILDREN content…
Life, Kids, Animation, Cartoons, Books, Sports, with Devon Taylor….
Devon Taylor – Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS…. The episode will not Officially drop/release for some time, but since we talk about some Sport controversy that just happened yesterday (Sun. Nov. 3rd) I figured I’d release the BTS/SP Video NOW to cover that – but, yes, I mention there-in we were Recording (for future use) on Mon. Nov. 4th to give it CONTEXT when folks will hear it in future or would make no sense to them what we were/are Talking about at that one-point there-in. We, rather I, go on about Detroit Lions and LA Rams games here-in…
This piece, rather that Video that will be embedded here-in, or via the written (albeit, not perfect translation) Transcript… Want to Share great discussion with Devon Taylor (Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS)…. That is why this is here on B4IN under Sports, though instead it could be under Books, Entertainment, Family, etc. B4IN Categories…
Yes, and apologies in advance, as if you’re a regular reader of me here on B4IN you know I have “issues” with folks that just use B4IN as a DUMPING GROUND for them to just cut/paste a Video and pretend it “an Article” like B4IN is for/about (the written word) since inception….
AT ANY RATE…. I do from time-to-time make an Exception to my own disdain for those folks that do that and do a bit of a CHEAT myself and this will be one of those times…. HOWEVER, unlike those others; that just create a DRIVE-BY POT-SHOT posting of only their Video they hope you were CLICK-BAITED by their Headline into surfing into; I at least provide TRANSCRIPT of the Video (or CTP Show episode) for those who indeed only interested in READING ARTICLES on B4IN (I used to write for/at RedState, but you can see me too over on TheLibertyBeacon) for you/them to be able to Read instead of only option (those other DARN CHEATERS offer) to click the Video embed feed. AND NOW THIS IS THIRD TIME IN ONE DAY (today Mon. Nov. 4th) doing this – as all 3 BTS/SP Videos have some IMMEDIATE RELEVANCE as well as when it Officially airs sometime next year (presumably before NFL Season is over, or will really confuse some, LOL).
One last aside, then we’ll get to it… I try to make things USABLE to/for the widest potential Audience – my CTP Show offers BTS/SP Video versions (BitChute, Brighteon, just recently started drops on/with DailyMotion (just recently joined there, so BTS/SP Videos of/for CTP only since Mid-October 2024), Rumble (ALL my Videos; including the (mostly older) one’s (further down the catalog, going back many, many, many, years, that YouCENSOR no longer has in order to be able to “keep my Channel” there), YouCENSOR… err… YouSUCK… err…. also YouTube, and “occasionally” some Episode snippets (Video form) on/at Vimeo) to go along with my Audio versions (across 20+ Podcast Platforms); though this one a VIDEO ONLY/EXCLUSIVE BTS/SneakPeek (yes, will appear the other places, later, had a discussion with DailyMotion by email (see CENSORSHIP piece for more on that) and therefore them as ”Official” CTP Show early SneakPeak version of BehindTheScenes released of this S2ENovSpecial1 there before other Platforms will get as BTS/SP)… I know, and talk about, INDIVIDUALISM (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities or Collectivism as a whole), and that means some will prefer things in Writing, some in Audio, some Video. I want, try, to give OPTIONS (as until Elon gets more BRAIN IMPLANTS into folks, no ability to directly d/l into others’ Brains YET)!!!!
Now, what I am really here to present….
#PREMIER NOW (Mon. 11/5 Evening)….
CTP S2EtbdSpecial# 34m 47s before audio editing
CTP S2ExxxSpecial# (BTS/SP Video) NOTES
Devon Taylor – Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS….
See buzzsprout Transcript (when Official Audio version drops, sometime/early next year) for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
Devon Taylor joined me to discuss, you guessed it like the title says: Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS! Hope you’ll join us for this FUN SESSION, but yes still with some very serious underlying content too. Cuz, yes, while I never pass lame-pun chances, as we need keep a sense-of-humor, always wanting to have serious subject-matter tackled (yes, Football pun; have you read what I said already about Sports and JOKES, LOL) with all my episodes….
[ Addl. Copyright material here-in, Used With Permission ]
Transcript Bonus: “Occasional Breaks & Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy” TheLibertyBeacon piece [this is included in this piece down-thread --- since I am posting in SPORTS thought I better provide some additional SPORTS content! ]
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece for this episode (TLB pieces will resume Sat. Nov. 9 ”No You CAN NOT REST (part 1)” piece for CTP S1E73 Show)
- IG and other Social-Media: DevonTaylorAuthor (
- (CTP S1E21) “God and Guns” + Sports w/ Derek of StoneColdSportsTruth:
- /the-law/2024/11/copyright-trademark-other-content-laws-issues-questions-via-my-own-personal-ongoing-experience-2459421.html
- additional related links TBD closer to “Official” Audio version release (Qtr 1, 2025)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video versions of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon and now DailyMotion
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP may have connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example):
Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.
Transcription Services below from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections – and I FOR ONE appreciate their Service as someone on Disability Budget and doing this as a HOBBY not as a Job nor an Income generator for me (I try to send them a donation every now and again in appreciation))
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of constitutionalist podcast. Here we go. I was just joking with my guest before hitting record. I hit record and the brain in the mouth don’t want to cooperate and there was already screwing up my own show name. Welcome to another episode of constitutionalist politics podcast. Guests don’t always have to deal with Christianity or politics. I don’t know if we will today or not, but I have with me today, Devin Taylor. Thanks for coming on, Devin.
DEVON TAYLOR: Thank you for having me. That was a great intro. I’m glad to be here.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Well, you know, it’s not an act. It’s part of me just being genuine with everybody, right? It’s not a folksy act persona just for the erics. I hit record and bam, we go, as I was telling you. People behind the scenes, you could see the sheet of paper I’ve got next to no notes there. I don’t like the script shows. We just go wherever the discussion takes us. It’s real rather than pre-scripted. You know what I’m going to say. I know what you’re going to say and we put everybody to sleep. So before we get to the book, tell us a little about you. You know, cue the who song. Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who? My born where, raised where were you now? All that nitty gritty.
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah, of course. Yeah. Well, so my name is Devin. I grew up in Lakewood, California. The majority of my life, that’s kind of where I lived until I moved on my own to Long Beach. From there, I mean, like what I do, I was a coach for a really long time. I’m coaching again. So, that’s funny. I say for a really long time. For my whole life, I guess, it seems to find me
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): at every point in my life. But recently, I’m going to interrupt you. Yeah, please. I could tell you, coach, because I could tell you, you just like shouting and yelling and ordering kids around.
DEVON TAYLOR: Right? That’s, that’s my favorite part about coaching, I think, is shouting and yelling. It’s something therapeutic about it. I don’t know.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And anyway, sorry, I could never, my audience knows I can never pass on the T’s, the jokes, the lame puns and the word play. So please continue.
DEVON TAYLOR: What do you coach and then go from there? Yeah. So I, I coached volleyball for a long time. It’s what I played in high school. I played a little in college and I just found a liking to it. And it was easy to me. So naturally, I just got jobs coaching. I was at the head coach of my high school for seven years. And then I transferred over to the city college. I did that for three or four years. And then I had, you know, life, life likes a throw us on, you know, trajectories that are completely different than what we expected. One day I was coming home from coaching and I got a call from my mom. At that time, we were living together. We had just bought a home in Paris, which was about an hour away from where I was coaching. When he says an FU’s needed somewhere to stay. And so instantly I became a parent of four overnight. So wow, wow, nut shell, but okay, led to so much. Yeah, this is right. You know, this is me in a nut shell.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Trying to get out of that shell. Yeah. That’s that’s a word better on video. If you go behind the scenes video, rather than hearing that on the audio, it loses it when you don’t see the visual. And then you wait. So you were actually a coach, you actually got paid. Unlike me, I played hockey. So I then officiated hockey and also was a coach for hockey. But as a volunteer, I never got paid. I got paid to referee, but I never got paid to coach.
DEVON TAYLOR: So funny you say that because I’ve been thinking about getting into that side of it. I hear there’s a lot of you know, you’re dealing with the parents, you’re dealing with the kids. So there’s a lot of like, ah, towards the referees. Yeah. So I don’t, you know, I’ve coached for so long and I’ve dealt with parents from that angle. So I’m interested to see what it would be like. But I’ve been thinking about repping to it. So it’s, it seems like a cool little gig just to get.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah. Well, it’s, again, just natural flowing discussion. I never know what rabbit hole will open up. So I will now tell the audience behind the scenes we happened to be recording on Monday, November the 4th, the day before the election. You’re not here to discuss that at all. But I don’t know if you don’t want to hear. Yeah. Well, my point I was going to lead to was yesterday, the Lions game, I was screaming at my TV at the restaurant. They threw out branch for a hit supposedly to the head. They threw a flag. I agree wholeheartedly. It should have been a penalty. But then New York looked at it and ejected him from the game, which is ridiculous. And the game right afterwards, Rams Falcons or Titans, I don’t remember, but the Rams, they they came, they were ahead. They allowed it game to get tied up, but then they won it in overtime. But the very end of that game, there was almost an identical play, a ram, a whomever they were playing hit the ram player exactly the same way. No, ejection, not even a flag. And it’s like they both left their feet before the ball would have been caught. And not knowing they would drop it and they probably wouldn’t have dropped it if they wouldn’t hit him. Right? But once you leave your feet, how are you supposed to stop in the air or change your trajectory? You don’t got booster rockets right to change your trajectory. So apparently flying should have been in both games needs to be called equally, right?
DEVON TAYLOR: And that’s the thing about refereeing is I couldn’t I, you know, when I had an instance like that, where I had a referee not call a call for the other team, but made the call clearly on our side.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And that’s where it would get real tricky is when you can’t have that, you know, then then you question where Oh, are you related to someone what’s going on here? Is there a bias or was it just a coincidental happenstance that you had a slightly different angle at the one than the other and called the one but not the other? It’s hard to know and parents can’t understand that because they’ve never wore a referee dirty. Right?
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah, that’s a tough position to be in. And that’s that’s why it’s been a thought more so than an action on my end because getting into the I know you know, once you get in there, you’re in the lines then and I’ve seen some pretty angry parents at rest. Yeah, if I’m you were talking about with politics, like I avoided speaking about politics on every watch. Especially this election. Yeah. Oh, it’s just too decisive. You know, there’s an opinion of either way you go. There’s so much going on between the politics. It’s it’s a lot if you ask me and yeah, it’s it’s one of those times where where I feel like history is gonna history is gonna be made tomorrow and you know, one way or the other. Yes. Either way. Yeah. Yeah.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah. It’s gonna change the either the first woman president or the first time since Stephen Grover Cleveland, a non back to back two term president. So yeah, it’s gonna be historic either way. One last thing on the referee thing and then we’ll actually get to what you’re here for. But I love these podcasts. I like I want to be genuine and real with people, right? But yeah, I had to call the cops one time because I was being threatened to come to the ice rink and escort me out of the ice rink. But so yeah, it can get touch and go at times. But at any rate, and people could see if they’re looking behind the scenes on bit shoot, bright, on daily motion, rumble or YouTube, as long as they allow me to continue to put behind the scenes videos there, I’m having an issue with both YouTube and daily motion right now. So I’m gonna make a note about that. I’m gonna put the link to the article about all that hassle going on in the show notes. But that’s an aside and indeed at any rate, you’re here to talk about a book and it is a child’s book. So first, give us the title.
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah. So title is Icarus Finds is power. It’s got a nice red cover with all the characters on the front.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Oh, it’s different from what’s behind you. Oh, these are the posters. Okay. Yeah, we’ve got scenes from the from the book. Oh, that makes perfect sense. Okay. So again, for those of you listening on audio, well, you missed out. Obviously you, I do usually ask that at the end now. It’s on Amazon, right? Yes. So obviously people could go to Amazon and there’s probably the peak inside option. They can see the first couple of pages and everything. So we’ve kind of got that out of the way. But yeah, I’m glad you held up the book cover. So I, we all could understand why there’s a difference there. What’s going on there in the video on the wall behind you there. So what year did it come out?
DEVON TAYLOR: You know what? It’s been a year now. So I want to came out in 2023. Let me just double check. Yeah, 2023. It’s been a year, which is kind of like surreal to say because this was was never really the plan initially. This was me kind of going back to say to myself, like, what is it that you truly feel like you were called here to do? How are you supposed to inspire people? Yeah. And I hear you when I talk about my books, right?
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Terror strikes that came out in 2022. My fifth, this one came out this year. Two, two actually this year. But like we’re talking about that book. It’s like, at the same time, it seems like yesterday. And on the other hand, at times, like Einstein said, time is relatively these right. And at other times, it seems like forever ago, right? But I’m taking, I’m guessing, I don’t want to assume. So I’ll ask as a question. Do you probably wouldn’t have happened if the four kids wouldn’t have lined it up in your lap?
DEVON TAYLOR: Oh, absolutely. I created them so much to how they’ve changed my life and just inspired me to become the better version of myself. And not like it wasn’t doing that before, but there are so many things in life that we don’t really pay attention to or we don’t go after because we don’t feel we can do it or we don’t believe in ourselves enough. And writing a book was definitely something I didn’t believe I could do, nor did I think anyone would care.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): You needed my how to write a book and get it published.
DEVON TAYLOR: Oh, absolutely. You know, just any kind of resource to say that you can do this. Yeah. And you know, when it’s not really in the forefront of your mind, it’s not something that you’re thinking about constantly. It’s hard to make something come to life. And I wasn’t thinking about it because I wasn’t really thinking beyond me before I got the kids. And they were a great way of breaking me out of that. Like, there’s, you know, there’s you and then there’s beyond you and what you are truly here to accomplish.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah. And now you see why I liked the green screen. I changed my background since I dropped my book two of my book titles. I figured I should put up the background temporarily with three of my five up there at any rate, because this is about you, not me.
DEVON TAYLOR: Oh, I love this is great. But like, this is even great. You know what I’ve been noticing a lot of the times when I’m meeting with other people that have podcasts, it’s just also getting ideas, too. Like, that is a great idea. Like, no, I have three visuals for your books. Now, now I know what I need to be next. Like, awesome. Yeah. Amazing.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): What target age range I like my terror strikes. People might think it in adult content, but I wrote it in a way so that middle schoolers and high schoolers could read it to get the historical parts of the historical fiction or as I call it, faction book. And you need to invent a word for your genre. It gets you some extra publicity. There’s a free tip. Anyway, all kidding. Well, I was gonna say all kidding. No, I actually been serious about that. But what age range, what target child age range did you have in mind when you were writing and releasing the book?
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah. So at the time, my kids were between the ages of eight and 12, 13 now. So it’s a eight and 13 are the ages that I would definitely target towards. But I feel like it’s a book for anyone. I really wanted to create it so that parents had a way to connect with their children. We don’t really hear about parents reading to their children at night. And if that’s still a thing, I think that’s great. And that’s kind of why I wrote the book is to kind of create that connection between parent and child and bring a story that would kind of help bring up some emotions between both parent and child and something that they could process together. And just a new idea on story time and bedtime and just finding ways to connect. Because that’s really the idea behind why I wrote it for myself and the kids. I wanted to be able to connect with them. And initially, it was just about creating the story and having them create characters. But then when I realized it could be something so much more beyond us, that’s when it really just started to take steam.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): So I’m gonna start calling you Essop or Dr. Seuss. No, again, all kidding aside. I like that, right? Eight to 13. I really like beyond that, the thought then a mother father, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, whomever can read this to the child at three and four. And then hopefully reintroduce it, they discover it later when they are reading themselves. Because then there’s, as you said, that connection. There’s that memory of when mom, dad, and uncle, grandma, grandpa, especially if grandparents are older and they passed, I’ve now got that connection, that memory back to when grandma or grandpa was alive and read me this book.
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah. And you know, the story is closely about a son and his mother’s connection. So naturally, you know, you’re reading a story about the connection between a mom and a son and just how that bomb goes. And I think it just naturally creates questions for parents to, you know, talk with their children about that can help foster a more healthy environment. And you know, there are elements of, you know, foster care and and Icarus having to kind of deal with, you know, being in foster care and what that looks like for him. And, you know, that’s great. I love this.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Because again, that distinction, a mother, their single family homes now so many, right? But a mother can never really truly be the father and the father can never truly be the mother. And it opens up that dichotomy and that question and not to get political, but I’m gonna. And there’s actual differences between males and females. Absolutely.
DEVON TAYLOR: And I think that’s that’s that’s something that I grew up with. You know, I grew up with a single mom in the house. And for a long time, you know, I didn’t really question not having a dad until I was looking around asking where my dad at, you know, it made a big difference for me growing up and not having a father in the household. And you know, my mom would always say the thing like, I’m your mom and your dad. And you know, that’s great.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): You know, that’s something they kind of got a sort of say, it’s the only thing they can say. But was there an uncle or a granddad or a male figure in your life at that time or no?
DEVON TAYLOR: Honestly, no, I didn’t really have very many male figures. And the ones that I did were like external.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): So like I had coaches that were, oh, so you had a little bit of your life of representation and a male mentorship.
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah, you know, and my mom remarried. So I like, I had my stepdad, but it was I was a little older. And so that, you know, I missed out on a lot that that’s why I feel like the kids that I have now, you know, I’m not perfect regardless if I’m super president. Nobody is. Right. I know that me being here at least for them in the house and providing for them in certain ways is going to make a big difference. You know, it’s something I didn’t have.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And you’re also presenting or providing that potentially for kids that you’re coaching that may come from a family without a father, you’re that potential male figure example and mentor to understand we need each other. We are male and female and we are meant to depend on each other.
DEVON TAYLOR: I love you said that because one of I had one of my students actually, I we were talking to them and they were going through, you know, something rough after losing a game and we were just trying to find ways to help them. And, you know, I told them a little bit about my story with my kids and taking them in and it hit one of the girls a little harder than I expected it to. And she came up to me after and she told me, you know, I lost my dad during COVID and to hear you say like you’re here for us as a parent or you’re here for us as like a mentor really meant a lot because I don’t have that in my life right now. And I didn’t realize that I had no idea. You know, I just now you’re a little more conscious of it. Absolutely. And just more mindful that that, you know, these children really are watching their watching. They really need us and they need to be great examples for them because they’re our future, you know, right? They are absorbing whether we pay attention that they are paying attention or not both good and bad going on.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And we obviously need a better balance of far more good examples in their life than bad examples, unless they become
DEVON TAYLOR: a bad example from the bad they’ve learned. Right. Yeah, it’s been amazing just kind of seeing that difference too. Like, you know, in my household, I have my four kids, but then going out and coaching, I’ve got those kids. So just being able to make a positive impact has been something really huge for me lately. And I’m glad that I’m able to do it by writing this book, by coaching, by whatever I can.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): So yeah, that’s great. Do you have you just have the one?
DEVON TAYLOR: So I just wrote the children’s the Chris finds this power. I’m working on the second one. I did really that was the next question. Yeah. Second one, it’s taking me a little bit more time because I’m trying to be a little bit more mindful about the story that I tell as he goes along his journey. And I really want it to be a little bit more like holding in every direction, if that makes it like action, more emotion, more all of this. And so I’m really, really trying to crowd something that’s great. But I did write a chapter in this book called trajectory volume one. This was kind of just telling my story about, you know, taking my kids and and having this new life with my partner and us having to figure things out and just writing the book and how it came to be. So it’s a book with 17, 16 other stories, 17 altogether. But all of the authors in the story have some kind of story where they’ve gone through some kind of tragedy. And a one woman speaks about her dad having all timers. Another author speaks about what was it they speak about, you know, the real estate empire and other authors speaks about how she was kidnapped when she was young. Oh boy, wow, just a lot of different stories from a lot of different people who have been through a lot and can kind of give some kind of, I guess, feedback on those situations and be able to help the next person that may be struggling through something similar.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah, you are now the second guest that I’ve had that has something in a compilation. I’ve had on Trent Brock, who is also got a similar thing in breaking the silent survivors of trauma by Michelle Jewsbury that put it together. I’ve had on both Trent and her talking about that. And I’m going to reach out to whoever puts trajectory body one together and say, Hey, we both know Devin Taylor.
DEVON TAYLOR: I would love to set that up. You know, I think the biggest thing about if you’ve got contact info, please send it along.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): I will be happy to have them on. And it’ll be like reliving your episode too, because obviously I’ll ask them about you during it and link this episode in that episode.
DEVON TAYLOR: I would love to, you know, all that good cross promotion stuff. Well, this whole thing came about because of connections, because we knew someone that knew the person that was putting this together. And so that’s, I think that’s been one of my big missions too, is just, you know, trying to bridge the gap between the connections that I have in my life. And so, yes, absolutely, I would love to build that connection and get you in touch with Jay and Scotty, who kind of led this project.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Okay, I’ll have to make a quick note of that. And I’m stalling for time here while I change my background back. All right, Jay and Scotty. I’m writing that down in my notes. Okay, I generally don’t start with a lot of notes. But by the time I’m done, I’ve got a bunch of notes. I got more homework after an interview than I did before an interview. Yeah, again, it’s just more normal and natural to me. It’s like you and I happen to meet in the dying or at the counter and strike up the conversation. Right. And it doesn’t happen like that as often anymore.
DEVON TAYLOR: I feel like, well, maybe I’m not going out as much.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Wow. That’s because everybody’s buried in these, right, sitting in the counter rather than, you know, how you do? Hey, hello, how are you doing? What do you think of the weather, the small talk? Nobody does that stuff anymore. But it can really, it can relieve. There goes the mind in the mouth, not cooperating. It can lead to a great friendship. You never know, right? You can never have too many friends.
DEVON TAYLOR: Hmm. I think that the truth. You know, it’s, and we’re, we’re living in a funny time. So I feel like people are becoming more hermit crab than ever. They’re self isolating. Yes. Yeah. I mean, because it’s, I mean, there’s an, there’s like an easy factor to that. You know, it’s easier to just, you know, go in your home and not have to interrupt one and blinders, shut out the world. Oh, gosh. Yeah. Just, yeah. But I mean, that’s, that’s why I feel like every time I get an opportunity to speak about creating connections, I just want everyone to see what’s happening when you do like this was a connection. This was a connection. You know, my entire brand is a connection. The podcast is a connection speaking with you as a connection. So when people are willing to create those connections in their lives, they’re going to see not only an upgrade, but just the upgrade of people that are around you.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): You know, so yeah, I thank you, Devin Taylor, for coming on. And I will try to not let the fact that you originally from commie for you completely destroy any respect I’ve gained for you over this time. No, that way, the title in here, trust me. For the beneficiary of the transcript, we’re laughing. This is a joke. We’re just having some fun there. But to wrap things up, is there a day Devin Taylor author website or book site, all those things where people can find you and what’s going on with the book?
DEVON TAYLOR: Yeah. So I’m most active on Instagram. So you can find me on Instagram at Devon Taylor author. And that’s pretty much where you can find me anywhere. You can find me online on my website, You can find me on TikTok, Devontailor Author. You can find me on YouTube, Devontailor Author. What else am I on? LinkedIn, Devontailor, Facebook, Devontailor Books and Merchandise. I’m all over the place, but I like to keep updated with just like what I’m doing on Instagram. So if anyone wants to follow the next project, which I’m trying to get Icurus finds his power into a movie.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): So if anyone has any connection. Oh, oh, well, I don’t have a direct connection. But my terror strikes coming soon to a city new you book is on Story Rocket. Oh, why don’t I look up Story Rocket? You could put up about your book there. And it gets it in front of the eyes of actors, actresses, producers, directors, whatnot. So Story Rocket, you definitely want to check that out.
DEVON TAYLOR: And my passion, like I feel before I die, that’s that needs to happen. Ickris finds his power with a movie needs to come out. It needs to be an animation. It needs to be for children, for adults, it needs to be in the likes of like a Disney movie. But I want to take on different art styles and really create something super special because there’s so many elements of the story that are magical that would really translate will translate well into a movie.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): So that’s like a big, big focus right? Well, I hope for you, you find a nice independent studio that will do it rather than Disney or Pixar or any of those other normal ones. You’re just a quick turnaround product to them. Whereas an independent studio, if they like your book, they’re want to bring it because they really care about your book and you, you’re not just, you know, really small wheel and the big cog of all the machinery. So again, thank you, Devin Taylor for coming. I had another joke I was going to tease you, but now it’s less my brain. But because again, we’ve got to keep a sense of humor. We’re go crazy. And like, you know, like you said about connections, like I said, you can never have enough friends. And indeed, like I gave you story rocket, you never know what a connection may lead to for something else.
DEVON TAYLOR: I love that. Thank you so much for that. And thank you for having me. This was a lot of fun. I appreciated the experience. And I feel like this is a, it was like a breath of fresh air, like tell my story, but tell it in such an authentic way. So thank you.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah, I’m sure you’re gonna all go tell all your friends what a *BLEEP* I am.
DEVON TAYLOR: Great guy. All right. Take care. God bless. All right. Thank you.
[ChristiTutionalist Coffee deal for Christmas]
all righty then for those that will get that now showing my age old movie reference and those looking behind the scenes you can see i’ve using zoom as i’ve told you i use i cheat to record my shows rather than a lot of those available and way too expensive studio operations to record can have guests on just as easy as you add any rate you can see on the screen if you’re looking behind the scenes at a screenshot i took of a michael stover press release mts management who is indeed associated with dpb and it says you can see the picture there dpb tops the charts short film wins big at christian film festival okay i’ll stop sharing the screen to the video and you can see me waving the actual release so i can actually read part of what’s at the bottom here now that’s if i can because the prince kind of oh actually i should have blew it up so i could read it even with the glasses at any rate left to right in that photo Brent Beck festival director shawn green and dpb the positive rap artist tops the national radio hits christian airplay chart with a single i feel so good today happy mix his short film power in the name of pulls down several awards at the great blakes christian film festival and buffalo new york congratulations dpb in this person’s mind i’m sure many more accolades and awards will be coming really appreciate what you’re doing what others are doing i talked to gista and other rappers about as you bringing positivity to rap i’ve spoken with other rappers about bringing judo christian foundation values of our nation also back in to rap rather than all the off-wing locust communist garbage that’s there like a price in gray tofer uh tom mcdonald the canadian white rapper come down now listen to the united states so many more i can’t think of right off the top of my head here if you can find the video conservative a little marine rapper and conservatives with attitude on youtube wall at last has got five or six various pro america pro foundations of our country pro for keeping the republic not becoming a mob apathy in apocracy or kleptocracy as the left keeps trying to make us but at any rate conservatives with attitude check that out see many great good other positive rappers pro america pro wanting us to all lift all boats not hold some people down at any rate gone long in this segment congrats dpb that’s what this segment supposed to be about and again yes i expect you’ll have many accolades to come going forward take care of all god bless hey gang a brief interruption in the show about christmas giving chai disora or to ask are you coffee drinker what about other coffee drinkers you know it’s indeed Christmas giving time hanukkah giving time again i want to ask you those coffee drinkers on your gift giving list socks that’ll get put in a drawer they forgot you gave them a tie or a shirt that’ll end up buried in the back of the closet they forgot you gave them how about something useful like black out coffee yes i am partnering with black out coffee you can use promo code j o s e l two zeros jose for joseph l 20 for 20 off j o s e l two zero promo code or better yet i’ve created a shortcut tiny u r l dot com slash black out coffees and of course black out coffees all run together as one word not three separate words so again tiny u r l dot com i love using their shortcut services slash black out coffees should take you right in and automatically apply your 20 discount so for yourself or for others this christmas give blackout coffee something you know they’re going to use something they’re going to enjoy something that they then finally remember you and your gift every time they sit from the blackout coffee cup of coffee thank you all take care god bless Merry Christmas
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless
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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: TheLibertyBeacon “Occasional Breaks & Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy” [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]
Occasional breaks and distractions not just OK, but healthy…
So wonderful to get the occasional break from the writing norm people expect from me, and even a chance to share some Personal information (including more recent photos that can be viewed from what were previously online from back when I previously operated SSCE site) for anyone who cares to learn more about me as a Person rather than me as an Author, Political Activist, Speaker, etc., that folks generally know me as online. So, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? and yes down-thread Political tie-ins. So, WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED READING TO PRESENT: TLB SPECIAL – SPORTS EDITION (sort of, not entirely, will make sense as it all comes together going along)…
Yes, in moderation and perspective, Sports can be a great bit of distraction from seriousness in Life, and indeed a Business, giving additional Folks (on and off Field) chance to earn Living at what they Love. All things in moderation as distraction as long as we know the BREAD AND CIRCUSES concept and not be lulled into State of Stupid (more on this down-thread, hang in with me if you still want at least a partial Political piece (it really does all tie-together)).
VIDEO (2m 18s): Are you ready for some Football (Hank Williams Jr):
Who else has enjoyed the XFL Season and already enjoying Season 2 of USFL reboot?!?!? And sneak-ahead mention: more Football on the way 2023 and 2024 – down-thread.
Despite the discussion with NFL snob Kevin (Savaged Unfiltered, April 2023), who is really only interested in Football that he can make quick/easy side-hustle monies off, I am greatly enjoying ALL the additional Football and seeing so many Heart filled hungry players still getting an extended opportunity to play the game they Love. It is great for more to get to still play, whether or not will ever indeed get to, or get back to, the NFL. As well as help further employ and help them and their Families of/for Security Personnel, Ticket-takers, Concession workers, roving Food/Beverage Vendors, Merchandisers, etc./more; that are certainly NOT Salaried employees and only earning when the Venues are open and operating with some form of events to occur within.
VIDEO (44m 3s): Discussion with Kevin Gootee (Savaged Unfiltered Podcast) Comedy and Sports:
[Related, if you’re looking for more Comedy: Savaged Unfiltered with Sadia]
Yes, there has been some “OMG YOU GOTTA CATCH THAT” disappointment moments, but don’t we get those too in the NFL at times? Players looking to try and amass YAC (Yards-After-Catch) and taking focus off the catch-the-ball first task (happened at times even to some currently in Canton Ohio Football Hall-Of-Fame). There was also a great HELMET CATCH in the XFL this year that frankly rivaled the Super Bowl Helmet Catch still talked about; and great Lujuan Winningham one-hander in XFL Playoffs. The main thing is that MOST of the games are indeed “competitive” to and within the League itself making for some Fun games to watch (yes, a couple Teams are surely underwhelming, but then again the Detroit Lions for my entire Life has been underwhelming in the NFL (and once again we see HOPES from new Leadership in the front-office and on the Field via Draft and/or Free Agency but still the same #FordOwnershipCurse lingering in the backs of our mind always holding us back from any potentially good Season)). The Teams with losing Records in XFL had many within one-score Finals; close games they just happened to come out on the wrong side of more than other Teams.
And we have REAL HOPE in Michigan, as the USFL Michigan Panthers are looking far better than last year – the best chance for a Division and hopefully Championship banner to go up into the Ford Field (Detroit Michigan, Home of NFL Lions (and Panthers previously played at former home of Lions Pontiac Silverdome when they Won Championship and had a banner in those) rafters!!!
VIDEO (1m 34s): USFL back in Michigan:
And we should all have REAL HOPE that the XFL (destroyed by Wuhan Virus lockdowns the last reboot attempt) and the USFL now into Season 2 of reboot, should both learned lessons and proceeding cautiously toward long-term stability and longevity this time around. Again, to allow us, as Fans, to see more local favorites from NCAA Teams (and some former NFL Players, as well as “NFL prospect” Players to showcase themselves, in the mix) get to extend their Careers otherwise not available to them.
VIDEO (2m 19s): Kurt Warner – American Underdog (Movie Trailer):
And there will remain the great potential for another greatest story in Football of another Kurt Warner (see his biopic: American Underdog) that we all knew Kurt was destined for when we even first glimpsed his potential all those years back starting in the Arena Football League. Here in Michigan we remember fondly Novo Bojovic from his Detroit Drive (AFL), Michigan Panthers (USFL), and Saint Louis Rams (NFL), days. Many players had actually played in both AFL and NFL (starting most famously with Cliff Branch (Former Oakland Raiders WR) who joined the AFL in first Season and LA Cobras to help highlight the League and show his full “Iron-Man Football” (players play both Offense AND Defense, let’s see many of the NFL folks do that) talent. Some include such names as: Novo Bojovic, Rashied Davis, Cory Fleming, Tony Graziani, Jay Gruden, Rob Hunt, Jim Kubiak, Tommy Maddox (AFL, XFL, NFL, transition), Todd Marinovich, Sean Payton, Will Pettis, Kurt Warner, and so many more (fuller, but still incomplete list via Wiki). Just a couple of USFL to NFL mentions are Doug Flutie, Jim Kelly, Herschel Walker.
VIDEO (10m 26s): Arena Bowl X: Kurt Warner vs. Jay Gruden:
Warner went from AFL Iowa Barnstormers QB (1995-1997) to signing with St. Louis Rams (temporarily playing with Amsterdam Admirals of NFL Europe), then becoming Rams Super Bowl winning QB and MVP in 2000 (Super Bowl XXXIV). Warner set a Super Bowl record with 414 passing yards and threw a pair of touchdowns to lead the Rams to their first Super Bowl title and was named the game’s MVP. He recorded another MVP season two years later when he guided the Rams back to the Super Bowl. Warner then went on to play for the Arizona Cardinals and took them to a Super Bowl in 2009 (Super Bowl XLIII) but was unable to duplicate his Super Bowl winning success, losing both his second Rams Super Bowl and (Warner’s 3rd, this time with) Arizona Cardinals Championship games appearances. .
AUDIO (27m 14s): Stone Cold Sports Truth (WAAMradio Sun Apr 30th Show):
[This article, in-part, inspired by Derek and my call-in to his/this program, you can listen LIVE Sunday’s 12:30ET-1p and call-in to participate at 734-822-1600 (other Shows to listen and call-in to – see: WAAMradio/shows)]
[Sub-section from “Only thing required for Evil to prevail” TLB piece (expanded/expounded upon a bit below)]
It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote (also another related TLB story: “Will REAL CHRISTIANS Save America”). Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered (in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!
All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.
If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick (while the Left and FASCICRATS try to keep the masses distracted and they “Cloward and Piven” us toward Bankruptcy (especially the Social Security System in just next few years if not dealt with and as also discussed in the TLB “The Lefts Farcical Attempt to Influence the 2024 GOP Primary” piece)….
When are you going to stop (well, again, point of this article, doing so in moderation OK, but I’m addressing the do nothing but sit around and WHINE crowd) watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly (“You SHALL be Known by Your Fruits” or your IDLENESS to not Sow anything) by until there is no Bread at all to Eat from/with/in the “Bread and Circus” eventual collapse equation?
VIDEO (3m 50s): Bread and Circuses – What does it mean and where does it come from?:
As an aside and throw-back a couple weeks. Those who Virtue-Signal are NOT limited to those on the Left. Sadly many on the Right just sit around behind keyboards and also Virtue-Signal; knowing NOTHING of which they speak and engaging in Emotional Hysterics and DO SOMETHING (even if it makes things worse, not better) mentality; of course just about different things than those on the Left. They talk a great game online, but when it comes to doing something (You Shall Be Known By Your Fruits, not your Words and inaction is a choice/action that can/shall be Judged), be expected to actually bother to stand up and show up to do ANYTHING that would matter – they are nowhere to be found. Are you a Virtue-Signaling bullshit-artist? Or an actual do-er (One actually can be counted on to show up and be in the trenches for the Fight)?!?!
VIDEO (10m 1s): Know Nothing Snowflakes, on both the Right and the Left We must Educate:
Back to the “distraction” of Football…
Nothing beats the price and availability of AFL/USFL/XFL games that a whole entire family can have Season-tickets for just the cost of an individual NFL game lower bowl seats. And while the current modern USFL and XFL talk about unprecedented access (as did before them “claims” by the AAF and UFL (whom Actor/Celebrity Denzel Washington’s Son (John David Washington played in NFL Europe for the Rhein Fire in the 2007 offseason. Washington was drafted by the California Redwoods (later the Sacramento Mountain Lions) of the United Football League in the UFL Premiere Season Draft in 2009) was a WR in and gave notoriety to that League. Like the other Leagues, the UFL too rebooting/returning in 2023 and will be available via Streaming starting May 2023 with Teams boasting from Atlanta, Charleston, Mississippi, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Rochester, Virginia Beach, Arkansas, Baton Rouge, Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, Oklahoma, Saint Louis)) nothing beat the access of an Arena Football League games.
AFL access was never seen before nor since, especially for those of us able to get the Season-tickets in the first few rows right around the Arena and literally having players land up in your lap during the game, as they were knocked over the Indoor League Walls. Nor a better opportunity for you to bring the kids and have on field access after the game to meet Coaches, Players, Cheerleaders, League and Teams’ Operators/Officials, and even oftentimes the AFL game creator Jim Foster (who, yes, if you watch “American Underdog” you’ll know also went on to create the Iowa Barnstormers franchise (which later switched, along with a few other AFL franchises (Arizona Rattlers, San Jose Sabercats, others), to help build IFL spinoff League (minus the Patented Jim Foster AFL Nets exclusively Licensed to/for AFL), after “irreconcilable differences” within AFL Offices and “direction and future of the AFL” inner-squabbles (as the AFL remained plagued over its multiple decades of play to retain franchises and locations (but, let’s be fair, how many MLB, NBA, NFL, and even NHL, Teams relocated for better Venue deals in other Cities over the decades too?) and the original incarnation of the AFL completely collapsed in Bankruptcy in 2019))) to talk to and get autographs from. Let alone the access I was lucky enough to have by having seats right behind home bench for the Detroit Drive and interacting with Tim Marcum (whom you can see in the “Arena Bowl X: Kurt Warner vs. Jay Gruden” video above after going to Tampa Bay Storm when Detroit Drive ceased operations) about actual gameplay during halftime of games.
[image source: Joseph M Lenard – 501-C-3 Non-Profit Club creator]
So, sure there are wonderful entertainment options for entire Families at reasonable cost beside the overpaid, overpriced, whining, kneeling (though that seems to have stopped, for now, WOKE Political grand-standing AntiAmericanism and never real oppression abroad (not to be confused with Tim Tebow honoring God “End-zone Prayer kneeling” nor Prayer returning to NFL following Damar Hamlin injury)), other Professional Leagues (whether Baseball, Basketball, Football) today. As well as, again, we from everything in moderation can enjoy (and not to the point of complete distraction as Bread and Circuses strategy is intended to keep you fat, lazy, stupid, and uninvolved in the things that actually affect your life). And, yes, even the AFL has new owners, restructured, and planning a return in 16 cities for 2024. Which Cities the AFL will be reconstituting in again to be announced late 2023, which boasted its maximum size of 19 teams playing 3 different (2001, 2004, and 2007) Seasons. I am certainly hoping it returns to Detroit for a third time – though I will NOT be buying into Season-tickets nor interested in reconstituting the “1st Fan – Detroit ArenaFootball Fan Club” that I created (being the 1st person to had purchased Detroit AFL tickets back when, and play that everyone can be a #1 Fan with such close-proximity seats to the action)! And hopefully Grand Rapids MI Rampage returns, at which a GRR hosting Houston ThunderBears game I met my Wife (yes, though now Divorced (Joseph Martin Lenard / Rhonda Michelle Simpson 1999 Wedding Program)). Rhonda of the Simpson Drag Family, no not that kind – Drag Racing (the Cars kind), not the Dylan “Hepburn Impersonator wanna-be” (and non Bud-Light Drinker Spokes-blunder, destroyed a Brand (Stock tanked, as boycott ensued)) kind.
[image: Simpson – StripTease Racer – photo by: Joseph M Lenard]
VIDEO (50m 06s): Savaged Unfiltered S4 E439: Why, Budweiser??:
YOU PREFER BASEBALL? Listen to me talking with Don Wardlow on BASEBALL LIFER Show. And catch me there again coming-soon for follow-up discussion of MLB Rule changes/updates effects on that game. I may not be an ”expert” but I certainly have my “Fan perspective” on such. Though, honestly, Detroit Tigers not doing well several years; nor Pistons nor Red Wings nor Lions ever, which is why I’m excited about Panthers being back and hoping for return of AFL to Detroit; I don’t watch much now, will again when they improve (yep, other than Hockey/NHL I am indeed a “Fair-weather Fan” (and yes, now we’re talking Baseball, pun intended about the “Fair-weather” Sport)). Plus my TERROR STRIKES book has a Baseball sub-thread in it (which I hope you’ll read to find/understand why). As well as obvious threat at/on any Sporting event(s) – I recall the great and under-rated IMO “Black Sunday” film (and the Fan’s “Black Sunday 1976 Behind the Scenes Film”).
HOCKEY? Told ya Boston Bruins were actually LONG-SHOT to win the Cup this Season!
Welcome to the Club Boston Bruins..
How many times in 90′s and early 2000′s Detroit Red Wings blew people out, amassed up Record various Stats, won President’s trophy regularly, CLEAR FAVORITE for the Cup — EXIT PLAYOFFS EARLY!!!
Thank you Florida Panthers, you made me a few Bucks! LOL
To you all, you know who you are, TOLD YA SO – PAY UP!
VIDEO (2m 13s): Welcome To Holey Moley (ABC):
EXTREME MINI-GOLF? Best Sports Show EVER; and I say that not entirely tongue-in-cheek as it was a lot of fun with the humorous hosts and wild and crazy putt-putt holes. Holey Moley, neither confirmed or denied (not renewed, but not officially cancelled) to return sometime in 2023 (should have been restarting Wed. May 3rd). Now that there is a 2023 Writers Strike (frankly with all the WOKE manure peddled into virtually every Program these days, many feel the longer they Strike the better and the Nations collective IQ would increase getting a break from their manure) and entirely scripted Shows well is going to run-dry over the Summer/Fall.
Yes, Holey Moley is a Reality-hybrid and partially scripted. They may wish to quickly green-light Season 5 for this as at least one content that can quickly be ramped up and put in the can that they’ll need for potential holes (yes, Golf, holes, pun intended) in their nightly slots. Both hosts are very improvisational capable and Show indeed could be done off-the-cuff as if like a regular Live Sporting event (yes, they too often have pre-recorded scripted pieces as part of Broadcasts, but can be “worked” without (hosts/announcers just have increased pressure)).
VIDEO (47m 18s): Joseph M Lenard w/ Roger Landry on Eradicating Programmed Ignorance – Town Crier Show discuss the Left’s insanity WOKE/PatheticalCorruptness “Feelings over Facts” crowd demand must be the new-norm:
[Of course, TLB is about Politics, so we gotta close out this piece on that note. 😊 Great conversation I had with Roger I hope you’ll listen to.]
Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST CONSERVATIVE, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer.
“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (Historical Fiction)
#1 Amazon Political-Thriller ( ).
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!
and “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques
addl. links:
Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer:
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: TheLibertyBeacon “Occasional Breaks & Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy” [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]
Transcription Services above from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections) - and I FOR ONE appreciate their FREE Service as someone on Disability Budget and doing this as a HOBBY not as a Job nor an Income generator for me (I try to send them a donation every now and again in appreciation))
RELATED/RECENT (Nov. (so far) and some Sept./Oct. 2024; many Election related pieces will be stripped (well, they’ll exist, just no longer cross-referenced in-general in this sub-section going forward) and go back to items not only/fully related to such following Nov. 5 drops going forward; other from me) B4IN PIECES:
Life, Kids, Animation, Cartoons, Books, Sports, with Devon Taylor…. | Family-Parenting (Cross-Posted from Sports) | Nov 04
Devon Taylor – Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS…. | Sports | Nov 04
Music: DPB: Bringing GRACE and LOVE back to RAP…. | Entertainment | Nov 04
Music: Robert Ross “Better With Time” (Wisdom, with Age) and more discussion… | Entertainment | Nov 04
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws… Issues… Questions… via my own Personal ongoing experience… | The Law | Nov 03
Water-Cooler discussions still happening? Some certainly trying to CENSOR some from Speaking other places…. | Watercooler Topics | Oct 31
Endless FAKE ADS from Left for #Election2024 are Hilarious…. | Opinion | Oct 29
How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)…. | Awakening? Start Here | Oct 28
Is it premature to shift the Betting Odds POTUS Race? USHouse control? USSenate control? ALL in GOP favor/column! | U. S. Politics | Oct 28
Is it premature to start talking who should all be in Trump / Vance Cabinet?!?!? | Republican | Oct 28
Halloween and the 2024 Election… | Economics and Politics | Oct 28
OK, OK, OK, trying HARD not to LOL til my sides hurt on latest Social-Media suspension supposed reason(s)… | Media | Oct 26
MicroSoft (aka: MajorSUCK) Windows 11 endless problems…. | Science and Technology | Oct 26
Once again Smoke billows up across Iran, Iraq, and Syria.. and I stand by my B4IN post 3 years ago… | Middle East | Oct 25
Once again… Activist Courts allowing Left to ignore THE LAW…. SCOTUS must step in… | The Law | Oct 25
When I mess up, I want to acknowledge such and apologize… | Opinion - Conservative | Oct 25
Frank Tull joined for Conversation – bottom-line: M. Jackson: starting with the MAN IN THE MIRROR… | African American News | Oct 24
USA documents say: WE THE PEOPLE – so Frank Tull rightly asks: WHO really then is BLAME?!?!? | Politics | Oct 24
Government Regulations and Automobiles… Yes, ties to NWO/WEF/etc…. | New World Order | Oct 22
Are there Aliens? Not the Open-Border kind, the ET kind? | Paranormal | Oct 22
Just cuz Science makes it Possible, doesn’t mean it’s practical or even a Good idea…. | Beyond Science | Oct 22
PR about – Child Trafficking – a certain PR outlet REFUSED to distribute… Guess they are FINE with Abused Children… | Press Releases | Oct 21
CTP: Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Christian News | Oct 21
Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Press Releases | Oct 21
Fight or Flight…. NO, there is at least one other option…. | Survival | Oct 21
God and Trump (Richard Lynch) and Left Cancel Culture desperation | Republican | Oct 20
Again (yes AGAIN) The Left / Democrats DENY GOD! | Christian News | Oct 19
The Profits (of The Left) behind MURDERING BLACK CHILDREN…. | African American News | Oct 19
Abortion – the PROFIT MOTIVE side…. | Economics and Politics | Oct 19
FLASHBACK: A Republic If You Can Keep It (and 3 bonus other materials here-in) | U. S. Politics | Oct 18
[Live from New York it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [not LIVE, in Theaters now]… | Movies | Oct 17
Applause to and for The KAMALunist for her first HONEST actions during this 2024 Election cycle… | Letters to the Editor | Oct 17
Power and Control – the bottom-line all things Left in USA doing toward/for Globalism… Attacks on Internet related…. | New World Order | Oct 15
The Internet – additional moves to DESTROY the History on it, and gain Control/Power over all of it… | Science and Technology | Oct 15
The moves of The Left to SHUTDOWN Speech and Erase History…. | Police State | Oct 15
Internet Archives HACKED and still down…. WHY? Ask WHO wants SPEECH SQUELCHED/CENSORED and History Erased? | Conspiracy Theories | Oct 15
Civil War (in USA) redux??? Already in COLD Civil War… might it turn HOT?!?! | War and Conflict | Oct 14
Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!? | Opinion | Oct 14
Video Platforms…. | Resources | Oct 14
Faith… Politics… Election 2024 based Reporting/Discussions…. | Media | Oct 14
Ignorance Vs STUPIDity… difference… | Education | Oct 13
The continuing FIASCO in MI-GOP and sadly likely some of the Other INSIDERS CONTROLLED States…. | Republican | Oct 08
FBI “claims” foiled an upcoming Terror Plot for Election 2024 day… Can, could, should, we believe them?!?!? | War on Terror | Oct 08
End really Nigh? Are you Fighting for Good or just complicit via inaction in the Evil??? [with Special Guest: Christopher Armstrong Stevenson] | Religion | Oct 02
VP Debate follow-up [updated] | U. S. Politics | Oct 02
The VP Debate should have a very simple strategy from JDVance… [updated] | Republican | Sep 30
HILARIOUS, if not so serious, LIES, DEFLECTION, PROJECTION, from The Leftists…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 29
Random thoughts… Highlights from this weekend’s (so far) social-media posts… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 28
No you CAN NOT REST…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 27
World War III inevitable?!?!? | War and Conflict | Sep 27
International Taxation issues (finding that Sweet-Spot, too low ineffective, too high backfire) | International | Sep 25
Bill Clinton (then) vs Mark Robinson (now) – thought Adult Sex matters didn’t matter (lets do necessary comparison)… | Media | Sep 25
How is it that Criminals are like the new CELEBRITY CLASS and feel ENTITLED to getting CRAZY REQUESTS fulfilled… | Crime All-Stars | Sep 25
So sad gotta say it: IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID! No, really, if talking anything else (‘cept maybe 20M Illegals flood) is #StrategicallySTUPID… | Economy | Sep 24
Brett Favre testifying about FRAUD before Congress? Let’s discuss (that and more)… | The Law | Sep 24
EXCLUSIVE share to and with my fellow Christians here on BeforeItsNews… | Christian News | Sep 23
Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter – All Lives have Value/Meaning) | African American News | Sep 21
Micro vs Macro | Green Living | Sep 21
Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!? | Iran | Sep 19
Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination…. | Economics and Politics | Sep 18
Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic | U. S. Politics | Sep 17
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too… | U. S. Politics | Sep 16
SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution…. | The Law | Sep 16
Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now… | Movies | Sep 14
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner… | Canada | Sep 14
Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be.. | Healthcare | Sep 13
Do NOT be like Leftist Snowflakes… | Republican | Sep 13
Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!? | Conspiracy Theories | Sep 13
OK, seriously, let’s examine the Cat, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, Eating in the Room…. NO, seriously look at…. | Immigration | Sep 13
Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics…. | Health | Sep 12
UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate…. | Media | Sep 12
Last Night’s Debate…. (and Somber Remembrance of 9/11)… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 11
Are you going to let them play FUN WITH NUMBERS spin/games? Or you really checking the Math??? | Personal Finance | Sep 10
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?! | Economics and Politics | Sep 10
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET…. | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again – 2024 | 9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2…. | Politics | Sep 07
School Shootings… TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers… | The Law | Sep 05
Books: Fantasy Fare | Books | Sep 03
Here are some pieces from me over on TheLibertyBeacon…
Some additional random TLB IMAGES (and these are FAR from all items I’ve dropped at TLB) from pieces over on TLB (reminder, after 1 yr B4IN moves pieces to Archives and images get stripped, so after 1 year they will no longer be visible here) most of which correspond/conjunction with a CTP episode (care to bet CLUELESS err… I mean… ANONYMOUS knows what NORTON V SHELBY is let-alone a damn thing about that or any number of the other things I’ve delved into over last few years on/with/via B4IN and TLB):
TLB images section end
ALL of my TheLibertyBeacon pieces:
Here is a recent piece ABOUT ME rather than FROM ME:
Hey gang,
I am PROUD to be Affiliated with: Blackout #Coffee Co.
NEWS: Better than usual PROMO-CODE DISCOUNT…
Oct 24th – 31st – #Halloween Sale: 20% off
JLD B4IN pieces:
JLD TLB pieces:
Joseph M Lenard books:
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
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