Martial Law Overrules as Many in US Congress to Be Arrested
There were 4,000 National Guardsmen federalized into US Marshals expected to make arrests at the US Capitol this weekend. The Military saw President Biden as a treasonous agent.
Since Sat. 9 Jan. the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander in Chief and General Flynn in charge of the Military. Suspected to be acted upon this weekend were well over 222,286 sealed indictments against political and global elites filed in federal courts across the nation.
An Interim Military US Government was actually running our country. The ten miles of Washington DC, White House and the Capitol Building was secured with barbed wire fences and 60,000 troops. The US Military would control all assets, taxpayer dollars, conduct a return to a gold/asset-backed dollar and insure the Republic would be restored to elements of the original Constitution as written prior to 1871.
The two governments ruling the US: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and the (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.
Yet, Donald J. Trump was still technically the US President. A few days before Biden’s Inauguration and due to foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump instigated the Insurgency Act, declared Martial Law and deferred his power to the US Military.
Now the US was officially in a State of War and under mandates of the Constitution, Trump would remain as President until all those were arrested who committed treason by conspiring to steal the 2020 Election with the foreign governments of the Chinese Communist Party, Cuba, Vatican, Italy, the UK, Venezuela, Iran and Germany.
The bankrupt US Inc. Corporation from which Biden was inaugurated as President actually died in March 2020. They no longer could confiscate US Taxpayer dollars. On 2 Nov. 2020 a bankruptcy was finalized for the Deep State 1871 US Inc. Corporation. A restored US Republic was re-established by President Trump on July 4 2020.
To top it off, on Wed 20 Jan 2021 traitors in Congress and Judiciary branches of the US Inc. Corporation had committed themselves to treason and insurrection when Biden was inaugurated based on fraudulent vote certifications.
The reason for all this boiled down to money. This Deep State had been trying hard to stop a US transition to a gold-backed financial system, as they had done historically. Attempts to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard was believed why the Deep State murdered JFK in 1963, why Reagan was shot and almost murdered 31 March 1981 (there were several other assassination attempts against Reagan), and why the Deep State on 9/11 killed 3,000+ innocent Americans in the Twin Towers NYC in the planes that crashed, and via the missile that struck the Pentagon on 9/11 as so executed by Pres. Bush Jr, VP Cheney, and Rumsfeld.
Trump has led the way to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard and in the process has survived 13+ assassination attempts over the past four years.
In 2018 when President Trump signed an Executive Order on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be seized under Martial Law. With the present Martial Law established through Trump’s instigation of the Insurrection Act just prior to him leaving office, US Inc. assets of the Cabal including US Taxpayer dollars, could now be seized and given back to The People.
At the same time a Global Currency Reset was being rolled out – changing currencies of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed – Biden’s illegal unconstitutional administration and illegal swamp government in DC were being removed by the Interim Military US Government.
The Interim Military US Government was headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of staff Air Force Gen John Hyten, & DHS head (former marine combat officer) Pete Gaynor. Gaynor was directing FEMA through Robert Fenton acting head of FEMA.
Gen Mike Flynn was the informal military intelligence leader & liaison behind the scenes to Trump & his team of several thousand Alliance leaders.
Joe Biden was an illegal, illegitimate elected “president” over a bankrupt US Corporation, Inc. with no true power. Biden Executive Orders were not being recorded in the Federal Register because those govt employees responsible knew that they would be implicated in Biden Administration treason, including facing arrest and prosecution in Military Tribunals along with the rest of the DC Swamp.
There was no US flag flying on the White House because the Military was in charge. Biden’s inauguration was known to be pre-recorded, yet was shown in the media as being live. The Alliance would keep this image of a fraudulent president alive for now as a cover for everyone’s safety and to continue working behind the scenes.
There were 800+ military officers as high as four-star Generals down to Colonels (Army, Air Force) and Navy Vice Admirals down to Captains who were loyal to Trump, the original Constitution and restored Republic.
Biden was despised by these military leaders. Recently the Department of Defense (DoD) refused to give Biden’s team info they requested on the $32+ billion F35 fighter aircraft sale to the UAE (United Arab Emirates). The DoD told illegal president Biden that he was not allowed to enter the Pentagon.
While Biden can execute civil and domestic laws (rejoining the Paris Accords, etc), Biden and his team cannot affect military or security or border decisions, Homeland Security or FEMA decisions, which were being made only by the interim military govt without regard to Biden and his teams’ directions.
The Interim Military US Government heads, Secty of Defense Chris Miller, and DHS/FEMA head, Pete Gaynor were still reporting to Trump & his team, who were hidden on the sidelines, but still very much involved. Trump said in his farewell speech, “I WILL be back in another form,” meaning eventually Trump will be elected and confirmed as the 19th president of the Republic after Ulysses Grant left the presidency in 1877.
Trump’s team included several thousand leaders of a NESARA restored Republic and GESARA committed Alliance inside and outside the US who were fighting to oust the Deep State globally.
Behind the scenes Trump and his team were very involved with the Interim Military US Government in (1) getting out the RV/GCR and (2) coordinating with the military interim govt about removing the “belligerent” illegal DC swamp govt (at the right time and very soon).
From the past weekend’s raid of CIA Headquarters in Langley the Interim Military US Government leadership had in hand decisive evidence that showed the Biden administration was illegal, fraudulently voted in, unconstitutional and was a foreign (CCP) bribed, foreign owned and foreign controlled insurgent govt. This made the Biden Administration a “belligerent” power that was foreign to the US Constitution and foreign to US constitutional govt.
D.C. was fenced off. The President was never going back to the White House. There would be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes. The whole affair came to a climax back on Wed. 6 Jan. at the Washington DC MAGA rally.
On Wed. Jan. 6 millions of Trump supporters were in Washington DC for a MAGA rally where POTUS showed up late and gave a speech. Two miles away and while being filmed by CNN, Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs unloaded from a van and aided by DC police, entered the Capitol Building and staged a riot, after which Congress certified a stolen election while the US Military confiscated their laptops, wherein was found chats and emails to the Chinese Communist Party, Antifa, BLM and one another giving instructions on what to do in the riot – which afterward Congress then blamed on President Trump and for which was now another impeachment hearing in Congress even though Trump has left office.
On the other side of the fence and just a day after Biden was sworn into office, GOP newly elected representative Marjorie Taylor filed Articles of Impeachment on Biden for alleged abuse of power. “President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. He has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies. Biden is even on tape admitting to a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government threatening to withhold $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid if they did not do his bidding. President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached.”
With Democrats allegedly colluding with foreign powers to win a fraudulent 2020 Election, Biden sworn in as US President and the Democrats holding the majority in both the House and Senate, which President do you think would be impeached?
Or, perhaps with the Insurrection Act and an interim US Military actually in charge of the US government, those Congress people may be in the process of being arrested this weekend.
“I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Section 10 U.S. Code 13 251-255) to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by Democrat and Republican lawmakers, CCP Agents (Chinese Communist Party), FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others to dismantle the United States of America and it’s Constitution,” President Trump declared on Thursday 14 Jan. “These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”
President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act after another assassination attempt on him Sat. morning 9 Jan. According to his Intel, Chinese Communist Party Agents, the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others of the Deep State have – with the help of the Main Stream Media – long been planning to dismantle the US and it’s Constitution.
Of course, none of these treasonous acts have been reported by the corrupt Main Stream Media. Trump had evidence that the MSM was “embedded with CIA and Chinese Communist Party agents whose sole purpose was to direct public opinion toward a Deep State agenda.”
During President Trump’s four years in office he and what has been referred to as the Alliance have been fighting this Cabal – a Satan worshipping force composed of thirteen Satanist Bloodline families out of Italy, the Vatican, UK Monarchy, British M16, Chinese Communist Party, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and certain Republican and Democratic Lawmakers.
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Why haven’t the Military Confirmed this ? If its True then Why aren’t there Videos of Soldiers being asked Questions ? Why aren’t there Videos of High Ranking Commanders Saying that Amerika is under Martial Law ?
Because Judy posted it, you dumb dipshit. She hasn’t been right once, along with the rest of the stellar BIN “reporters”. I mean this is the place where you heard that Epstein was still alive and getting ready to testify. BIN, the home of the Qtards.
Judy’s got credibility for having broken quite a bit of news about events going on.
You’ve got credibility for going up to join the slavery, child molester cock swallower party.
Therefore you will wear that. Because you are that.
Hope you have a great day! Oh, tell me one time that Judy was right. L’ll jist wait. I think you are sticking up for her so much because you are getting it on with her. This BIN is a cesspool.
I hope you and your Mother have a boy by the way. He may look just like you. Kinda like a redneck cornpone with his toungue up Trump’s butt.
This witch is shameless. She never shuts up or hangs her head when exposed for her fraud and falsehoods.
She pushes this horse shit around her celebrity worship ‘daddy’.
Perfect distraction from THIS:
If it werent for Trojan horse Trump? We wouldnt have this vaccine to fight off to begin with. Now we’ll be fighting and dying over Dump’s MARK of the BEAST legacy for decades.
Yet this jakkass is promising to bring Crisis Actor in Thief BACK!!
God help us!
When I see the swamp being arrested I will believe it then as of now I see nothing happening but Biden destroying America.
Last weekend everybody was going to be arrested ! This weekend everybody is going to be arrested and when that doesn’t happen it will be everybody will be arrested. Then next weekend nobody is arrested it will be the following weekend and so on, and so on, and on so on! It will go on for the next four years with no end in sight! Just quit with the hopium! It’s over!
Let me add to this. Everybody was already arrested. We are watching a live movie now. They are just faking it. Enjoy the show!
there is definitely something seriously going on given the behavior of all concerns in the government to include the biden admin being rebuffed by the pentagon. i’m skeptical but optimistic. the u.s. corporation is a factual situation, but takes a lot of research to understand so many will just think it’s foolishness by conspiracy theorists. the longer this truman show goes on the less likely it is a truman show and the more likely we’ve all been duped so the military better get something done shortly or time will have run out…
Biden was signing Blank pieces of Paper on the Mainstream news vision of him making Executive orders, That’s the one thing that stands out above all… You would actually see Trump sign his name on a proper order but what Biden had was completely blank ! ???? That is one sign that something wierd is happening. But then again this entire Shiit show has been insane
Kind of like Trump’s health plan which were just a bunch more of blank pages. Lots of blank pages going around.
List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the DEEP STATE Operatives and Doubles. January 23, 2021 – (
YOu are nothing but another piece of shit sadistic asshole playing with these people’s heads. Have you no shame? what a piece of scum you are. ou should be classified less than an animal. Posting trash and lies. Nothing will happen and you will just keep coming week after week with nothing but more lies. Stop being such a waste of human waste. That would be the most productive thing you couldl ever do.
Why are so many people resorting to name calling. If you don’t like what you find on this site, look somewhere else. BIN posts the same type of articles each day, The same trolls bitch and moan about them each day. Most people view this site for entertainment. If your not entertained. Bye Felicia.
Donald Drumpf – Illuminati Jew (Dec 29, 2015)
Saturday, January 23, 2021 13:42 on BIN
Better watch this Lady, you have been fooled —Trump will also be arrested by the military, if the military has ANY power.
are we getting our tax money back?
What Tax Money ? 🤑 💰 Nothing here …? 😐🤣
arrest warrant was put out on judy by the citizens of the republic
The problem is she sites no sources and has been wrong. It is what we want, but her credibility has taken a serious hit
She ain’t never had no credibility clown.
It says in this article: Biden Executive Orders were not being recorded in the Federal Register…
But when I check the Federal Register:
I see the following noted:
Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation by the Executive Office of the President on 01/25/2021.
Executive Order 13992 of January 20, 2021 Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation By the authority vested in me as President … 2 . Revocation of Orders. Executive Order 13771 of… etc etc etc
Am I missing something with this article?
So Biden is recorded in the Federal register ? Ok then that proves as we all knew this is Fake News then and also Proves There is NO LAW. An ILLEGITIMATE Biden/Harris democratic Presidency and if the rest of the country are following then it makes every single part connected also Illegitimate. Nothing has been legal as Law no longer exists so the only thing left to do is what should have been done on the 6th. Civil War or Shut it all down
Yes you are missing something.
Did you actually read those Executive Orders that Biden signed ?
I read them.
All they do is rescind several EO’s that Trump made.
There are NO new EO’s that touch in areas of National Security, Immigration or anything else critical like the Federal Reserve.
I call it FAKE. Hollywood Movie.
I hope your president fries along with the military and Q for not informing the people that we are under military rule, and not arresting the criminals.
Go suck his little fat dick in Mar a Lago. He’s there waiting for you. In the meantime, JB will be doing a better job at not selling us out to the Rusians.
If Biden is not the President, why would a Trump supporter try to impeach Biden? Judy,Judy,Judy! You have such purty lips, but they tell so many lies!
Judy Byington has already proved she, he whatever if is the real name is a false prophet. All of her previous claims and dates failed to come to fruition. Why does she persist to spin these yarns? You Qtards surely were brainwashed and gaslighted to the point you will not confirm reality but act as if your information is coming to you from news from and alternate universe.
More hopium for the masses. No one is going to be arrested stop thinking they are.
OMG, more ***** FAKE NEWS ***** from Sister Judy. I feel so sorry for her. She must get paid a hell of a lot though.
The pandemic hoax is over. This is not and never was a “pandemic”. A pandemic is a disease that kills – repeat, kills – million of otherwise healthy adults and children, as in the Spanish Flu, the Black Death or the Plague of Justinian. Corona virus (Covid-19) is a serious public health threat in the same way many other diseases have been, from AIDS to Swine Flu, Hong Kong flu, and so one. Thanks to nincompoops (or corrupt evil bastards) like Fauci , Gates and Ferguson, our political leaders were panicked into adopting unnecessary and arguably counter-productive tactics that have wrecked our economy and likely saved hardly anybody.
yeah, now all those [Dem]rats governors are pushing for opening business and schooling in person because the economy needs it. now, if the Covid’s levels are the highest they have ever been, how they justified openings now, when they were opposed to it when Trumps was telling them to do so all these months?
This is not about COVID-19. This is about carbon exchange and carbon credits. When you put a mask on you are not allowing the carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere. You are giving off carbon dioxide, and then you take them back in carbon dioxide and you are in fact killing yourself. This is what the psychopaths and government really want. They want us to do ourselves in by not exchanging carbon for oxygen; but whether re-breathing in the very poisons that we let out. Now that’s what this Covid plandemic is all about!
total BS as always.
Or 4,000 national guardsman were deputized as US Martials to steal your guns and vaccinate your family without concent.
If you believe this, you have been lobotomized. If you want to see a funny video about Qtards go here:
Dang it, Bitch. how many times have “we” arrested these scoundrels??
LOL, such disinformation bullshit!
Tomorrow she will arrest them again, and will be sending in the white hats on white horses to save the Republic. Tune in tomorrow for some true news featuring Judy Byington with John Rolls.
The criminals have shown their true face. They all work for a foreign state.
The criminals have shown their true face. They all work for a foreign state. All this stuff about the foreign state is true and a matter of record.
Yawn……….well…at least Judy doesn’t post her articles with headlines that remind me of Batman and comic books.
I like my click bait to at least look like something of integrity. When they splash big cartoon comic book looking headlines I then I know for sure its BS.
But us little people are always the last to know anything and we almost always find out the truth long after the event has taken place.
I’m starting to get really bored anymore. All I can do is laugh my ass off at the whole shiite show.
As I like to say:……what are they gonna do…..kill me?…..put me in prison?…….I’ll be laughing my ass off even as they line me up against the wall.
Humanity is a failed species and soon there will no longer be any of them left and once again the universe will become a much safer place.
So just have another drink, get close with yer woman and have some fun as it all goes up in flames…….and just enjoy watching the human animals self destruct……lol…….lol…….think I’ll add one more jigger to this next one…….
Hmmm…I wonder if anyone in that ‘group’ ^^^^^^^^ has recently traveled up to Quebec Canada?
Q Mindset. This is a novel of wishful thinking. You have no sources.
Pure torture. How much more of this insanity do we have to tolerate? Time for Trump and military to git’r done.
If anyone is going to jail it’s going to be patriots and Trump. Trump folded like a cheap suit. He wasn’t the good puppet the handlers wanted. He didn’t invade Syria and Iran for starters and he couldn’t be trusted for a second term.
The only people that may be arrested are Trump his family and biggest supporters. The coupe D’etat is complete. This is Russia 1917 part two.
Judy Fruit stopped takin’ her meds. Again.
Tin foil hats are out in full in this article.
As most of us know, the mockingbird media like to use key-words or phrases when they report something ad-hominem to influence behavior and or perception.
I believe the word we must now be on the lookout for is POPCORN. YES, POPCORN!! Anytime you are reading a BIN story and the author tells you to get some POPCORN and enjoy the show then you better think twice before grab your ass and hold on.
I didn’t see POPCORN mentioned in Ms. Judy’s report so I am inclined to believe she at least believes what she is saying to be true instead of obviously trying to be misleading.
Additionally, I don’t recall a single person telling us to sit back and eat BUTTERED POPCORN, just regular POPCORN.
And besides, it is better to read a story from Judy that you might not totally believe in than to listen to MSN stories that you absolutlley dont believe in.
Just saying . . .
Brilliantly, Trump put them in a no-win situation. If they did the right thing and confirm him as president, he would have another 4 years to dismantle the deep state. If they did the illegal thing, and confirm Biden as president, they would be committing treason and colluding with a foreign power. Nicely played – POTUS!
This is nothing but lies, Trump pardon so many criminals Trump is the swamp in my opinion. Jesus christ is the face of white supremacy. As a negro man my savior and creator look just like me, no damn racist ass white savior. White people are losing their fucking minds like the bible say, only white people on BIN saying dumb shit about election fraud when record numbers of negros voted. My vote was real and Trump wasn’t for negro people Trump was self hating negro people
The Nerogro obammie installed most of these traitorous WAYCIST generals or at least got the ball started to infiltrate the Pentagon. The Nerogro already infiltrated Washington.
It’s like I said that darn Nerogro of your did much more damage then you could imagine. You may lose your next war because of him. Like the senile Bitem he signed anything in front of him.
But unlike Bitem he didn’t care whereas with Bitem he just don’t know.
I have long called this pagan party of losers, wannabees, misfits, liars, thieves waycist and wapist commies to be BANNED. But too much conniving Retardicas won’t allow it.
Let’s see, how many times have Nancy, Chuck and their accomplices been arrested and executed now?
Who’s been keeping count?
Let’s see, how many times have Nancy, Chuck and their accomplices been arrested and executed now??
Who’s been keeping count?
No time and a total waste of time and only stupid people read this and even “stupider” people believe this.
Stop the hopium!!! The military should have arrested those criminals on Wednesday. They are failing to do they duty. Explain why they are not telling the people we are under military rule. Explain why they are allowing the corporate media to continue to lie to the public. As usual no arrest took place this weekend. The longer the delays the more skeptical I become. We went through this BS for the last 4 years of the goal post being moved. The EBS should be on now, not the corporate news. We are told this is a movie … so why does the script keep changing. Until I see some proof, as far as I am concerned we are being played.
HEADLINE : Martial Law Overrules as Many in US Congress to be Arrested
“And a partridge in a pear treeeee!!!”
I’m learning the meaning of hopium … the hard way.Why is the military not telling the public we are under military rule? Why is the military allowing the corporate media to continue to lie to the public? Why isn’t the military doing their duty and arresting the criminal and restoring the legal government?
Q Trump, the military are making us look like fools.
My friends and family will no longer talk to me because I tried to warn them of what I thought was going to happen … what should have happened but didn’t, and still not happening.
Psyop running out of steam. Better think up something else.
I know
“This is Biden and I have just been arrested” – 3 times.
Wed Jan 27 2021 02:30 AM EST (time unconfirmed) : It looks like its happening :
Mass arrest at the capitol
video posted at 2021-01-26 23:57:50 EST-0500
Arrests in Washington at 2 a.m.? Dozens of buses including black-captured transport buses entering the capitol …
You guys never give up. 10,000 sealed indictments. 30,000, 50,000? Go on! All you do is prove and demonstrate to people exactly what fake news is all about…. those arrests should have happened long time ago.
Me, I don’t know a thing about Judy Byington other than what I read about her biography on Google… Don’t know her from Eve…
I’m not defending her.
I have to say that nobody force you to read her articles… Nobody put a gun to your heads and made you read and listen. You chose to do this on your own.
Judy is entitled to write whatever she wishes to write. Last I looked 1st Amendment is still part of MY CONSTITUTION. You don’t have to like what she writes, but that’s her right…
Don’t know if any of what she post is credible or truthful. Don’t know where she got her material.
Don’t know about the state of her mental health one way or another. I’m not a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Counselor, Priest, Pastor, et cetera. I’m unqualified to render an opinion on her sanity or her state-of-mind, and neither are you.
If you object to her writings and postings, then don’t read and listen to them.
Problem solved.
Last, I venture to say that most people who post here at Before-It’s-News just want things made right like the rest of us. They express their desires, hopes and dreams… You read and listen to these persons because you are seeking someone to tell you what is going on, and give you hope.
News for you: They don’t know any more than you and me. What they are doing is to reflect what most of us want.
I know that you are frustrated, but it is unfair to take your frustration out on them.
If you don’t like it, then don’t partake of what they offer.
And you should quietly go away and fuck yourself to death. These people also sayin’ what they like too, ain’t nobody put you in charge of nothin’ clown. Go watch CNN and hide under the couch soyboy.
Judy please, stick to baking cookies…
Disregarding whether or not that she’s always right or never right. How did so many toilet mouth brainless libtard shills and trolls end up in the same place? Why don’t you leftist Einstein’s go somewhere else where somebody might even care about what crap you have to say. What a bunch of negative commie losers.