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The World Is In Flux And Becoming More Divided. Do We Not All Belong To The Human Family? Maybe Not...We Are Not All The Same.

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Written By: Marlene*
Tuesday 4th March, 2025.

Today is ‘Trump-Tariff Day’ when his threats to Mexico and Canada became active with a 25% tax on all imports. Personally, I think that Trump is not very wise with his tariffs, but hey, what do I know? It is not just the tariffs because he has said that he wants to cripple Canadian economically, so it can become the 51st State. Who says that? He has no respect for the Canadian people and because he is a bully, he will hurt so many people, including Americans.

His problem is with Justin Trudeau who will be gone in a couple of weeks after the new leader of the Liberals is chosen. The front runner is much loved by Trump, he has even moved his company to NY City after Trump first announced the tariffs back in October. Mark Carney, who some Canadians lovingly refer to as Mr. Burns and who is scorned in Canada and labelled a liar, may end up being Prime Minister. I really hope and pray he does not, because he will sell Canada out to Trump.

Trump was asked about the Conservative leader Pierre Pollievre who will most likely become the new Prime Minister, who has a ‘Canada First Agenda’. He answered and said that Pierre is not a MAGA guy. What does that even mean? Pierre is a Common Sense guy. How can he be MAGA? He is also more like Trump than Trump realizes. Trump wants everyone to bow down to him, to accept all that he says and does, because he is the ‘chosen one’. He is living in a greed-vacuum where only money matters and taxing others, even his closest allies who will potentially fill his empty American coffers. Is there gold in Fort Knox?

This is turning out to be a rant against Trump. Since he came on the scene I have been supportive of him, especially in his war against the Traffickers and their kind. I even prayed that he became president because the alternative was not an option. Now he is in power, he is isolating America and taxing everyone, even all of his closest allies in order to enrich American and economically destroy Canada, so that he can have the country to supply America’s needs. Canada has a lot of everything, especially fresh water.

Interestingly, I am taking this kinda personally and even though there is a part of me that knows there will be some kind of North American Union, even with the Western Canadian provinces and the North West States called Cascadia, it seems that Trump may be the one who does this, or at least he begins the process of splitting up the continent into a few countries, but mainly splitting Canada into at least three parts.

Trump is also underestimating the Canadian will. There are also those American groups operating in British Columbia, Alberta and other western provinces pushing the 51st State propaganda about leaving Canada and joining America. Trump’s people are certainly responsible for that… USAID funds perhaps? This is all so crazy and chaotic and even though you may have wanted something to happen, does not mean that you have to support the actions if they seem too excessive.

This world is so strange because there is a silent death crisis taking place here with the side effects of the sorcerer’s brew. I saw a recent NEWS item on China where the population has drastically decreased and no one really knows what happened to all the people. They seem to have disappeared over the past few years. Is this happening all over the world? There are over five and a half billion of us who are poisoned and slowly dying. 

A few countries have investigated this diabolical event, especially Japan and they have banned the brew and are calling for accountability. How is it that these leaders did not think about the choices they made for their peoples when they chose to distribute the brew, especially when there was no real testing and safety results published. It was all fear driven and it is the brew that is responsible for all of the deaths.

This is a very strange world indeed and keep in mind that the whole world is deceived by the Anti-Christ. The Jews are awaiting their Messiah as well as the Muslims. Christians are also looking for Jesus Christ to appear and take them out of the world before the Anti-Christ comes. Many live with the hope that they will not have to suffer through the reign of Satan and Lucifer and all the rest of these evil bastard wanna-be Babylonian kings. Christians must realize that the Tribulation is for the Church, because many in the Church did take the Mark of the Beast, so they have to be here in the time of the Beast-system when they took the Mark, right?

The Church or the Congregation of Christ Jesus is not His Bride, it is His Body. His Bride is the New Heavenly Spiritual City New Jerusalem. Many Christians believe that the Church is the Bride of Christ, when it is not, it is His Body, for He is the Head of the Church. He does take the Church in the time of the Harvest, when the Church will be separated into those who received the Mark of the Beast and those who did not. These two groups do not enter into the same places once they are taken away from the Earth.

There are so many strange and new things entering the world in these last days in the realm of religion and truths and knowledge that have been hidden about certain Humans, and this information is being revealed to the world, and to those who are interested in it. There is a serious problem I see emerging today concerning the Tribes of Israel with so many races claiming to be the true Israelites. There are the Black Israelites who are claiming to be the true tribes. There are also the Whites who claim to be part of the Tribes.

There will be race wars in our future and it will come out of religion. I refuse to even delve into race-related issues because they are of this world and of the flesh and blood body, which has no place in the Kingdom of God. Humans can make any claims they want to receive recognition or achieve their political goals and when we take our eyes away from Christ Jesus and God, we will get caught up in the evil ideologies of this world-system and the one topic that will divide Humans is the race issue, because you know, we are all so different because of our skin colour.

Do you believe that when our Lord looks at you, He is seeing your skin colour or is He looking at your Soul? Our bodies are our physical clothing that covers our Souls. You undress when you die and leave this world behind. You cannot take your flesh and blood body with you in the after-life. There are no races in the Kingdom of God, however there are those who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel who will reside there. Spiritual Beings do not have physical flesh bodies so as to cause one to see a skin colour. Our mind-set, our perspective must be rooted in the Kingdom. ‘We must seek first the Kingdom and all things will be given to us’. 

There is also talk of a Black Jesus and this idea is very popular among many Black Christians and it is also believed by the so-called ‘Black Israelites’ who will become more prominent in these last days. Was Jesus a black man? According to Pontius Pilate, He was not black. Perhaps there are some of the Tribes of Israel where there were black, however I do not believe that Jesus was a black man and Pilate said He was white. It is very likely that some of the Disciples of Jesus were black men. I believe at least Judas, who betrayed Jesus was black.

In my personal experience I have seen Jesus on three separate occasions in dream-visions and I have never noticed His race, because His face was always shining, even though you can see His facial features, there is no skin colour. He told us that race is irrelevant and racists will not enter into the Kingdom, especially racists who love their skin colour and their race, there will be no place for these ones in the Kingdom. 

Racism is a Luciferian construct established here by this world-system in order to set us up against each other and it has played a role in the way in which the world has developed over the past few hundred years. Racism is fluid in that the oppressors will eventually become the oppressed. All evil deeds will return to the ones who put them out in the first place. The world has changed and we can clearly see the changes in the racial dynamics… division and hatred. 

The bottom-line is that if you are a true Christian, and yes, there are many who believe that they are Christians, but are actually worshipping in vain, mainly because they do not know Jesus, nor are they His friends. So many Christians honour Jesus with their mouths but not with their hearts. There are so many false Churches in the world with satanic wolves preaching at the pulpits, leading the people astray with their Satanic doctrine. Christians are powered by the love of our Lord and the Father and the indwelling Holy Spirit, which examines the Human Soul and not our skin covering.

The synagogue of Satan has produced so many wolves and unleashed them into the world, destroying the minds and souls of those who hear the Call and want to join the Church. They are not a part of the body of Christ, they are the ones deceiving us, but only because we do not read and study the Word of God. We need to study the Bible everyday and not only on Sundays or church day. We cannot trust anyone on Earth, we must trust only in Christ Jesus and we have to study His word so as not to become deceived by the Satanic wolves spewing their evil doctrine in the pulpits.

When you study and pray you will get closer to Jesus Christ and you will develop a discerning mind where you will be able spot the wolves because you do not belong to that group of Christians who are deceived because of their lack of knowledge. Study the Word of God so that you can take control over your own Soul, because when your day arrives and you stand before our Lord, you cannot blame your pastor or preacher or priest for your experience with Jesus, but only you will be blamed for your own sins and how you lived your own life.

This is the time to come out of this world, there is nothing here but death and taxes, for real. The one thing I have noticed in this world concerning those who are our leaders is that there are no wise ones among them. Trump is not a wise man, he is a man of opportunity and popularity. He is also a rich man and a business man, and we know what happens to these ones. Who knows why is he causing so much suffering to both the peoples of Canada and America and they will all suffer because everything will cost more. 

I do hope the Canada is able to survive this all out attack, and Canada must begin to look at America as a threat to its national security. Trump has a plan for Canada and that is to destroy its sovereignty through economic warfare and make it the 51st State. Personally, I would never choose to live in America, even if I was a multi-millionaire and could afford the five million dollar gold-card offered by Trump, as he continues to usher in his ‘golden-age’. 

Is he the one who honour his god with gold? He seems to be obsessed with Gold and acquiring loads of money for the American coffers and he will tax everyone in the world to get what he needs for the country. I still think he keeps underestimating the Canadians, and I do hope that the provincial leaders are not at all compromised, so they cannot be blackmailed and forced to do things that go against their political promises or against the Canadian people. 

I also believe that this is the exact situation Justin Trudeau has found himself to be in. He is so compromised, he should have been long ago considered a security threat to the country and removed as Prime Minister. He actually has a ‘Diddy tape’ and it is supposed to be very bad, allegedly, and Trump hates him because of it. 

There is much foreign government interference happening in the Trudeau era, and it is possible that they all know about the tapes and are using it against Trudeau, perhaps even the Cartels. Trump is not at all wise, he is money and gold hungry, but his oracle is leading him astray. I really do not like him and his sour fruits, because he is causing so much disruption and anxiety among the people for no real reason, except that he wants to tax the hell out of everyone in order to make America Great Again, and this is at the cost of long held relationships and trading partnerships.

He really wants to destroy Canada economically, and hopefully there are some smart leaders ready to defend the country. Canada would be ruined if it ever became an American State. I would not want to live in America. We can only wait to see what will happen, even the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford is threatening to cut off power to the States. Not sure if Trump realizes how much America depends on Canada for its energy products and keeping the lights on. Not sure if Americans realized how intertwined the economies of both countries are.

Of course Doug Ford’s suggestion is a bit extreme, but this is what Trump is doing to the Canadians and Canadians are extreme people. They go all out or they do nothing. There is no middle-ground and for you Americans who are criticizing Canada for booing your Anthem and making wild suggestions like turning off the power to the States, yes, Canada has control of the switch in many States and can shut off electricity on both the East and West coasts. Consider the situation very carefully, and that is Donald Trump is trying to destroy the economy of Canada in order to turn it into an American State so that he can stop the Russian and the Chinese from taking over the Arctic. WOW!

There is also the reality of the ORBS and the Alien Invasion which I believe is imminent and that could be the catalyst that unites the world and Canada will have no choice but to become a State, because it cannot effectively defend against the ‘Aliens’ while the Americans can, because of superior weapons Trump received from other ‘Aliens’. Currently there are still unidentified plasma orbs flying around in our skies and no one in authority is addressing the subject. 

This is very strange indeed, and additionally, there is that space object Oumuamua  that flew past our planet in  2017 and was missed by the protectors of our world. They have discovered that this unnatural object has actually returned and it is not alone, there are also two other similar objects with it and they are shooting something at our planet! Elon Musk knows about it and is sounding the alarm to world leaders. He is also preparing rockets or satellites to intercept and make contact? (Please visit my blog for more on this topic.)

There are so many life changing events taking place here as the day of the Lord draws nearer. We must be certain that we are found to be without spot, so I tell you now that you must Repent of your sins and keep in mind that your thoughts are also under Judgment. I do see interesting days ahead when stronghold will be broken down and scattered to the winds. The time of the Nephilim and the Watchers are here and we must take care as to what we do and think in these last days. 

The enemy is here for our minds and our Souls and we must be able to defend and protect ourselves from the blows of the Adversary, because he is going to kill us and enslave our Souls; He will also destroy our lives and set us up against each other, dividing us by race. There are those who believe that all the Ancient gods were black. That means that all of the Fallen Watchers were black when they took on physical Human forms. How interesting.

Christ Jesus existed in Glory before He came to Earth and was born a child. When He left the Earth He was not of any race, He was God and He regained His Glory at the right hand of the Father after His mission was fulfilled here on Earth. He came to save Humans, especially those who are His, those of us who believe in Him and all that He has done for us, things which no other Human or so-called god has ever done. Yet the future race wars are coming, where those who commit violence will do it in the name of God, believing that they are doing what is right.

We need to come together under the Lordship and guidance of Christ Jesus if we want to survive what is happening here, because only Christ can save you. Trump cannot save us from the Devil and his plans, as a matter of fact, I believe that he is clearing the way for the Beast-system to emerge and Americans should be very cautious concerning his policies, especially the new Quantum financial-system and the med-beds. Trust only in Christ Jesus, let Him be your physician.

1 JOHN 2:8-29
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shines.
9 He that saith he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness even until now.
10 He that loves his brother abides in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
11 But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not where he goes, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.
12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.
13 I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father.
14 I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides for ever.
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22 Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son.
23 Whosoever denies the Son, the same have not the Father:    (but) he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
24 Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
25 And this is the promise that he has promised us, even eternal life.
26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abides in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, ye shall abide in him.
28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
29 If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.
2 Timothy 3:12-17
 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

And so the fall-out from the Trump tariffs are happening and Canada has put 25% tariffs on over one billion of US Products. Trump said that he will add more counter tariffs on April 2nd. This man is out of his mind. Of course he has billions of dollars and maybe he does not know the price of eggs. It also fascinates me to see how Americans are all about supporting Trump and his insane taxes, especially when none of his promises have been met. He did promise low prices immediately, however that dream has gone out the window and inflation and the price of everything will increase. Great job, Mr. President.

Trump makes all of these crazy stupid statements, like America does not need anything from Canada because they have all of the products already in America. That may be so, but it does take months and sometimes years to develop oil and gas pipelines and other infrastructure to bring American product to development and fruition. In the mean time, he ruins his relationship with his closest ally and Canadians know that he really wants to make them the 51st State. Trump is too high on power, perhaps someone should give him a drink to relax him a bit. (Prayers to stop Trump in the works). 

Seek the Lord while He may be found. Do not trust in any man or Angel. Trust only in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and He will lead you through this insane madness we call life here on Earth. Peace to you all in Christ. M.
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