It is easy to see how the greek god of Chaos, Pan, became the Christian Devil. Although Pan didn’t have horns like the Green Man or Cernunnos he was often depicted with horns and antlers. The Devil, of course, is sometimes worshipped by Satanists and Wiccans. Trick or Treat is part of the wiccan holiday of Halloween.
The Devil is often portrayed as playing poker and even carries a poker called his trident which he presumably uses to prod souls to hell. He is reputed to be a dealer of souls. Satan is said to take the souls and burn them in the fire of Hell. Often associated with the Devil by Christians is Lucifer who was said to be a fallen angel. He is said to be able to transform himself into an angel of light and the Bible refers to a great delusion.
The name Lucifer means light-bearer and the early church fathers equated Lucifer with Venus as any dictionary will show. In some traditions trickster gods like Pan are not to be feared or are not evil.
They are ony meant to test us and to make sure we are ready before we, the fool, are allowed further along down the path.
So what I suspect is happening in this game we call Life is that this trickster god is tricking souls after death to go into the tunnel or pipe toward the light. Near death experiencers also use terms other than tunnel which was coined by Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life. They describe it as a tunnel, funnel, pipe, tube, vent, vortex, etc…
The concept of a trickster god has been around almost as long as mankind itself. The idea probably evolved from the stories about the moon and sun tricking mankind or being tricked by a human hero.
The moon would trick or kill the sun during a total solar eclipse. The sun would set and the cold cruel dark night would bring out all manner of predatory creatures. The moon was known as Sin to the ancient assyrians and so the sun of god would save man from Sin when it rose again from the dead. The sun and moon were worshipped as gods.
God was good and the concept of evil evolved into the personification of evil, the d’evil. This devil was a trickster god and he was known by different names to different cultures.
To the Sumerians he was Enki, also known as Ea. To the Philistines he was Dagon. To the Dogon Tribe he was Nommo. To the Babylonians he was Oannes. The Norse god Loki was a trickster god. The moon god Gwydion was a magician and a trickster to the celts. Likewise Kokopelli, depicted above playing his flute, was a trickster god for the native american tribes. He was Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent to the Aztecs, Kukulkan to the Mayans. To the Greeks he was a half-man, half-goat, Pan, the god of chaos or Hermes later known as Mercury to the Romans. Hermes was Thoth, a moon god to the Egyptians but Set was the personification of evil whom the christians called Satan. To the Gnostic sect of christianity he was known as the Demiurge. Some christians equate Lucifer, the fallen angel, with Satan. The tradition of Trick or Treat on Halloween has been carried over from the Celitc and druid practices. The old Celtic tradition of the Fool has been incorporated into our festivities as on April 1st we observe the holiday of April Fools Day.
We are all familiar with the court jester who entertains the King. We have Jokers or Wildcards in our deck of playing cards.
Although not gods probably the most famous trickster of all Looney Tunes’ Bugs Bunny was the epitome of tricksters and even his nemesis, the Coyote, was a navajo trickster god.
It is important to mention that possibly one of the key attributes and purposes of the Trickster is “a tester, one who makes sure you are ready before allowing you further along the Path.”
One could possibly even think of Lucifer or the Devil as helping make us stronger by resisting tempation and overcoming evil much like weightlifters build their muscles by lifting weights. In one sense they can be thought of as teaching us life lessons!
Basically to the Gnostics, when we are born, we have three things:
Soul (Demiurge),
Counterfeit Spirit (Demiurge),
Epinoia of the light (Source).
The counterfeit spirit is a spirit attached to us and with us from the beginning. It could be called the ego or sub-conscious. It is that voice in our heads that criticizes us. It constantly suggests wrong things to do or ways to act. The problem is that since it has been with you since birth you think it is actually you when it speaks out in your mind. It is not!
Muslims believe the same they call it a Qarin. “Qarins are unique to each individual. Qarin literally means ‘constant companion’. A qareen pushes a person to do evil things and to disobey Allah, with the exception of Muhammad.”
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And the counterfeiting spirit becometh witness of all the sins which the soul shall commit, in order that it may convict it in the judgments which are outside the chaos, not only that it may bear witness of them, but–all the sins of the souls–it sealeth the sins and maketh them fast on to the soul, in order that all the rulers of the chastisements of the sinners may recognize it, that it is a sinning soul, and that they may know of the number of sins which it hath committed, by the seals which the counterfeiting spirit hath made fast on to it, so that it shall be chastized according to the number of sins which it hath committed. This they do with all sinning souls.
If you look at that word, it is expressed in translation in the New Testament. Archon is translated as “to rule,”.
Ephesians 6
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
One of the times truth is in the New Testament.
Thus the following words used in Gnostic and other texts are the same meaning. Rulers, Powers, Principalities, Authorities, Archangels, Demons are all the same thing. They are all Archons in the definition Gnostics used, so Archon is kind of a catch-all.
Now religion. To me every religion is a Power Structure for control. Being Gnostic doesn’t mean religious in the normal sense. There are no rituals, there are no priests, there are no church’s. The body is the Church that allows direct communication with God. The only purity is inside. Gnosis is Knowledge.
The Jesus I know is not really the same but not different in some ways then the Bible. Jesus is amazing, he broke through the Demiurge’s system, to show us trapped souls how to get out. He suffered great anguish in doing so. He did not come here to sacrifice himself for our sins. He came here to awaken us and a means to escape it.
If Gnostic texts say Jesus didn’t come here to save us from our sins but to show us the way out of the matrix, then how did he show us the way out?
Ok first why do we ending up sinning?
Many reasons, Ignorance and a Demiurge confusing every single person with the “Counterfeiting Spirit”.
Our bodies were made to limit our understanding and make us need things that hurt other life. Our body needs energy, therefore we have to kill to live.
This in combination with Gnosis (Defeats Ignorance) is the model Jesus brought to us as a pattern for escape in my opinion:
These are all the boundary marks of the paths of them that are worthy of the mysteries of light.
Be ye loving unto men
Be ye gentle
Be ye peacemakers
Be ye merciful
Be ye compassionate
Be ye loving unto God(Source)
Be ye righteous
Minister unto the poor and sick and afflicted
Renounce everything: I find this one is very important. Basically it means every single situation on earth is caused by the illusion of the Demiurge. None is real, so form no attachments to those things that are material.
“No one knows the God of truth except solely the man who will forsake all of the things of the world, having renounced the whole place, (and) having grasped the fringe of his garment.”
There should be no special ways or rituals:
“His disciples questioned him and said to him, “Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?”
Jesus said, “Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered.”
“Jesus said to them, “If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves; and if you pray, you will be condemned; and if you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits. When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth – it is that which will defile you.”
Khazars were a race of people who mass converted to Judaism in the middle ages. They were supposedly barbaric and nomadic. They lived about the area of present day Russia and Ukraine. They were not actually Middle Eastern by genetics. This race of people are what would become the Ashkenazi Jews of present day or European Jews. The origins of Zionism and every evil to suffer the world started there. Even DNA evidence is supporting this now. “Nazi” in Ashkenazi. coincidence?
If you have never heard of Benjamin Freedman, please read or listen to what he had to say.
So I find its ironic that the people of Israel are not even Semitic. They took the land and are killing the real Semites in the process. Its all a long story but this form of Gnosticism says that the source of the Old Testament was the Demiurge. They are VERY VERY adamant about that. The Kabbalah and any of that other stuff would not be accepted by them as the “Modern” Gnostics do.
These are some similarities between Gnostic texts and Sumerian texts:
To the Gnostics, the Demiurge and his angels created humans. This is the same as Anu and his offspring created the black-headed people. The snake in the garden of Eden may have been Enki. The Garden of Eden to me was just an early Anunnaki habitation, somewhere in Turkey.
Yes this is what the Demiurge did to us from Gnostic texts:
1. Put in the lowest region of Matter: goes with the concept of our soul being trapped into a physical body. Sumerians created the human body and used it to trap souls for their desires.
2. Give us Death: Puts a limit on the number of years on a physical body. Enlil’s advice was given to Enki. Enki answered An and Enlil: “In those days, in those distant days, in those nights, in those distant nights, in those years, in those distant years, after the assembly had made the Flood sweep over to destroy the seed of mankind, among us I was the only one who was for life (?), and so he remained alive (?) — Zi-ud-sura, although (?) a human being, remained alive (?). Then you made me swear by heaven and by earth, and …… that no human will be allowed to live forever (?) any more.
3. Give us a counterfeit spirit to derail us. There are numerous mentions of friendly guardians or genius. Basically your familar spirit, although not exactly the same as counterfeit spirit.
4. Sensibility covered with a shroud Veil of Forgetfulness, which is really every religion.
And the spirit-endowed woman came to him and spoke with him, saying, “Arise, Adam.” And when he saw her, he said, “It is you who have given me life; you will be called ‘mother of the living’.
– For it is she who is my mother. It is she who is the physician, and the woman, and she who has given birth.” This is kind of weird that they put physician into this as it is never said anywhere else except one place. Ninhursag, the mother of humans, was also the Chief Anunnaki Physician.