Shocking Justin Tucker Allegations

The Baltimore Banner article “Ravens’ Justin Tucker accused of inappropriate sexual behavior by six massage therapists” co-written by Julie Scharper, Brenna Smith and Justin Fenton has, to no one’s surprise, created quite a stir throughout the NFL, particularly here in Baltimore.
Tucker, with the help of his attorneys, has issued a blanket denial of the accusations, which you can read below. For the moment, Russell Street Report takes no position on the topic. In the coming days weeks, months, perhaps even years, information will be shared, tales will be told, truths will be stretched and some concealed. Until the dust settles, until we have more information, the authenticity of which is 100% reliable, it is unfair and even irresponsible for us to share any of our opinions on this matter, for no other reason than they would not be informed ones.
We will monitor the situation closely, but we will not comment on it until we are sure beyond any reasonable doubt, that what we share is undeniably true. We encourage you to do the same. In the meantime, RSR will remain focused on the football side of things. For more on this topic now, discuss on our forums at THIS LINK.
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