Demons at Los Angeles Women's March (Video)
During the Los Angeles Women’s March, literal demons were caught parading the streets!
This video unravels the message these creatures were demonstrating just before making a highly obscene gesture to the surrounding viewing audience.
The crux of the matter is, they might have just communicated the most profound truth in a strange form of defiance and mockery to the ignorant onlookers.
FEATURED VIDEO: DEMONS / Say Hello to the Demons
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Demons at Los Angeles Women’s March (Video)
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Satanist are around 5 million or more in the U.S. Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals- the one that Hilary did her thesis on and Obama loved was dedicated to Lucifer by Saul. Hilary made a comment wiki leaks picked up she had said kiddingly she was going to go out back and sacrifice a chicken to Moloch. Secretly this is what they do and their spiritual cooking John Podesta friend had sliced his fingers for this cooking semen and urine and blood ceremony- this is a spiritual war- they made it that way along, long time ago.
OMG you are a moron.
Your broadcast worked for me again. It cured my insomnia and put me to sleep.
Can you get to the point? Quit after about 5 minutes. Has this anything to do with being fooled by being “born again”??
Comments below indicate that the informational provider is an idiot. Idiotic (Id-io-tic) is a phrase dedicated to an energy that has no knowledge and therefore no power but it also smacks of a smearing of one’s own ability to perceive their truth. BE ware. U don’t have the power to dictate, NOR do U obviously have a impartial view of the EA-rth’s situations. Save it for the malleable. WE don’t like the disrespect. FOff!
Can you get to the point too? We give our time to listen. We EXPECT SOMETHING, OK???
Think he had a little fun making this video. Having to say “Vagina” so many times. Had to chuckle even though hes right.