Saddam Hussein is dead and gone
Everything changed in 1998 when Saddam kicked out the inspectors and gave everyone the finger. By late ’98, it was clear that Saddam Hussein had no intention of respecting any international agreement or the cease fire that ended the First Gulf War.
Between ’93, when the cease fire when into effect, and 1998, Saddam shot at US planes, did not allow UN inspectors access to Iraq’s labs and military bases plus tried to kill the first Bush during a private visit to Kuwait. Last but not least, he did not comply with any of the cease fire requirements. This is why the Clinton administration supported The Iraq Liberation Act or making regime change the policy of the US.
Saddam was given one more chance in September 2002. This is when President Bush went to the UN and enumerated all of the violations. The UN then passed one more resolution calling on Saddam to do his duty or face consequences. The inspectors went back in after a 4 year absence. Once again, Saddam did not allow the inspectors to move freely and do their work.
So President Bush acted and Saddam was removed! The bottom line is that the world is better off without Saddam in Iraq.