Son of God Prophet Protection Instructions Are Stolen And Followed By Gang Stalkers Running DEPOPULATION
The Prophetic open vessel medium channeling information explains Prophet Protection plans were stolen between 2005 to 2009 and still are stolen so are Medium For God instructions sent for about 16 years and in around 2005 to 2007 the stolen mail said this is for Miss Nancy Gail Fox, her Prophet plan suggestions we suggest she follow with her owned money sent to her bank accounts, and we suggest she pay off the house she bought in summer 2005 to near nothing and that she gate the driveway to keep the two or more son of satan conpspiracy out, who would be known as Gang Stalkers who stalked, vandalized, stole and cat napped from 2005 to 2009 and who lied and set me up an over nice Mom in spring 09 and those are facts about what Gang Stalkers did from 2005 to 2009. Readings say they stole Son of God Angel Board jobs and money out of the mail box on a post they stalked, and bank deposit slips that said for Nancy Foxs checking deposit ONLY and some lurked around the corner parked waiting for us to leave the house and trapsed on the property and stole Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family Angel Board channeling jobs off the porch at 5 o’clock that ups and fed ex left by spy cams they cased the house out with to steal Prophet Jobs, and Prophet instructions, and money from banks, and readings have said they called ups and fed ex and asked ” what time will the Son of God jobs be left at their house?” and lied ” I am covering the Son of God Family mail” and stole the ups fed exes and do this for 20 years, and readings say instructions they stole said These are Nancy Gail Fox Prophet plans that we have sent as suggestions, we suggest she buy many mansions with her owned funds sent to her checking account for deposit only, and wrote on bank notes with the money ” this is for Miss Nancy Gail Fox, her owned money, so she can use her money to protect her family and we suggest she buy many mansions to protect her family, and stolen Prophet instructions ripped off from ups and fed exes and from letters in the mail box on a post they stole, suggested Nancy Fox buy 100 properties around the house she just bought in May June 2005 and she can have trusted friends and family members live in them to sift through her Son of God Questions being sent to hand them to her to answer questions by the Son of God and God on her Angel Board that she does at the house she bought, and it said she may choose 40 trusted family members and friends to live in an estate she shall buy near the house she bought, to live there or to just work from the property, and the 40 she might pay up to $10,000.00 a week by a payroll check from her owned money, we suggest she open a Lordess on earth payroll company to pay people she hires to be her assistants, and the 40 people she chooses may be permante employees of hers, and she might have them buy upscale designer $1,000 dollar outfits at Nordstroms and Bloomingdales etc as we suggest she open Studio Shopping accounts where they can purchase clothes on her account, we suggest 10 $1,000.00 outfits each for the 40 she chooses to be permanent staff people, and we suggest she have them lease or buy luxury vechicles, such as white Jaguars, and Silver Mercedes vechicles with her money she could put in car lot accounts she should open as Nancy Gail Fox Son of God accounts, and we suggest the 100 she chooses to live near them in estates she we suggest she buy have safes with her money in them in case of an emergency, they could hand her her cash from the safe, ten thousand or so we suggest, and the 100 people would include the 40 permanent staff people probably, and at the end they might buy the property from her if they are attached to it with 8 million they might receive from her as reward money for protecting her and her family, and we suggest that $20,000.00 of her owned cash thats being sent each week on a money truck is taken out of the bank its sent to and we suggest she hire a trusted person to withdrawl $20,000.00 of her owned money each week in cash by her filling out the bank authority slip we sent, and they might leave $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 of her owned cash at every Starbucks they frequent, at 20 Starbucks near them wherever they live and are for the next 10 to 15 to 25 years, so everytime her daughters or her go in a Starbucks they will be handed $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 of their cash to have their owned money as spending money, and readings say they have stolen that money for 20 years, and leave it at Starbucksw we go to and they send someone to pick it up and they lie that cash is for a Son of God job they got, and readings say in 2010 notices sent said hand Nancy Fox $10,000.00 in spending cash every day in the palm of her hand, and they gave that $10,000.00 to someone else and lie we assigned that person the Medium For God job by stolen Medium For God channel writing jobs of mine they stole from mail, and they lie the personal 10 grand they hand an imposter is for a Medium For God job they gave her when its not, its personal money sent that says for Nancy Gail Fox deposit only in her bank accounts, and hand her 10 grand a day of her money so she has spending money, and the 20 grand for Starbucks is left at 50 Starbucks now in California and in North Carolina, and they see the person withdrawl it from the bank, and they see him or her drive to many Starbucks coffee shops, and they see where it is left in security cameras, and text someone and write ” go take the Starbucks cash, hurry quick, say you are doing a Son of God staff job, show them papers that say we assumed that large important huge job position in 2005″ by stolen mail and fed exes and ups deliverys they ripped off in 2005 that they do I D Theft by, and stolen letters from 2005 to 2009 said we suggest Nancy Fox buy many mansions on the streets where she sells real estate in clusters of 5 so they can live in one estate part time and have 4 estates around each property so she can give people she hires her Angel Board Son of God and God tips safely in person, in private, and we suggest she buy 40 estates in gated estate areas around the County Line on the Ventura County side, and on the L A County side in addition to the 100 properties we suggest the buy around the house she bought in summer 2005, and we suggest she might perhaps hire people from the neighborhoods shes lived in, 40 to 90 neighbors from each neighborhood, from the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square neighborhood where she grew up, and from the Valley Glen neighborhood where they lived from 1992 to 1997 from the tract home two story house neighborhood in their suburb City where they lived from 1997 to 2005, and from the one story house neighborhood where they moved to in 2005 summer, the same City and County as the two story, and we suggest she hire these people if she wants to and she might pay them $1,000.00 a week from a Lorrdess on earth payroll company we suggest she open and checks paid with her owned money might say for The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County, and they can be paid to protect her and her family, her two daughters and we suggest she has security people with walkie talkys like a Governor has for protection, and we suggest she has 7 white limos parked at their house full time around the clock that shall drive her going 5 miles an hour with a motor cade around the limo to protect the Prophet open vessel of light who communicates for God and the Son of God Jesus Christ, and that was sent and stolen in spring 2009. A motorcade did drive around me in spring 2009 on the freeway, they surrounded me when I got on the freeway, and drove around my SUV and got off at the off ramp I got off at in Calabasas, and readings say the I D Theft ring sent them away, and lied the instructions sent were for them as they took the Son of God job they stole the Son of God jobs and instructions from mail, ups, fed exes the readings have said, for 20 years, and readings say they lied everything sent for the Son of God Nancy Gail Fox applies to them instead when it does not, and readings say they lease and buy new vechicles everyday for 20 years or so with stolen funds they put in car lots accounts, and they buy new clothes at Nordstroms Studio Shopping with stolen funds, and follow every Prophet instruction sent and they follow Medium For God Prophet instructions sent that they steal for 16 years on top of the Son of God Prophet instructions they follow for 20 years. Readings say years ago in around 2005 to 2008 stolen Prophet instructions said we suggest Nancy Fox own 10 estates from the Suburb City to Hidden Hills to Sherman Oaks to Studio City to Beverly Hills, and we suggest she buy 5 estates in a cluster to live in each estate part time, and to have people she hires and trusts live around each of their part time estates, and the instructions again suggested North Ranch, Golf Course Road, and Hidden Valley ranch estates etc, its said we suggest she buy in 5 places in the suburb area and in 10 other areas and it said we suggest she lease an office on the waterfront, and have a map with property areas where she wants to buy estates and houses, and we suggest she do her Angel Board answers there and delegate the estate house buying process to other realtors for a nominal referal fee as she won’t have time to do alot of real estate as she shall be too busy doing Angel Board God and Son of God answers by channeling as a medium, and 50 Angel Board spiritual geru jobs sent are for her and her kids to do as the Son of God spirit of light geru family, the Saints on earth, and readings say they buy many mansions, and houses with stolen funds, and they started lining up at money trucks years ago in 2005 to 2006 or so and took the money and were text ” go take money sent, we are setting up a Prophet camp as instructions we took say, we are taking the funds sent and sayin they are for a Son of God job we got” and they started lining up and taking money and buy properties with stolen money for about 20 years, and they follow Medium For God house and office rental instructions also sent since 2009 by stealing all the mail ups and fed exes, and the readings say 20 young women computer hackers zip all over town getting real estate flyers from real estate flyer boxes in front of estates and houses, and they send them to the ones doing I D Theft to the Son of God job, and they say they choose properties to buy by flyers the kids sent them, the youth group computer technician girls, really good kids, and say my great girls who took the Son of God jobs from post offices in 2009 by running to Post Offices after School when they were in 9th grade, 11 th grade and 12th grade in 2009 June, and they took them from the mail box on a post by driving past with their parents, and they say the stolen instructions said Nancy Fox might want to hire kids and teenagers in the area in the suburbs and their parents to be Son of God assistants, and it said she might pay them $50 or $100 a week or day, and their parents $1,000 a week from the payroll company we suggest she open with her owned money sent to banks to her name, and the I D theft ring who stole the Son of God Prophet questions, and Prophet instructions told kids and their parents they were hiring them by following instructions they took and sent to them, and they are paid $500 a week by a hand written check, and it was changed to $800 a week to their suburb home town address for almost 20 years, and the parents are sent $500 a week as they changed the amounts on the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Prophet instructions they stole, that were all custom designed by our lifestyle, and said hire kids and youths your daughters grew up with in School, and some who they took lessons with, and went to camps with etc and their parents, and it said hire 40 from each main tract home suburb neighborhood near you as a suggestion, 40 familys in 2 main tract home neighborhoods, the same School disttict as your house you bought and thats the same as your two story house where you lived for 8 years, and we suggest you hire 500 people in that area, kids, youths, and parents as familys, and others from outside the area who might relocate, and people you worked with when you were a Costume Designer, you might hire Costume Supervisors and Costume Wardrobe assistant shoppers from your past movie business proffesion, and make up and hair people from movies also that you worked with, and that is what we suggest about 100 movie business people, and about 40 familys in 2 neighborhoods, and we suggest you have 1,000 people as Son of God job assistants in your area and from all your neighborhoods where you lived, and readings say the computer hackers send the real estate flyers to them doing I D Theft, and say a great house for ya and they are sent referal fees by paypal, 20 % is taken off the top of real estate commision checks and divided up to 20 girls young women computer technicians, and to some in the Sherman Oaks Fashion square mall, and they are sent stolen Medium For God paypal they rob by hacking as a real estate referal fee when they are not realtors and not allowed to receive a real estate referal fee and the one who stole the Son of God job instructions in 2005 July who lurked around the corner parked who snatched the Son of God jobs sent to Nancy Fox and daughter off the porch by a spy cam placed on the porch over hang says she gives them real estate referal fees she lies she got a big Son of God job to over see buying many properites by instructions she stole from the fed ex ups deliverys she ripped off the porch in 2005, and she says ” okay you guys go find some houses in these neighborhoods, pick up alot of flyers and send them in fed exes for them to choose houses and mansions and apartment buildings as Medium For God instructions say Nancy Fox should buy many estates in clusters and apartment buildings where U N people can stay to be her Medium For God assistants, and we say we are doin that by the Son of God papers we took in 05 by sitting on secuirty cameras and on spy cam equipment to see whats left, and you guys took them from the post offices after School and out of the mail box on a post by wizzin past and do not say who broke it as that was us on purpose so Nancy Fox and her kids would not get their Angel Board jobs sent in it, so do not say it was really smashed on the ground two times as we are still lying it was not” When it was smashed on the ground in 2005 and in 2006 right after Easter Break week and thats a fact. and she says ” I lied I got a big important Son of God job to over see buying many properties to the media in 2005 and I did not have a real estate liscense then, and now its restricted so one of your Moms has been buying the properties whos a realtor so dont say you are from 40 minutes away out west as some might know whats going on but keep getting real estate flyers and keep fed exing them to my counterpart CIA Northern CA as we lie we got the Son of God jobs, and we are sending you more free gifts, and more free pay that you guys tooks that all says its for Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the Medium For God, so do not be obvious getting real estate flyers in Open Houses and from flyer boxes okay dokay? you guys as I have been doing 10 to 29 counter offers on each property, and wrote very low offers, then it took forever to own the homes, and apartment buildings I did quck by buying them from the owners, as I said a 2 million to 10 mil bid to them online, and did it so fast, and the propertys say Son of God Incorperated, and now houses the young womans Mom is buying whos a realtor 40 minutes away, out west in the suburbs is buying properites and they say Protection Houses on Titles, or something like that, as eveyone is searching to see who bought when , what just sold, and checking Property Titles to find out where your local residences are, and I made too many very low offers and did so many counter offers back and forth by following Prophet house estate instructions for 20 years that say Nancy Fox is to choose properties she wants to buy with her money, and we got 89 realtors into this and they wanted the commision, so they stalked and took Son of God Angel Board queations from the mail box on a post too,and for 20 years we do this, and they are Nancy Gail Foxs Protect the Prophet Instructions and the property suggestions sent in mail we take suggest she buy where she lives or did live, and it said she should buy 1000 properties from the suburb City area to Hidden Hills to Sherman Oaks to Studio City to Beverly Hills to work safely and to protect her and her family, and it said Studio City Fryman Iredale area south of Ventura Blvd in 2010 May by her resume’ she wrote and emailed to the United Nations then, and we bought those 5 properties then and it said one property should be The Gods Medium House, and she can have trusting friends and family members live in 4 properties around The Gods Medium House for protection, as that is the whole point, to Protect the Prophet, and we lied we are running her real estate business and follow whats sent to her name when shes not a realtor for 16 years, and when in 2005 she was supposed to seach the MLS for estates, and houses, new listings, and send them to other agents to do the footwork, and she was supposed to sit there channeling answers by the Son of God and God on her Angel Board at the formal dining room table where she did Angel Board channeling in a medium trance everynight, and she was to write down answers to questions sent that we took, and find properties she wanted to buy with her owned money on the MLS, and she would have just searched half an hour a couple times day for New listings, and emailed them to agents, and said write an offer on these listings please, and we lied it was for 100 agents to do the hoime buying work, and agents might know something, and I take a 10 percent referal fee from the sales and divy it up with you 10 to 15 kids, and with people in the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square Neighborhood, and thats not allowed, to give referal fees to people who are not realtors, and we say its thank you pay sent by paypal and thats Nancy Foxs Medium For God paypal you guys take by hacking on her ipad gifts you took, and 1000s of her lap top gifts you took but we planned this always to take her huge large important Son of God jobs when they were sent and I got many from Grant High class of 1977 and from 1970 in it, and they live on the street that Prophet instructions suggested Nancy Fox buy estates on, as she loved it with large Oak Trees, 200 year old Old Oaks is why, and the instructions said years ago in around 2005 that people she hired could pick up her Angel Board answers each day and they could type them, put them in nice neat folders all tabbed to leaf through and fed ex them to the United Nations, and we are sending out the wrong information on purpose to cover up how we run depopulation to get rid of people we hate by their lifestyle, as we cannot stand a certain type of person the unwed and divorced single Moms who are artistic and into style, the new age free spirited Moms who Pray and who meditate, and who dance with passion, and who are dressed sylish, and we lie the nicest Moms on earth are bad persons when mail says we are bad persons just for judging nice Moms, for taking their mail and pets, for slandering them online, and for framing the nicest Moms on earth to take custody of their blessed babys and children away from them, as we are named the two or more lied Son of satan conspiracy and we are the ones following Stolen Prophet Protection Plan Instructions for 20 years that are sent to protect Nancy Fox and her family because she communicates for the Son of God and God is why its called The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County, California USA by her Channeled words she does in a medium trance, and by her cliarvoyant visions, and mail says she was supposed to sit at the house we ran them out of and channel crime tip answers to questions we took and search for estates and houses to buy on the MLS to protect them and its her Son of God job entirely mail we still take says, and its all her money also is the other reason its not our business to be in at all, and we bought 800 properties with her owned funds we took letters state, and we bought 10 properties in 8 areas recently as we follow her Medium For God instructions too since 2009 and her Prophet body gaurd money we take since fall 2012 thats sent by her asking for it in emails, and we are lying we cover by hacking spy cam bugging and security cameras and the Fox-Taylor Family money we take is sent for her letters for almost 16 years and its to keep us away as we are the ones who stalked cat napped, broke the mail box on a post twice, did a car break in theft and who set the nicest Mom Nancy Fox up to DCFS by lying in spring 09 to do ID Theft cap YES as we planned to do this, the devils say.
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