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In the Days of Noah it Was Not Jesus Who Saved Us but Rather Enki

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In the Days of Noah It Was Not Jesus Who Saved Us But Rather Enki


- Why In The Last Days I Would Rather Be Saved By Enki Than Jesus, With One Possible Exception . . .


A Spanish version of this report can be found/shared with the following link, which sadly, BIN does not display correctly, which should begin with ““:

- /religion/2020/11/en-los-dias-de-noe-no-fue-jesus-quien-nos-salvo-sino-enki-2555459.html


In this report I attempt to provide iron-clad proof that (among other things) according to the Bible:


1) Jesus Commanded The Golden Rule But Did Not Live It


2) Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven as a place where unnecessary violence will continue to reign.



In Christianity, the concepts of good and evil are considered to be absolute, as opposed to relative concepts, and therefore not subject to change or redefinition over time. However, in New Age/Satanic theology, the concepts of good and evil are considered to be relative, and therefore you can define them however you want.


So in the context of Christianity/the Golden Rule ["Do unto others as you would have done unto you"], it is important that we understand here, in absolute unwavering terms, just what exactly is Good vs Evil:


Evil actions knowingly cause unnecessary and unwanted pain and suffering or even harm (possibly even including death) of others. Good behavior seeks to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering of others, and possibly also seeks to benefit others.


BECAUSE we humans are sentient beings with feelings and a will to live, we understand that it is wrong/not acceptable for animals or humans (or by extension even ETs) to arbitrarily take the life of a human being (be it for food, entertainment, political gain, research, or what have you). We all understand this as truth either intuitively or by reasoning objectively using our own logic, and need not be told this by any god or gods or religious establishment in order to understand this as a truth we can all agree on (it should be noted that the whole concept of religion and gods is a subjective one, which runs contrary to what should be employed here, which is objective reasoning and logic). Anyway, regardless of religion (or lack there of) we ALL understand that it is MORALLY WRONG for anyone to take the life of a human being in this way.


The sole reason why the Golden Rule rings true as a valid ethic is that humans are sentient beings with feelings and a will to live.  It cannot be said that the Golden Rule applies to one group of sentient being humans, and not to some other group of sentient being humans.  The full undeniable truth is that the Golen Rule applies to ALL sentient beings, whether human or not.

If a newly born calf is taken away from its mother, the mother will likely mourn basically non-stop for over a week.  So clearly even cows are sentient beings.  In the same way humans do not find it acceptable behavior for an animal to take the life of a human, it is equally unnacceptable for humans to take the life of a sentient animal, as they also have feelings and a will to live, just like humans do).


So if we consider all of this in the context of an absolute, non-relative, honest and pure, UNIVERSAL ETHIC of the Golden Rule, we can UNEQUIVOCALLY state the following two things:


1) The ethic known as VEGANISM (often wrongfully referred to as a diet – cases in point include how eating the meat of an accidental roadkill victim is NOT considered to be a violation, however purchasing a mink coat which has nothing to do with diet IS considered a violation) is nothing more, and nothing less, than living in accordance with the Golden Rule. 


2) Living in accordance with the Golden Rule is nothing more, and nothing less, than living in accordance with the the ethic known as VEGANISM.


- Isaiah 66:3 KJV “He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man”


- Ecclesiastes 3:19 (KJV) “man hath no preeminence [superiority] above a beast”


- Job 12:7-10 (KJV):

7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.

9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?

10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing [sounds like ALL living creatures have a soul, not just humans].


To suggest we can use animals because we’re above them is self-refuting; it calls us to operate from principles of animal behavior, denying the ethical and moral imperatives rooted in our spiritual nature, the very thing that sets us apart from the animal kingdom.


A shocking experiment shows people will murder others just to conform to society [This is a far cry from where society should be, as required before it can legitimately call itself humane, which is to take a stand for the following universal truths: If humans have no right to own other humans because they are sentient beings, then it follows that we have no right to own animals which are also sentient beings. Moreover, eating meat is 100% unnecessary for human survival. See also: (in under 4 minutes)]



In other words the Golden Rule = Veganism. They are in fact absolutely one and the same thing.


So this begs a question. Would a good and pure and just God be expected to reserve a place in heaven for active murderers, assassins, or for that matter, anyone who serially and unnecessarily eats meat from slaughtered animals, all of which stem from psychopathic/uncaring/evil behavior? Could a perfect God of goodness EVER endorse unnecessary violence? Of course not, as that would be the equivalent of endorsing uncaring/evil behavior, which is the antithesis of goodness. Not even meat eating doctors will tell you that eating meat is necessary for anyone’s survival, and so we can be assured that eating meat from slaughtered animals is an unnecessary form of violence, and therefore is PURELY an evil behavior.


Most Christians have yet to wake up to the apparent fact that the word God in the Old Testament generally refers to Anunnaki fallen angel gods.  The Bible does give a partial account of the Anunnaki story. Anunnaki were fallen angels that left their assigned habitation and took human women for wives.  Anakims/Nephilim were the mutant offspring of their unholy matrimony.  The story is further detailed in the book of Enoch.


But far greater detail of the Anunnaki story has been preserved in some 500,000 ancient Sumerian clay tablets some of which predate biblical writings by perhaps 3,000 years, as well as from the Atra-Hasis Akkadian clay tablets which date back to 18th-century BC., the Enûma Eliš, and others, and from which we learn that:


Enlil is actually Yahweh/Jehovah, an evil fallen angel god who wishes to destroy humanity, and as such is assumed to be one of the forces behind the New World Order. Enlil is the primary God in the Bible who requires humans to sacrifice animals to him.  He is the chief deity of the Sumerian pantheon,[6] but he was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Hurrians. Enlil’s primary center of worship was the Ekur temple in the city of Nippur, which was believed to have been built by Enlil himself. 


Enki is Enlil’s half brother, and a vegetarian god who released the Israelites from Enlil’s enslavement in Egypt, and then prescribed for them a vegetarian diet of manna and corn from heaven. Enki is also the god who saved some of humanity from the great flood, which Enlil wished would kill-off all of humanity.


Marduk is Enki’s son who is the archetype basis for the inclusion of Marduk, Nimrod and Satan in the Christian Bible, and according to Sumerian tablet scholar Gerald Clark, is also assumed to be a force behind the New World Order.


The most important point here is that the Old Testament texts which allow for, or in other cases even require, the eating of meat, are mandates from EVIL fallen angel Anunnaki gods (primarily Enlil and Marduk).


In Rabbinical Literature, Nimrod [AKA Satan/Marduk] is the prototype of a rebellious people, his name being interpreted as “he who made all the people rebellious against God” (Pes. 94b; comp. Targ. of pseudo-Jonathan and Targ. Yer. to Gen. x. 9). As the first hunter, he was consequently the first who introduced the eating of meat by man. He was also the first to make war on other peoples (Midr. Agadah to Gen. x. 9).



And Uriel said to me: ‘Here shall stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods…” Chapter 19: 1, Ethiopic Book of Enoch, ed. by R. H. Charles.


And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones. – Enoch 7:5


Satan (Marduk from the Anunnaki story) was the leader of the lawless fallen angels, and the revolt/war against God (Enlil).


For a more detailed introduction to the Anunnaki story I encourage readers to call up my article “Mark of the Beast Covid Vaccine”, and scroll down to the last item “19)” subtitled “Anunnaki Were Co-Creators of Modern Man”, and read the remainder of the article:

- /religion/2020/10/mark-of-the-beast-covid-vaccine-2554812.html


Christians need to understand, as stated by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, scholar of the Lurianic Kabbalah and Jewish supremacism, that Christianity to the Jews represents a system whereby Gentiles voluntarily [through the worship of false gods like Enlil] sacrifice themselves to Satan [Marduk] based upon the promise of eternal life [from the Satanic false redeemer Marduk]. On Yom Kippur (day of atonement) the Jews sacrifice two identical goats representing the twins Jacob and Esau. One of the goats would be chosen to represent Esau and have all the sins of the Jews for the past year placed upon it, and be sacrificed to Azazel (Satan/guardian angel of the Gentiles). Satan loves sin, so he accepts the goat as a gift, and on that day Satan stops accusing the Jews of all of their sins to Yahweh, and so instead Satan puts the burden (including slavery) of their entire year of sins on the Gentiles [who are the pure bloodline Adamu/Israelites, since all other humans would have the evil blood (not merely a few genomes spliced in as in the case of the Adamu) from the Anunnaki, which is basically what makes a Jew a Jew in the wider sense in addition to the Sephardi]. This story is the origin of the word ‘scapegoat’. The Christian version of this story is found in Leviticus 16. So whereas Jews oftentimes claim that they are scapegoated by Gentiles, the reality is that the Jews scapegoat the Gentiles to Satan for all the sins of Jewry.


Kabbalah Jews [of which Donald Trump has admitted on video to being one] view all Gentile casualties of the world wars as being sacrifices to Satan [Is it possible that the Jews have lost sight of the fact as I have proven in multiple ways, that the Gentiles/Real Israelites/pure bloodline Adamu are NOT Caucasian nor Jewish? Actually, there are Jews who have admitted this on video, and my take is that most Jews know that they are not Israelites, but rather that the Zionist Jews have meticulously stolen/taken over the identity of the Israelites for political purposes to aid in the establishment of their Jew World Order, AKA New World Order, to ultimately maintain total control/enslavement over humanity. Another way to look at this is that the Black Israelite slaves (from Adamu who Enki co-created in South Africa, and who Enlil transferred to Egypt Africa to be gold-mining slaves) became the chosen people of Enki, and that the Anunnaki hybrid blood-line white-skinned Jews became the chosen people of Enlil and Marduk/Satan].


Historians offer some credence to this story in that, according to them, during the Bronze Age (including when King Tut ruled, and the Exodus occurred in the Bible), Egypt had a monopoly on gold.


Source for the majority of the above statements is the absolutely brilliant scholar, Christopher Jon Bjerknes (as interviewed in the following MUST SEE Know More News video):


Occult Secrets of Judaism Revealed



Prior to the forging of the Christian Bible, various groups of humans were contractually aligned with various Anunnaki gods. Up until the time when the Anunnaki left planet earth, all religious thought, including within Judaism, reflected a belief in multiple gods, as would be expected, since the Anunnaki gods were right there in the public for all to see. After the Anunnaki left, according to Rabbi’s, the Jews eventually desired to move to a monotheistic doctrine for Judaism.


So as we will see further below, consequently,  Christianity was also twisted in this way, albeit in this case from its inception.  Yet there remains this false belief that Constantine converted to Christianity and worked in good faith to create an authentic Christian Bible.  This is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. 

In fact, here is irrefutible history behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out [One of the Best and Most Important documentaries ever produced!]:

Constantine – The Mystery Of Rome’s Christian Emperor – Secrets Of Christianity – Simcha Jacobovichi


So with the above information, we are finally able to understand the following Bible verses in their proper context:


Enlil was typically in dispute with his brother Enki, which may explain:


Jeremiah 7:22 (KJV): “For I (presumably Enki god) spake not unto your fathers ( presumably fallen angel leaders/gods under Enlil), nor commanded them in the day that I brought them (Israelite gold mining slaves) out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices”

This begs the question: “If the Christian God of the Israelites was NOT the Christian God who kept calling for burnt offerings or sacrifices, then WHO THE HELL WAS???????”  Once a person studies the much older Anunnaki story, the answer becomes obvious. The OT has twisted the older Poly-demigod story of the Anunnaki into a monotheistic religion.

Hosea, Micah, and Malachi proclaim the same as Jeremiah 7:22. So if Enki was the higher god (as opposed to Enlil) of the Israelites, then it would seem clear that the temple in old Jerusalem was not intended for animal sacrifice, but rather for pure oblation.


David (an Israelite) in Psalms Chapter 51 said; if God (presumably Enki) wanted sacrifice I would have offered it but He delights not in the blood of bulls and goats (which are both animals with horns by the way).


For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6.


They love sacrifice; they sacrifice flesh and eat it; but the Lord (presumably Enki) has no delight in them.” Hosea 8:l3.


Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord (again, presumably Enki, who saved both humans and animals in the Great Flood story).” —Psalms 36:6


How long will the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither? For the wickedness of those who live in it the animals and the birds are swept away, and because people said, ‘He [a wicked meat-eater] is blind to our [vegetarian] ways [of Enki´s Israelite followers]’” —Jeremiah 12:4


The ONLY way to reconcile these verses with other verses which seem to say the opposite is to realize that Jehovah in the original language (translated as God in the Bible) is NOT a good god, but rather a fallen angel/evil devil [which parallels what 1 Enoch says, by the way]. Sadly, Jehovah (fallen angel Enlil) was REPEATEDLY mistranslated as God in the Bible.


David Vose proved that scholars removed the name Enki from the Bible, but incorrectly associated Enki with Jehovah, when in actuality the association should have been with Enki´s half brother Enlil = Jehovah = Yahweh:


ATTENTION – SCHOLARS removed LORD ENKI from Bible – This will ROCK the CHRISTIAN WORLD” – David Vose:



So apparently Enki was a vegetarian and had respect for all lifeforms, unlike the God Christians believe in today, which allows for Enlil´s evil practices like sacrificing and eating of animals.


God (presumably Enki) tried to give the vegetarian diet to His newly formed church in the wilderness and as they rejected the Manna from heaven, God punished them by raining quails on them from which they died:


As they sinned yet more against Him by provoking the Most High in the wilderness. And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust. And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them corn of heaven. Men did eat [fallen] angels food [meat]: He sent them meat to the full and gave them over to their desire. They were not estranged from their lust. But while their meat was yet in their mouth, The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel.”—Psalms 78:17-31.


“Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat” – Daniel 1:8

“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy [as already demonstrated by Enki in the wilderness]; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” – I Corinthians 3:17


So now that I have established that Enki was not only vegetarian, but also a strict enforcer of vegetarianism (and therefore also possibly a follower of the Golden Rule ethic), some of you are possibly anticipating that I will now show how in contrast, that the Bible depicts Jesus as eating fish, right?


Well, actually, most scholars agree that the post-resurrection stories of Jesus eating fish were added to the Gospels long after they were written, in order to settle various schisms in the early Church. (e.g., the Marcionites and other early Christians believed that Jesus did not actually return in the flesh. What better way to prove that he did than to depict him eating?) The scribes who added the stories were not, apparently, averse to eating fish. But since this is the only depiction anywhere in the Gospels of Jesus eating any animals at all, it may seem to some that Jesus was actually averse to eating fish.


Also, evidence indicates that the story of the loaves and the fishes did not originally include fish. For example, the earliest (pre-Gospel) accounts of this miracle do not include fish, and Jesus, when he refers to it, refers only to the bread (e.g., Mt 16:9-10, Mk 8:19-20, Jn 6:26). Fish were added to the stories by Greek scribes, probably because the Greek word for fish, ixous, is an acronym for the phrase “Jesus Christ Son of God Savior.” Indeed, the fish is still a symbol of Christianity today. In this very likely interpretation, the multiplication represents a prediction of the burgeoning Church and has nothing to do with eating animals.


Jesus is depicted as quite possibly eating fish in Luke 24:41-43, However,

this passage has been demonstrated to be a forgery due to a clear logistics anomaly as you can see here [basically there is only one writer who mentions the fish, and two other writers who agree that Jesus was at an entirely different location at the same time]:



However, if Jesus were truly vegan minded, why would he give credence to meat eating in his parables?


In the parable of the Prodigal Son, for instance, the father deemed the return of his son worthy of celebrating by killing the fatted calf.


Jesus likened the kingdom of God (something exceedingly holy) to being like a fisherman catching fish to eat. He thought it was perfectly natural for parents to feed children fish and called this “good”. Not once, but twice he supernaturally helped fishermen catch an unusually large number of fish and on yet another occasion he told Peter to catch a fish by line.


Jesus defines his God as “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:26). All three of these were meat-eaters. Abraham, for example, slaughtered a calf and fed it to three heavenly visitors (Genesis 18). Isaac not only loved eating meat, Jacob cooked a special meat dish and served it to Isaac in order to receive a spiritually significant blessing (Genesis 27).


When Jesus healed a leper:


Mark 1:43-44 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: “See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”



Jesus also said:


Matthew 22:2,4 The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. . . . and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet [which has SHAMELESSLY (with NO MERCY or EMPATHY whatsoever) been prepared for you at the ETERNAL EXPENSE of the MOST INNOCENT OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS we call animals/cattle].’


For these and other reasons, it becomes clear that the modern day Bible presents Jesus as an archetype under the Enlil camp, as opposed to under the Enki camp. Credit is given to Enlil for founding the major religions on planet earth, so this should come as no surprise.


The claim has also been made that “There is a visible, obvious, verifiable occult connection between nearly all major religions today, especially with Freemasonry” Included here are photos of tombstones with Satanic freemasonry symbols for many well-known Christian church founders:



Vatican Insider Exposes Anunnaki is Illuminati – Leak Project/Rex Bear with Gerald Clark discuss Mauro Biglino’s book titled “The book that will forever change our ideas about the Bible” [it is well known that the Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons].



Originally, and even to this day in the Ethiopian Christian Bible, there were far more than 66 books, but it was the Freemasons who removed just enough books to leave “66″ for ALL MODERN DAY BIBLES. The 5 books of 1 Enoch were one of the casualties [and carry a 100% vegetarian message by the way].


The Masons (fake Christians) manipulate the Christians, the Jesuits (fake Catholics) manipulate the Catholics, the Zionist Khazars (fake Jews) manipulate the Jews, and the Ismailis (fake Muslims) manipulate the Muslims. We’re all being manipulated by IMPOSTERS and ya’ll don’t get it! The secret societies have been in cahoots TOGETHER, and against us common folk for ages. WAKE UP EVERYBODY! your neighbor is NOT your enemy!!!!!


So it should come as no surprise (see below) that we see a radically different Jesus in writings outside the Bible.


Jesus: ‘I have come to destroy the sacrifices’ (Panarion 30.16.5), and as ascribing to Jesus’ rejection of the Passover meat (Panarion 30.22.4), and these are analogous to numerous passages found in the Recognitions and Homilies (e.g., Recognitions 1.36, 1.54 and Homilies 3.45, 7.4, 7.8). The Ebionite or Hebrew Gospel quotes Jesus as saying, “I have come to abolish the sacrifices, and if you cease not from sacrificing, my wrath will not cease from you.” (Panarion 30.16.5)



Jesus gives an account of the Anunnaki creation story in the once lost Gospel of Judas:


And look, from the cloud there appeared an [angel] whose face flashed with [fire] and whose likeness was [defiled] by blood. His name was Nebro [Enlil in the Sumerian tablets], which means ´Rebel.´ Others call him Yaldabaoth. And another angel, Saklas [Enki], came from the cloud too. … Then Saklas said to his angels, ´Let´s create a human being after the likeness and the image,´ And they fashioned Adam and his wife Eve.


Jesus also points out to his disciples that these Gods of (Old Testament) Christianity/humanity are false gods, a concept apparently beyond which any of his disciples were ever able to comprehend based upon the following interpretation by Jesus of a dream the disciples had:


Jesus said to them, “You´re the ones receiving the offerings on the alter you´ve seen … and the people bringing animals to be sacrificed [to the false god Enlil = Yaweh] is the crowd you lead astray. It´s been said to the human generations, ´Look, God has accepted your sacrifice from the hands of priests,´ that is, the minister of error. But the Lord who commands is the Lord over everything. On the last day, they´ll be found guilty.”


Source –


In the Essene Gospel of Peace, the words of Jesus are recorded as saying “Kill not, neither eat the flesh of your innocent prey, lest you become the slaves of Satan. For that is the path of sufferings, and it leads unto death”


But here is the REAL KICKER:

Why Vegetarianism Was Edited Out Of Early Christianity


I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there are scholars who question the authenticity of the Essene Gospel of Peace, primarily based on the fact that the original manuscript was never published. However this argument may be inconsequential as pointed out by blogger “Meeting Junkie No More”:


“The fact that the Vatican denies knowledge of either the manuscript or Mr. Szekely’s access to same is more or less a non sequitur, as far as I am concerned. From what I have read about ecclesiastical history and the Vatican’s role in politics and church-empire-building leads me to absolutely believe that its Archives contain explosive material that MUST CONTINUE TO BE SUPPRESSED at all costs…”


[The rest of this well thought out 3 paragraph post can be seen (if you scroll down to the very bottom post on the page) at]:




So outside of the Bible we find here a Jesus who fits well within the archetype of Enki, and perhaps even within the Golden Rule.


So perhaps THIS is the REAL Jesus, and a Jesus that even I could get behind!!!


Addendum : I am featuring here at the conclusion of this report, the following awesome comment which was made further below in the comment section:


Indira Dasi

I greatly support your exposé about vegetarianism for spiritual advancement which Jesus promoted as reincarnation and no killing, no blood sacifice and vegetarianism. Any religion not following these rules and regulations is a political system to gain control over humans out of selfish motives.

The family of Anu was exiled from their civilization for their crimes. They were expert geneticists but did not follow the rules of the game (like today). They had no place to go and fell into the lower dimension of Earth, where they had a hard time to live (environment). These criminals showed themselves off as gods. Dan Winter once lectured on the family of Anu and communicated the following.

King Anu had made an artificial son, a clone, but the clone was defunct. This was Enlil (psychopath). Anu also had a biological son named Enki. Enki’s mother (Anu’s second wife) was a highly cultured and spiritual being from the eleventh dimension. She descended from the Bird race (P’tal). So by nature, Enki had empathy for human beings and didn’t want his half brother Enlil recreate them like slaves without self-determination. Both sons were ordered by their father Anu to create new modifications of the existent human species. Enlil created them as slaves and Enki saved their souls by giving them his own genes (partly from his elevated mother) combined with the genes of a female chimpansee and employed his half-sister Ninhursag as a surrogate mother.

It is evident, that…

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 44 comments
    • PaulTarsuss

      You’ve cherry picked God’s Word so badly that all you’re left with is the ‘pits’.

      Sub-scribing to the much lesser scribes of babylon, Sumer, and Akkad, is like preferring the national enquirer version of Strong’s Concordance.

      You will find none. Concordance that is.

      Of course, if you like your kings 50 feet high and living for thousands of years, the sumerians will tickle one’s fancy just like the modern rags.

      • HypothesisFree

        Thank you for your comment.

        In my view, cherry picking is presenting only one side. However, my report presents both sides, or even three or four sides, maybe more. So it is not clear to me whether you read the entire report?

        I read the preview portion from your link which argues that the Epic of Gilgamesh is fanatical with descriptions of half scorpion men and what not. I saw a video the other day of a human ear embedded into the forearm of a person, and most of us have seen the chimera mouse with embedded human ear photos. So I think that the appearance of chimeras and other extra-terrestrial life-forms appearing prior to the flood in association with the Anunnaki if anything is to be expected, since even humans are doing this sort of thing now.

        People who are interested in seeing AMAZING high resolution photos of chimeras may want to check out my free e-book (pages 114 to 167) which can be downloaded here:


        • K¡llúḿ¡ńàṫ¡✝☪ ॐ ﷲ ✡

          thankZzz :arrow: HypothesisFree :wink:

        • Just me

          Repent or die the death.

      • CUB4DK

        Your doing pretty good here Pauly! :cool:

        How are the rest of the Wise Guys you hang out with? :grin:

    • CUB4DK

      It sounds like ENKI is the compassionate intelligent werk horse,..while the imbecile known as Space Cadet Bro,…… is a rotten lazy BassTurd!

      :idea: It must be from all the loopin’ “repetition of history effect”! :cool: :lol:

    • deano

      Enki~ Lord of Earth……..His son Marduk(of Babylon)……was AMUN of egypt…….then ASHUR of Assyria(later akkadian).

      …..the ASHUR name, is a “Title’. It is a twist of ASSAR…~ the All Seeing.

      ………eg Nebochadnezzar………was NABU.kad.en.assar……….Nabu, son of the lord ALL SEEING. (Marduk’s son)

      ……Temples were once like the ‘local lord’ community centre. A hospital,library of records, schools of learning……..and to thank that local lord, the village farmers and workers…..would bring FOOD for the lord and his priests(astronomers,teachers,drs,etc). think teachers apple by student.
      To celebrate certain days and festivals…….a bull,lamb,pig,fowls, etc…….were ‘sacrificed on the altar’…..a BBQ firepit , to feed everyone there,just like church women bring food for everyone today.
      With the Greek religion….they wanted to replace this ‘blood and guts’ (abotoir kill)…….so twisted to Jesus=Lamb Sacrifice., so no need to blooody the temples..

      # Enkis Ziggurats/Temples…..are littered with fish bones and frames…….DAG=fish…..Dag.en ~ fish lord…….YAM=Sea (god of sea)
      Enki, when he moved to Egypt with his 6sons…….became PTAH…(pater,paternal, father).

      As the early SUMERian cunieform developed into ‘Assyrian Akkadian’…..Enki/Ptah…..became E.A…(eee-ah……the suffix -iah, bible names).
      Again, it means the lord of waters.

      The Anunnaki Polytheism ‘Ot pagan panthenon”…….became…

    • counselor john

      Worse than the pits. Nothing of what this article says makes any sense and clearly we have a person here who had a dream or idea and then thought it was a good idea to bend Scripture around it. Awful exegesis awful interpretation, and worse application. Annunaki btw were so called “gods” whereas the Anaheim were giants dude. Not much education behind this article. Do some real research sometime.

      • HypothesisFree

        If you yourself cannot demonstrate that the Bible/God does not permit unnecessary violence, THEN your God/Bible isn´t worth a 5#!T . . .

        Can you point to ANY article that you have written which Trumps ANY of my articles on the subject?

      • PaulTarsuss

        Likely won’t happen. Flat earthers are the same way. It’s what happen when the heart rules the head. Some are only compelled by emotion, trusting nothing else. Least of all contextual logic.

        • HypothesisFree

          I think that you two are not so wise as you think, and that the clincher is this – If the Anunnaki story is bunk, then how else can you explain Bible verses like the following which are diametrically opposed to countless other verses in the Bible ALSO attributed to same said God?:

          Jeremiah 7:22 (KJV): “For I (presumably Enki god) spake not unto your fathers ( presumably fallen angel leaders/gods under Enlil), nor commanded them in the day that I brought them (Israelite gold mining slaves) out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices”

          David (an Israelite) in Psalms Chapter 51 said; if God (presumably Enki) wanted sacrifice I would have offered it but He delights not in the blood of bulls and goats (which are both animals with horns by the way).

          “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6.

          “They love sacrifice; they sacrifice flesh and eat it; but the Lord (presumably Enki) has no delight in them.” Hosea 8:l3.

          • counselor john

            Why do you presuppose that the God spoken by Jeremiah or David is Enki? That’s where you go all wrong dude. Start there first and tell your audience how you get there.

            • HypothesisFree

              That in fact was covered in the OP as follows -

              But far greater detail of the Anunnaki story has been preserved in some 500,000 ancient Sumerian clay tablets which predate biblical writings by approximately 3,000 years, and from which we learn that:
              . . .

              Enki is Enlil’s half brother, and a vegetarian god who released the Israelites from Enlil’s enslavement in Egypt, and then prescribed for them a vegetarian diet of manna and corn from heaven. Enki is also the god who saved some of humanity from the great flood, which Enlil wished would kill-off all of humanity.

              The god in Jeremiah 7:22 identifies himself as the god who took the Israelites out of the land of Egypt.

              If that does not constitute proof, what does?

              Furthermore, the OP includes the following:

              David Vose proved that scholars removed the name Enki from the Bible, but incorrectly associated Enki with Jehovah, when in actuality the association should have been with Enki´s half brother Enlil = Jehovah = Yahweh:

              “ATTENTION – SCHOLARS removed LORD ENKI from Bible – This will ROCK the CHRISTIAN WORLD” – David Vose:


            • HypothesisFree

              Furthermore, the OP states:

              Historians offer some credence to this story in that, according to them, during the Bronze Age (including when King Tut ruled, and the Exodus occurred in the Bible), Egypt had a monopoly on gold.

              So clearly everything fits like a glove.

            • counselor john

              The the Sumerian writings predate the Bible by 1000’s of years then how does the exodus story matter? Your claim makes no sense at all. The exodus occurred, NOT during TUT’s reign but most likely during Ramses II around 1440ish BC. That Egypt was a dominant player in the gold market is totally irrelevant in terms of so called proof. A writing 3000 years older explaining an event that occurred 100s of years later is silly. The Epic and other Sumerian writings such as the king list are much older than the Pentateuch yes but not relevant in terms of archeological accuracy. The story of Marduk: do you think that this is an accurate story of a cataclysm attributed to real gods or aliens like many do? Do you think that ancient people’s could attribute events, even the same event, to their own gods that they attributed everything to? To just claim that since this document is older therefore the Bible authors switched the names of the gods or to say that the Biblical accounts are inaccurate is silly. And by the way you can, if you want to really learn something scientific that turns all of this upside down, study the generational genetic mutation research that has recently emerged from science. The mutation rate has remained constant for as far back as we can go in testing for this and at some point as mutations increase in the genetic code the species will die out because of the many mutations. With this in mind you can do some research on how old humanit can be…

            • HypothesisFree

              I am not claiming that all parts of the Anunnaki story are documented from tablets dating back 3,000 years prior to original Bible writings.

              The Atra-Hasis Akkadian clay tablets date back to 18th-century BC and tell of the Flood Story, and the name “Atra-Hasis” (Noah) also appears, as king of Shuruppak in the times before a flood, on one of the Sumerian King Lists. The name “Atra-Hasis” also appears, as king of Shuruppak in the times before a flood, on one of the Sumerian King Lists.

              The Enûma Eliš describes the creation of the world, a battle between gods focused on the supremacy of Marduk, the creation of man destined for the service of the Mesopotamian deities, and it ends with a long passage praising Marduk. It exists in various copies from Babylon and Assyria. The version from the archaeological Library of Ashurbanipal dates to the 7th century BCE. The composition of the text probably dates to the late 2nd millennium BCE, or even earlier, to the time of Hammurabi during the Old Babylonian Period (1900–1600 BCE).

              The Bronze age spans from roughly 3300 to 1200 B.C., ending abruptly with the near-simultaneous collapse of several prominent Bronze Age civilizations.

              The burden is on you to demonstrate that the story of Enki leading the Exodus is documented on specific clay tablets you can reference which date back prior to the Bronze Age. So far you have failed to succeed in making a valid case regarding this.

            • HypothesisFree

              Also, FYI, the consensus of modern scholars is that the Bible does not give an accurate account of the origins of the Israelites, who appear instead to have formed as an entity in the central highlands of Canaan in the late second millennium BCE from the indigenous Canaanite culture. Most modern scholars believe that the story of the Exodus has some historical core, but the Bible was never intended primarily as a historical document, and contains little that is accurate or reliable.

        • The Ferrett

          Flat earth . . . please explain to me how ocean water can curve – I really wanna know?

    • Indira Dasi

      I greatly support your exposé about vegetarianism for spiritual advancement which Jesus promoted as reincarnation and no killing, no blood sacifice and vegetarianism. Any religion not following these rules and regulations is a political system to gain control over humans out of selfish motives.

      The family of Anu was exiled from their civilization for their crimes. They were expert geneticists but did not follow the rules of the game (like today). They had no place to go and fell into the lower dimension of Earth, where they had a hard time to live (environment). These criminals showed themselves off as gods. Dan Winter once lectured on the family of Anu and communicated the following.

      King Anu had made an artificial son, a clone, but the clone was defunct. This was Enlil (psychopath). Anu also had a biological son named Enki. Enki’s mother (Anu’s second wife) was a highly cultured and spiritual being from the eleventh dimension. She descended from the Bird race (P’tal). So by nature, Enki had empathy for human beings and didn’t want his half brother Enlil recreate them like slaves without self-determination. Both sons were ordered by their father Anu to create new modifications of the existent human species. Enlil created them as slaves and Enki saved their souls by giving them his own genes (partly from his elevated mother) combined with the genes of a female chimpansee and employed his half-sister Ninhursag as a surrogate mother.

      It is evident, that…

      • HypothesisFree

        Awesome Post! Please post the reminder of it, as it was cut off.

    • CUB4DK

      The reporter is right!

      ENKI is supposed to be a vegetarian like Cain. :cool:

    • S8-10

      The golden rule is what you tell children so they dont fight in kindergarten. It isnt actually a profound way to live your life. The only way to actually live by the “golden rule” is if everyone else is doing it too.
      For instance, if I see someone harming someone else, I may have to harm someone (ie, break the golden rule) to employ the golden rule on someone else (if i were under attack i would want someone to save me).
      The idea that we can all just sit around and be ghandi, and evil would disappear, is simply ridiculous. There’s another rule i subscribe to that supercedes the golden rule: the only thing necessary for evil to prosper, is for good men to do nothing.
      The reason Jesus did not live (or preach) the Golden Rule as the way to heaven is because it’s a philosophy of equality to keep children polite in kindergarten.
      Out here in adult-land (The rest of creation) i have some news for you: if there’s a Creator, the Rules are whatever he says they are. Punishment for violation of the rules is whatever he says it is, and the path to forgiveness and redemption is whatever he says it is.
      As a creature in this creation, you can either live in harmony with this Creator or defy him and see how far you get. Just treating everyone nice is an ok goal in general but it is not the “one profound truth” that will get you through life.
      Evil is out there, and it reins if nobody fights it. Case in point: we’d all be speaking German if nobody fought the…

      • HypothesisFree

        Thank you for your comment.

        The ethic of veganism DOES allow for violence when it is necessary as I have already clearly spelled out in the OP, so indeed it does hold up in the adult word, not just in kindergarten as you say.

        Agreed that the creator or whatever entity has control over your reality does have the option to establish Rules/Laws to its heart´s content.

        However, the main point of the OP is that in the context of Jesus/God the father, we really have no idea what those rules/laws are, because we are aware that countless Bible manipulations have occurred, including the removal of the book of Enoch which is 100% vegetarian.

        My e-book goes into greter detail regarding known Bible manipulations.

    • Unxplainable.Net

      Excellent Article! So glad to see some are waking to the truth. I posted a few articles here years ago regarding this.. Things like:

      1. Adam and eve’s one rule was “What NOT to Eat”
      2. Noah’s covenant only had 1 prohibition- “Do not eat meat with blood in it”
      3. When the Israelites wanted meat- GOG tested them by sending quail, then killed them all!
      4. Lev. 11- almost all the prohibited foods are related to animals
      5. Prophet Daniel demanded vegetables and pulses. Refused Meat- and was saved from fire
      6. Jesus confirmed the same covenant given to adam, noah, israelites, etc. Same covenant right through history..

      ~~~~ My body is bread- My blood is wine. Who eats my body and drinks my blood I will raise at the last day~~~~~

      The Golden rule is very easy to understand, but yet 99% of the world will fight it.. Don’t be turned off by the nay-sayers… Once you realize this absolute truth, it doesn’t matter what anyone says- you can never go back to the old ways… Once this spirit of righteousness enters you, it convicts you of sin. Soon you will find yourself questioning your actions asking “By me doing this, am I causing unneeded suffering to other beings?”

      When you get to that point- you are now on the living vine!

      ~~~~~~~ The way you treat lower life forms, is the same measuring stick you will be judged by !~~~~~~~~~~

    • Solidground

      The person who wrote this is a numbskull.

      He doesn’t know the bible at all and he twisted most of it that he shared.

      Can’t stand people who lie about Jesus. They literally don’t think that God knows it. He knows dummy.

      • HypothesisFree

        See my November 13, 2020 response to Everette further below.

    • Slaen

      I agree about the not eating of animals. They have souls. As I grew in understanding of this notion, I found myself not wanting meat. It happened quite organically, I really didn’t try to quit eating meat, it just became very unappealing to me, in thought and in taste.

      Who created Enlil and Enki? Who was Jesus really?

      I really enjoyed this article and thank you.


      • nikita

        According to the bible, animals do not have souls. Of course if you don’t believe the bible,that’s your choice.

        As to not eating meat, well i don’t eat a lot of it myself, not on any ethical grounds, i just like my veggies & fish!

        But generally, the promoting of vegetarianism is, in occult circles, aimed at boosting your occult powers & an enhanced connection to the spiritual dimension.
        Seems a timely coincidence that in the last days of planet Earth being a veggie is being widely promoted. :idea:
        I’ll leave that thought with you.

    • James Red Pills America

      You know, they wrote about people like you in the Bible. It goes something like “…sheep ion wolves clothing, and mislead many…”. Get it?

      • HypothesisFree

        Religious institutions have proven themselves to be like wolves in sheep´s clothing. Get over it!

    • Everette

      Your gods are children of fallen angels or are fallen angels ! And angel only has a body and spirit . They were created by GOD to be servants to HIM and mankind . The scrolls you speak of are from Nimrods era . This is where GOD stepped in to stop them from reaching HIS throne room , coming in with their evil selves . This is where mankind was scattered all over the earth after their languages were confounded and changed for their evil actions . This is also where Nimrod married his mom and then died , but she had his baby and stated Nimrod is back . This is where they also started the sun god worship of Nimrod that the Vatican still uses today and they also killed their children to gods of stone and fallen angels . This is Hams descendants , the one Noah cursed his son Cannan who became black ! Ham either castersted Noah or sodomized him while passed out from his grape wine . When Noah awoke he knew what Ham had done to him . So this source I don’t think I would trust it so much . In the city they found the scrolls was so much evil GOD scattered them from it ! In their worshipping of fallen angels they do as the fallen ones do , they lie , they kill and they steal !!! They are not a good example for anyone to follow ! I understand they now have the head of Nimrod which they extracted durning the gulf war with Sodom Husain and are now trying to clone it to bring back his DNA body which will be filled with the devils spirit . This is supposed to happen when they fire…

      • Everette

        ( I’m going to finish the sentence ) this is supposed to happen when they fire up cern in 2021 . These people are making a worm hole into hell to release their evil forefathers whom are their screaming in hell for the evils they committed against humanity in their day . And yes Revelation tells us that the bottomless pit will be opened . But it is done by an Angel who has the key to the bottomless pit . And the scriptures you are quoting are really being warped around a bit . The Bible is a book of the generation of Adams descendants whom the Bible brings out are the sons of GOD ( Luke 3:38) whom Adam was called a son of GOD . And no not everyone can claim this linage . Genesis chapter 1 the first race was in Hebrew context brings out , from the Feminium SPIRIT . Chapter 2 after the seventh day of rest , Adam is brought to life by GOD the male SPIRIT as HE breaths into Him the breath of life . And no these are not the Jews of Esau the Edomite roman natzi zionist luciferian duke .

        • HypothesisFree

          I do not buy for one second that the book of Enoch was written by evil entities. Rather it EXPOSES evil entities.

          • Everette

            I agree and Enoch was the first we have record of writing which happened before the flood . Enoch was the 7th from Adam . Records indicate that Enoch instructed Noah to take the body of Adam and Eve onto the ark . Which was retrieved by the Smithsonian Instute in late 1960s . A saying went out what was the difference between Adam and Eve and an orange . Answer , the orange had a navel but Adam and Eve did not . The mummies in the alabaster coffins found on the ark in the 1960s had no navel or belly button , remember they were not born but formed by GOD’s hands . They are now kept in secret in the Smithsonian . Also the writings of Enoch were given to Noah to carry onto the ark . He is not the Enoch mentioned in Genesis of Cain’s linage . He is the linage of Seth’s linage . Jews ( not of Jacob Israel ) of Cain and Esau like to claim Enoch and his writings .

          • Blomigerus

            someone has been watching Seth Rogans new movie….

            • CUB4DK

              …or watching too much of Mr. Anthony “Nimrod” Patch,… on you tube! :cool: :lol:

      • HypothesisFree

        Everette, see also my Nov 13, 2020 comment to your more recent comment further below.

    • Illuminatedbytruth

      Wow, what utter nonsense. A complete and one sided misinterpretation of scripture. Is this not what the serpent did in Genesis? By bringing into question what the creator said and skewing facts. In Genesis Man was given dominion over everything, and yes even animals. Dominion was lost in that moment they did eat the fruit and guven to the power of the earth and the air ( the adversary). It was not until the crucifixion the dominion was restored. As far as veganism, to each his or her own lifestyle, however, it was because of the sin and subsequent cutse of having to work the land by the sweat of humanities brow that meat was introduced into the diet for a more vital protein. Please read the whole book, not just specific scripture without context to support your millenial hallucinations. :roll:

      • HypothesisFree

        Another fool whose words are nothing more than flatulence if you cannot explain Bible verses like the following which are diametrically opposed to countless other verses in the Bible ALSO attributed to same said God?:

        Jeremiah 7:22 (KJV): “For I (presumably Enki god) spake not unto your fathers ( presumably fallen angel leaders/gods under Enlil), nor commanded them in the day that I brought them (Israelite gold mining slaves) out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices”

        David (an Israelite) in Psalms Chapter 51 said; if God (presumably Enki) wanted sacrifice I would have offered it but He delights not in the blood of bulls and goats (which are both animals with horns by the way).

    • Debamboozler

      One thing is absolutely certain. You cannot trust the “official” version of anything because those presiding over “officialdom” are the perpetuators of the great lie that holds us in bondage. The truth must be arrived at through intense investigation of all sources…and the source of the sources in order to avoid the sorcery. Those who accept as reality that which is put before them by established institutions is automatically on the wrong road. No one will argue that this is one messed up planet and that something is fundamentally wrong. The Gnostics identified the god of this material world to be a bad egg. The God of the non-material (less dense) spiritual realm is the White Hatter in shining armor. To do unto others makes no distinction as to what or who those others might be. This is a dirty little world and we need to brush the filth from ourselves and walk in the light. From an early age I was revolted by having to eat meat at dinner. I cringed every time I put a morsel of flesh in my mouth. My gnosis has come to the prognosis that this fellow is on the path to healing our souls. If the establishment says ‘black’, you can bet your bottom, rapidly inflating dollar it is white. It is BY WAY OF DECEPTION that we remain captives.

    • Everette

      What the hell kind of Bible are you reading from ? It’s sure not the King James version ! You twisted verses and added context that is not even in the Bible . Beside the gods you are referring to are of Hams linage . They also are the ones that lay with the fallen angels and were taught witch craft , astrology , divining of roots , suite saying , black magic , worship of devils , worship of idols that are made of wood and stones , had Nimrod who push the building of the Tower of Babel that caused GOD to disperse the population , had Pharos , caused GOD to send Israel in to destroy some of their cities because of the filth caused by the worship of devils and mating with them causing giants . Don’t believe giants lived on earth do a search on (photos unearthing giants) . So why should I take enki and enlil as gospel ? They are dimi gods of fallen angels who as stated in Revelation you are the ones that caused the demonic entities to come upon the earth . Just like today they are playing with cern to open up the portals of hell to bring back evil fallen angels that were bound in the bottomless pit because of the evils they committed before the Flood .

      • HypothesisFree

        Everette, first of all, thank you for further illustrating my point that modern Bibles do in fact tell much of the Anunnaki story. However, how could the older, still preserved clay tablets, which detail the Anunnaki story be the myth, and the twisted KJV Bible as it relates to the Anunnaki story be the fact?

        From the Sumerian epic entitled “Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.” (Kramer’s translation): The whole universe, the people in unison
        To Enlil in one tongue [spoke].

        (Then) Enki, the lord of abundance (whose) commands are trustworthy,
        The lord of wisdom, who understands the land,
        The leader of the gods,
        Endowed with wisdom, the lord of Eridu
        Changed the speech in their mouths, [brought] contention into it,
        Into the speech of man that (until then) had been one.

        So Everette, as a Christian, why would you wish to turn Anunnaki gods into an all-encompassing Christian God, which is what the ´twisted´ King James Bible has attempted to do?

    • Corruptico

      This is a very complicated story to unravel, in assigning the correct Anunnaki name(s) to the modern ‘God’ (deity) of the bible. The version given to me, by John Bolton’s nephew (CFR), has Enki as LUCIFER (Satan) and Enlil aligned with ‘King’ Anu, who was the father of both.

      Apparently, Enki ‘FELL’ from ‘heaven’ to free mankind from his father’s and brother’s (Enlil) slave bondage.

      Thus, the “creator god,” Zeus (Anu or Yahweh of the Old Testament) wants to keep mankind in bondage to him and his “natural laws” which he has set up, but a rebel figure, Prometheus (Lucifer) befriends man and brings him the means to effect his freedom. That is, the Great Rebel brings man the means to become as one of the gods: “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5)” – Overlords of Chaos

      You can view the whole article here:

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