The Pleiadian Papers: Advanced Metaphysics and Cosmology, Message 1
These messages were telepathically received by Cody Golden Elk at the Star Lodge Healing Centre in Lake George, Colorado, USA. **Cody is a Pleaidian contactee since the age of seven, and has been physically aboard their ships, speaking directly to Ratesh, a female Pleiadian Cosmonaut, sometimes stationed on Earth. However, the messages here are telepathic and have been edited for content by both myself and the Pleaidian High Command, since certain information will not be disseminated for unauthorised use by the corrupt government/shadow governments of Earth. RaTesh’s mind is EXTREMELY ADVANCED, so I must ask her repeatedly to slow down, to record her thought forms, describing them in the English language.
This wisdom, with all the work and dangers to bring it to the people of Earth, is given freely in the spirit of Truth, Love, and Hope to improve our ailing world, since our technological development has far exceeded our Spiritual growth. This imbalance has created the world you see today, upon our home, the Earth. Also, many have been murdered to conceal the secrets of anti-gravity propulsion and alternate energy technology.
MESSAGE ONE: this message came in as I was sleeping at 5:20 am, Mountain Time, USA, on May 11, 2015.
CODY: Since you have awakened me and asked and pestered me (ha ha) if I wanted lessons in Multi Dimensional physics, I suppose I will get up to write. So, what lessons and messages do you have for me/us, RaTesh?
RATESH: Ah, my love….we see that you have finally awakened, after hearing our call. You can do these channellings without the liquid stimulant you call coffee, but we see that this….these things help you, as you, have become somewhat addicted to them, both physically (caffeine) and mentally….psychologically. So, try not to be distracted….but we understand your coffee addiction (water beginning to boil). So, most of what you know , what you have been taught…………….
CODY: please!!!…slow down RaTesh….please!!!!
RATESH: ……….in your Earth physics is good, but very primitive and operates, or explains, things in your 3D-4D common Space/Time. However, your String Theory, in your Earth physics of today, is more closer to our understanding, or description of the universe – especially the Multi Dimensional aspects of it. Study this and “gear up”, so to speak, in these nomenclatures, methodologies, and terminologies. However, the Gateway to Intelligent Infinity (GTTI), of which we have often spoken, as the RA Group has, are actually a series of “Gateways”….or, Einstein-Rosen Bridges…..Tube Tori….as you call them, in your common Earth physics.****
****(Note; here, RaTesh is talking about Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which describes the Event Horizon of a Black Hole, when a star collapses in upon itself. As the mass of a star becomes too great, the gravity generated becomes so intense that light itself cannot escape. This is called the Schwartzchild Radius of the star. At this point, an Einstein-Rosen Bridge forms – a hypothetical topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two seperate points in Space-Time – a wormhole – modelled geometrically as a Tube Torus. Theoretically, this could be a dimensional gateway. Here, Ratesh compares this to the Gateway to Intelligent Infinity, described by another channelling group, the Ra Group, a collective consciousness from the 6th dimension, who gave the information found in “The Law of One” book series. As Earth humans connect to higher consciousness and higher dimensions, this is done through a weak magnetic/electric field generated in their Pineal Gland, generally opened during advanced meditation or psychic episodes. This weak magnetic field is in the geometric shape, in 3rd dimensional Cartesian mathematical coordinates, of a Tube Torus, often visualised as a “sausage through a doughnut”. When Earth humans have heightened mystical experiences, like visions, dreams, or “seeing the future”, as well as clairaudient, clairvoyant, empathetic, clairsentient, or other types of “Spiritual” occurrences……their Pineal Gland activates, creating this Portal magnetically/electrically….thus forming a Gateway to Intelligent Infinity, or a dimensional doorway, or Star Gate, or wormhole, allowing access between our 3rd Dimension and the other, higher dimensions. RaTesh has told me that this, in fact, is the same method by which her and I telepath. This causes me to use chemistry in my brain which is not commonly used by Earth humans, who mostly rely upon their cell phones for lower forms of verbal communication. So, I take certain mineral supplements, as directed by the Pleiadians, to compensate for this increased level of telepathic communication.)
RATESH: There is one of these Einstein-Rosen Bridges, or Tube Tori, at each dimensional barrier….but they can also manifest as multiples, pairs, triplets, or even an infinite number of them. Suffice it to say, that at each Dimensional Barrier, a GTTI – consisting of a variable amount of Tube Tori, or Einstein-Rosen Bridges occurs – all determined by the laws and energetic mechanics of the Higher Dimension Liquid Light (HDLL)…..this Liquid Light, as we call it, is the Creation force of all existence, and will be explained in more detail, as our lessons continue…………..(end at 3:26 am)………….to be continued in Message Two.
Links to the Illustrations -
Einstein Rosen Bridge
Norway Spiral in 2009
There are 25 to 30 papers (messages) in this series, and they will be posted as Cody gets them typed up.