Vaccines - Four nurses relate their experiences of giving vaccines to children, one a very personal story
There are four videos from nurses, two of whom are paediatric nurses, the second is a “forensic nurse”, and the fourth calls herself ‘the Patriot nurse’. Numbers one and two have transcripts with excellent information in them on vaccines in general, the third is a personal story of not only her children getting vaccinated, but also what she saw of vaccinated children as a professional nurse in hospital. The fourth is a rant, rather fun to watch, of one who doesn’t mind chicken pox, measles and whooping cough but is against forced vaccination. At the end, I recommend reading what Jesus said about his own crucifixion.. that Pontius Pilate – the governor, “washed his hands”, refused to use his power to stop the crucifixion of an innocent man, and that this, essentially, is a test for us today which will determine our future in this world and our future in the life after this world – in the Heaven or in the Hell – after our bodies die and we leave them to go into the astral life on one level or another.
The first.
The compère is Brandy Vaughan, and the speaker is a paediatric nurse who left nursing because of what she saw of the results from her vaccination of children.
Brandy Vaughan: “Hi everyone. I am live in Costa Mesa. We had a very powerful event – strategy event. Maybe some of you watched the video.. And here in Costa Mesa I have heard so many stories of parents and people who’ve been injured – people who’ve seen injuries, and I wanted to get some of these stories out there. So I met a woman named Galen [pseudonym], who I’m going to put on the camera in a second, and she was a paediatric nurse for 10 years.. And she said she saw every vaccine injury and side effect that’s on the labels, repeatedly, and she has some (there’s an airplane).. and she has some amazingly sad but impactful stories that I think you should hear. So I’m going to turn this around– oops sorry, I didn’t mean to push that button.
So what- what was your wake-up moment? You said you left nursing.. Galen: “Yes.” ..because of the vaccines, so what moment?
Galen:”My wake-up moment was three years into my career, ..started questioning everything, but you’re basically silenced when you swim upstream. And I had a patient who was 18, and she received a ‘flu shot’, and she developed a paralysing disorder called ‘Guillain-Barre Syndrome. And I had no idea.. I was never taught that this was something that can happen from the ‘flu shot’, and I just watched the downfall of this patient.. and you know, it took her seven months to be able to walk again.. and she never walked normally again. She walks with very severe gait, and it was from ONE shot. I couldn’t believe it!
Brandy Vaughan: “So you said you saw lots of injuries on a regular billboard.. or I’m sorry- on a regular basis, and.. Galen: “Yeah”.. and you would mention ten cases of paralysis.. Galen: “Yeah” .. so..
Galen: “Yes. So in the five years that I started looking and really really digging for information, I met nine other patients that developed this paralysing disorder from the ‘flu shot’. You know, and we’re told, ‘Oh, that’s one in a million.. that’s not common’. Now, I’ve only worked in two areas in my nursing career, and that is in the ‘Inland Empire’ [near Los Angeles] and in Orange County [Los Angeles], and in those two areas, in five years, I personally met ten patients who developed this paralysing disorder. So, it makes you want to know, like, how you know it’s actually more common than they let you think it is.. Brandy Vaughan: “You know, way..”- Galen:”Way more common, yes.
Brandy Vaughan: “.. And if you imagine how many nurses are out thee, and how many hospitals and.. Galen: “Yeah.” .. and emergency rooms and all of that.. Galen: “Absolutely.” .. and you were only in the paediatric division. There are a lot of cases of paralysis after flu shots.. Galen: “Absolutely” .. even death”.
Galen: “Absolutely, yep. And I had three different patients that I can remember, who claimed that their family members had died, post ‘flu shot’. You know, I honestly can’t remember the number of how many parents I spoke to, who claimed their kids passed away after their flu shots. Some of them were shots in general, and you know, some of them even were diagnosed by a doctor, like “Yep, that was from the- from the shots.“
You know, that’s terrible.. I mean every reaction you can name ‘under the Sun’, I’ve seen more than once. I’ve seen in my career, thousands of kids, and I mean, it’s literally everything: swelling of the brain, loss of speech, loss of use of limbs, seizures, gut issues.. I mean, name it.. I even had- and I will never ever forget the guilt I felt after this.. I gave a ‘TDaP shot’ [tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis] to a five-year-old and she developed early onset menopause at five… Now, I gave her the shot, you know, and I- the guilt I felt after that.. She will never ever have kids. How do you explain that to a kid.. How do you explain that, you know.. And it’s just- It’s awful!
Brandy Vaughan: “And actually that’s interesting – a story that you share, because just last week, some stories came out about the declining fertility rate in the U.S. And it is “shocking doctors and scientists”, and nobody has any idea what it is related to.. and yet, there are hundreds of studies showing the link between fertility issues, early onset of menopause, ovarian failure.. all these type of things after vaccines. And it’s not just one vaccine, the HPV [human papilomavirus vaccine] is a culprit of this, but also other vaccines as well.
Galen: “And, you know, the- the pieces are right there, but nobody wants to put them together, especially because the medical system and the pharmaceutical industry together they’re definitely going to.. Brandy Vaughan: “So..”.. Galen: There’s something that I will tell you that will probably shock, or not shock, whoever is listening.. is that as a medical professional I was never trained in the ‘side effects’ of vaccines. I was only ever trained, “this is what you give”, “this is when and this is why.” I was never told “why not” or “this class of patients can’t handle these.” I never knew this. Only when I saw reactions, did I start looking myself and reading the “vaccine inserts”.
Now, I had no idea that vaccines had ‘Mercury’ and ‘Aluminium’ and ‘formaldehyde’ and ‘lead’. I didn’t know that, you know, I just thought, “These are good.. these are good for you.” .. because that’s what I was told. And it was a sad day when I realised that that everything that I was doing. that I thought was going to help patients, I was actually hurting them. And that’s why I left.. I could no longer be responsible for hurting patients.
Brandy Vaughan: “Thank you for your integrity.. Galen: “You’re welcome”.. I wish more would connect the dots.. And I wish more would step out of the system, because if they really want to heal.. and I do believe that many medical professionals get into it with great intentions.. Galen: “Yes.” .. and we need them to tell these stories from the inside, and step out and create an alternative healthier system. So, thank you for all you do, and thank you for sharing your story… Thanks for all you do!
note. Brandy Vaughan was murdered inside her home sometime between Thanksgiving (Nov. 26th) and December 8th when it was reported online.
The second.
Rachael Celler is the speaker.
Hello everyone, my name is Rachael Celler, and I’m a registered nurse. My specialty is forensic nursing.. I expose medical crime, one misdiagnosis at a time. I help people discover the root cause of disease. I’m also a holistic nurse, so I specialise in all things natural medicine – integrative and functional medicine.
Today, I have a very important message for you about vaccines containing MRC5 cell-line. This is an urgent message. But before I go into it, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. When I graduated from highschool, I joined the United States navy and I became a hospital corpsman.. I remember injecting newborn babies with a Vitamin K and Hepatitis-B vaccine. I was 18 years old. At the time, I really didn’t quite understand what I was doing. Looking back now, I also remember people leaving from boot camp on crutches after receiving Hepatitis-B vaccine.
What we now know about vaccines is that they are genetically modified organisms. They are made in a lab. They are using aborted human foetal cells. I also want to tell you that my brother, who is 18 years old, was vaccine injured. He went paralysed from the waist down after a flu shot, and none of the doctors knew what was wrong with him. He was also born with Downs Syndrome. So all these things compiled, um, was very devastating for the family.
And I will tell you today that these vaccines that they are making.. Uh, the only thing I can think of is calling it “witchcraft” – medical sorcery; this is vaccine sorcery, because the MRC5 cell-line is actually used, using aborted human foetal tissue. This foetal tissue has been around since the 1960′s.. And I want to teach you how to read medical literature like a pro. Every vaccine insert that contains MRC5 cell-line, has an insert, and on that insert it will say MRC5.
The most concerning thing to me is healthcare professionals.. I don’t think that all of them fully understand what they’re injecting. The most important message that I can tell anyone is – doctors, nurses, pharmacists especially – know what you’re injecting into people, and MRC5 cell-line contains aborted human foetal tissue from the 1960′s … BUT, the important thing to know about it is that it is an ‘immortalised cell-line’.. That means continuous. Anything that divides continuously is an abnormal cell – that is CANCER.
The other word that is really important to know is ‘diploid’. Human diploid cells, that is, human foetal tissue, okay? Some of the vaccines that contain ‘MRC5 cell-line’ [Medical Research Council] are the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varivax (chicken pox), Hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), and the Polio vax. The important thing to know also is that Dr Andrew Wakefield said, “We are living on a virgin soil“, which means, you think you have immunity to, uh, you know, to measles, mumps, rubella, but you’ve never seen that, because we’ve been given genetically modified vaccines. That’s not the true ‘measles’, ‘mumps’ or ‘rubella’.
So this is a report from an institution called, ‘Corvelva’. and this is an institution out of Italy.. And this is a ‘report on a genome sequencing‘ that basically.. They’re showing – so here on the right, you have what they are considering normal human DNA. and on the left, notice the center, how it’s all like spaghetti.
abnormal center.
So this DNA that they’re creating in a lab has, insertions, deletions, and translocations. What that means is .. What that means is the normal ‘A-T, C-G’ sequence the DNA has, is being rewritten.
The human genome is being rewritten by scientists and their AI-dot programs that they use to sequence DNA. This is- This is basically injecting Cancer into your body. So there’s a thousand large deletions, there’s ten inversions.. all of this comes from the aborted human foetal cell-line – the lung tissue in particular. So you can go to ‘‘ and print this out. I’m going to put a link below.
Some important language.. “engineered sell-line”, this is testing for genetic stability. Engineered cell-line. In this report it talks about basically residual- With “residual DNA it could be oncogenic (Oncogenic means Cancer. That’s “onco cell”, oncogen, oncogenes) including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes, or insertional mutagenesis (“Mutant”, there’s the word) following DNA integration. Residual DNA might be capable of transmitting viral infections if retroviral pro-viruses integrated copies of DNA virus or extrachromosomal genomes are present.” So basically they’re taking aborted human foetal cells that are cancerous, and they are putting it into your vaccine.
MRC5 cell-line is a genetically modified cell-line, but this is nothing new.. that’s in the inserts. This is why we have cancer and autoimmune folks. It’s very important not to fall into any of the “cancer vaccine scams”. Vaccines are ‘bioweapons’, and the ones that contain MRC5 cell-line is a whole other level of a bioweapon. It’s grown in a monkey kidney. So this report, here, um.. Wow! It’s such a good report. So cell.. “Certain cell lines with the ability to multiply indefinitely (which means, they keep going).” These cells have been around since the 1960′s. It’s in the polio vaccine, and they’ve known that.. And it’s called ‘continuous cell-lines’. “For vaccines produced in continuous cells-lines, both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic, risk assessment and risk mitigation must be performed.” So that’s that part of the report..
The other part is, again, We’re trying to rewrite the human genome. So when you inject yourself- .. Forget that.. When people say that they don’t want to eat genetically modified foods… That’s one thing. But to understand the true mechanism of what is happening when you put a genetically modified organism into the body, that’s where the cancer and autoimmune comes in. So this report.. Every family in the world should have this report.. um, You’ll see an unusually high incidence of MS [multiple sclerosis] in nurses, because nurses are given the vaccines. But it’s a three series, when they wanted to push that on us, so I won’t inject vaccines into myself because I know the truth about vaccines.. I know what’s in them.
They are bioweapons .. And my new term is “medical sorcery”. It’s “vaccine sorcery”. This is witchcraft.. This is- this is basically, people doing dark things in dark labs. And the truth has always been there, but it’s been suppressed. So in conclusion, we’re talking about.. uhhhh .. “several unknown variants – variants – and some are located in genes involving cancer.” So they tell you everything in the report.. (Where’s the other part of it?) So, conclusion..
So in conclusion, any vaccine that contains MRC5 cell-line… Professionals.. doctors, nurses,, please — I (sigh), I can’t express enough how we have such a knowledge deficit in our communities, and most pharmacists that I’ve asked aren’t even really aware of MRC5 cell-line.. Or what it is, to be able to explain it. But why would you inject cancer-laced vaccines into yourself, into your friends, into your family?.. DON’T DO IT. As professionals that have a healthcare license .. If you have a license to inject, PLEASE, understand, read the inserts, do your- Do your homework and advocate for your patients. Educate them about the truth about vaccines.
“So as a consequence, this vaccine should be considered defective and potentially dangerous for human health, in particular of the paediatric population, who is much more vulnerable and to genetic and autoimmune damage due to the immaturity of the repair systems” .. If you want any information on the truth about vaccines, you can go to ‘‘. You can look up Dr Andrew Wakefield.. And more importantly, I encourage you to watch ‘Vaxxed (the movie), the CDC cover-up to catastrophe‘. The whistleblowers have been blowing the whistle for a very long time. The truth is out! MMR vaccine is a cancer-laced vaccine; it causes cancer and autoimmune. Look at the vaccine insert, read the ingredients.. ‘MRC5 cell-line’, ‘human diploid’, ‘immortalised cell-line’, ‘continuous cell-line’ ,, That is all cancer, ladies and gentlemen.
So, my name is Rachael Celler, you can call me ‘the forensic nurse’ if you want to follow me for the most cutting-edge, uh, news and health care information. How to heal naturally. You can follow me on ‘Instagram’, I’m on ‘Linkedin’. I’m on ‘Facebook’.. But I have my website, ‘‘ or ‘‘. Signing off.
The third.
The fourth.
Jesus’ story.
Chapter 8, click on Chapter 8.
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